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Everything posted by SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa
This is for the UK peeps. Check out this docu on monday @ 11.00pm it follows writer Darcus Howe's prediction of troubled times ahead for Britains immigrant population. It features the increasing divide between certain ethnic communities such as west indians and africans and is also said to include the beefs between somalis and sikhs in Birmingham.
browsing through this website and i was shocked to find so many anti/somali posts that really disguisted me. i think it comes down to knowing that somalis are the minority in that website and also most if not all have visited somalinet forums and have been deeply scarred by some of the things that was said on there so now they have tarred all somalis with the same brush and feel that they can say whatever they went because the same shiite is happening in somalinet. anyways read for yourselves http://www.blackchat.co.uk/theblackforum/forum2/3941.html http://www.blackchat.co.uk/theblackforum/forum2/4028.html
im half arab and i think it's a shame for this man to call himself manofwisdom and then prove that he is far from wise or intelligent. you have issues mate :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Pyromaniac_Pixie: I've figured it out. Manofwisedom or rather man without wisedom is a sh!t disturber that would like to be thought of as wise, but is your average or under average Joe Schmo. Who has nothing better to do than think of tedious topics (ie; somali women are only beautiful when slim, we are better than arabs, I like this and not that,etc,.). They (I doubt it's a he) have too much time on their hands and need to put down other ethnicities in order to feel good about themselves (hinting at very low self esteem) and to engage in pointless arguing and name calling with faceless cyber characters because they may not have the courage to do it off the net. Thus a coward that is given courage by the anonymousness of the interent. loooool, agree with ya sis
i would say mobb-deep :cool:
WHY black men desire white women so much
SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa replied to sYric-STiPHuLLa's topic in General
Damn....this is a big issue that is'nt doing any favours to the black womens self-esteem, but its prety obvious that the black man aint too bothered about it, so they should just get over it. lol that last reference about black men lusting after a white woman with a dark skin reminded me of an interview i read once about iman where she said a leading black magasine ebony or vibe (dunno) hated on her when she first came out, by calling her a 'white woman dipped in chocolate'. -
Originally posted by SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa: <<<JOSEPH STALIN :confused: Well done comrade! You're one of the big boys! When you're not holding speeches about how everyone is equal in the communist society, you're busy living the high-life while millions starve, freeze or get worked to death! You zany person you! LOOOOOOOOOL mine shoulda said im JOSEPH STALIN :confused:
<<<JOSEPH STALIN :confused: Well done comrade! You're one of the big boys! When you're not holding speeches about how everyone is equal in the communist society, you're busy living the high-life while millions starve, freeze or get worked to death! You zany person you! LOOOOOOOOOL
Whilst working in an Obstetrics & Gynacology ward i have witnessed many muslim girls coming in for quick abortions, and i emphasise on the word "quick", because if these ladies were in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (less than 49 days) all they had to do is come in take 2 pills, bleed for a couple of hours and baam,they are now 'baby free'. What is worrying for me is the rise & easy access of the emergency contraception (morning after pill) which can be purchased easily in any pharmacy or from your doctor. In march 2oo2, 20 pharmacies in Bristol (UK) were distributing this pill for free as part of a 'pilot program'. One day i attended this question & answer session as part of my training, this meeting was-(it was attended mainly by muslim girls from pakistan, egypt amongst others) for young teens set up by the nurses to raise awareness of safe sex & STD'S. It was all going well until they (the nurses) started heavily promoting the use of emergency contraception & informing them of its easy acces, effectivness and how its much more "attractive" than abortions because no murder is actually being commited as the foetus aint even formed yet (BUT human life is present & valuable from the moment of fertilisation)....in other words they were sayin **** around as much as you want, then pop this pill & its all good (promoting pre-martial sex). There was no mention of the side affects & problems this pill can cause such as infertility, ectopic pregnnacy, haemorrighe, blood clots, higher risk of safe sex not being practiced etc. I mentioned my concerns to one of the nurses which was, seeing as most of these teens are muslim/young girls they should not be advertising this pill(which involves complications,engaging in pre-martial sex & the killing of innocent unborn children) and that MAYBE if these girls go through the physical & psychological trauma of an abortion it might scare em enough to stop them having sex or may even start practicing safe sex. Her reply was "That is not our problem, are u aware that the UK has the highest teen pregnancies in Europe, we are not here to preach religion & ethics, we are here to stop this rising problem in our country in any way we can". I also find out that emergency contraception is also good news for the NHS's budget in the UK which spends millions each year on these procedures....so they are also saving money at the same time. There is so much i can say about this issue but i will finish off by saying that the parents (also siblings & cousins should get involved too) need to open their eyes and start speaking, educating and LISTENING to their children becuase these gaalos :mad: are spreading a very bad message to these confused and horny girls. These youngns wanna engage in pre-martial sex but at the same time they are scared of getting pregnant so this idea of a magic pill that you can take up 2 days after you have had sex that will eventually solve your main fear (a child out of wedlock) is devil music to their ears.... The use of this pill will also lead to them not using any other protection (condoms) because they are more concerned of NOT having a bun in the oven then catching nasty, fatal diseaese's. This alarming issue should be adressed quickly, because in certain countries they are introducing a bill to make this pill available in high school to any teen that requests it.... i think this is already hapening in the UK. In canada though a new bill was introduced called 'school children health protection act' which probhits any school dispensing this pill to school children. if a school is found to be handing out this 'killing chemical' then its federal funding by the govt will be removed.
hmmm, i would say 7/10 for my niiko, but i personally prefer belly dancing, im better at that, aint no fifi abdo but i try my best- you can get really creative with it & i dont find it as repetitive as niiko but maybe thats cus i dont niiko that often.
SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa replied to SHAKA ZULU's topic in General
Originally posted by silent-sistah: lol the best kiss, is not dealt, no physical contact neccesary, its the kiss the eye gives, the kiss felt when he smiles, yes! its scary, u end up lost and drowning, alone, tummy tightening, twisting, and twirling, jumping, summer-sulting, the best thing,,,,is the thought of the kiss! once u kiss, u dissmiss, the ill feeling of guilt, heating ur cheeks, like a quilt, u cant speak, u retreat, regret, run! Pray u dont die 2day, pray u make it home 2pray, Pray 4 4giveness, pray 4 Allah's Kindness, pray u never sin-again! that's so tru silent-sistah -
this summer im feelin 112 Feat. Supercat - Na Na Na Ginuwine Feat. S.T.R.A.W.S. - In Those Jeans (Remix) Monica Feat. Busta Rhymes & Missy - So Gone (Remix) Outlandish- Guentanimo R.Kelly- Snake Craig David- Personal Talib Kweli feat Jay-Z and Busta Rhymes - 'Got To Get By'
Originally posted by opinionated: **hehehe** I feel, lexus! How come out of all the wedding I've been to ..or watched...No one plays the good slow song???? They are either early 90's 112 type songs...which is sappy if you ask me !!! C'mon now...play some marvin gaye (seksuall feelinnnnnnnn, seksual...feeling baby!) Somalis are jokas 4real wen it comes to selecting tunes for that all important slow dance.Its like they dont pay attention to the lyrics but are more concerened with how it sounds. The songs that i hear in most somali weddings in the UK are joe-i wanna know what turns you on (good tune but it's jokes seeing sum halimo & farax dancing to that with their whole family watching & LISTENING) boyzIImen-End of the road (i mean not only is it OLD, but are the lyrics suitable for a wedding?, its about breaking up n shit talk about jinxing ur future) Again anotha boyzIImen song-i'll make luv 2 u (what can i say!!!!) Thats all i can think of.
15 minutes that can ruin your dream, future and life
SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa replied to Guled92's topic in General
This is an old article by the British broadsheet newspaper The Guardian. Breaking through taboos about Aids held by the UK's African community makes the sufferers hard to reach and therefore hard to treat, reports Mary Braid Wednesday November 28, 2001 The Guardian In a packed little room at an east London health centre, Mohamud Yasin is telling his story to a dozen Somali women. The group, previously restless, is suddenly hushed and still. Yasin, 27, who fled the warlords of Somalia two years ago, is describing how he went to a GP after he arrived in Britain with what he thought were symptoms of malaria. He speaks slowly and confidently in his mother tongue, but he swallows now and then. For this is the first time he has told this story in public to members of his own community. Stigma has, until now, kept him silent. "The doctor sent me to St Mary's hospital for tests," he says. "Three days later the hospital told me I was HIV positive. The relative I was staying with in London was with me. By three that afternoon, he had put all my belongings on the pavement outside his house. He had telephoned everyone I knew to tell them I had Aids and I was dying. I was so shocked by everything and I had no one." Yasin tells the women he felt suicidal during those dark, early months. The women have never met someone from their own community brave enough to admit to being HIV positive. In Britain, new HIV infection rates are now higher among heterosexuals than homosexuals, and the majority of the new heterosexual infections are within African communities, but stigma and denial within those communities is hampering this latest battle with the virus. A bad situation is exacerbated by fear among HIV agencies that publicity highlighting African communities as a high risk group could cause a racist backlash, particularly against asylum seekers and refugees. Meanwhile, too many Africans, whether infected in Africa or Britain, are presenting so late with symptoms that they are beyond the help of the antiretrovirals that can remove the automatic death sentence of Aids. "The communities will not let us in," complains the woman health specialist leading this Somali Aids session. Originally from Uganda, the specialist, employed by the local authority, is fed up with imams who think sex education only encourages promiscuity and who insist that there is no pre-marital sex in their communities. She is frustrated also with communities which deny the Aids threat and - despite the sympathetic response of the women today - generally ostracise those infected. She sighs at the widespread reluctance of men to wear condoms. At the previous week's session, when condoms were produced, one woman stormed out, shouting: "Disgusting". At the end of this session, at least one woman still thinks that Aids is "a punishment from God". Part of the trouble, according to this health worker, who needs to remain anonymous, is that Somali refugees - unlike Ugandans - saw few cases of Aids back home. Uganda was among the first African countries to see its population ravaged by Aids and among the very few to introduce a successful national campaign of sex education. And in Britain, the Ugandan community has the most well established anti-Aids groups. Social marginalisation and poor English makes newly arrived Somalis hard to reach. "At first I thought I was the only Somali with HIV," says Yasin, who was encouraged by St Mary's Paddington, west London - his main support when he was rejected by his community - to set up his own Horn of Africa HIV support group two years ago. It now has 60 members and every one of them, according to the founder, has their own story of rejection and stigmatisation. But Yasin is the only one who will talk at public meetings. Yasin set up the group from home but he now works out of the Globe Centre at Stepney Green, east London, trying to shake up his community's complacency by arguing for sympathy, acceptance and understanding. "People like me are not coming forward because the community does not show support or love and so they are bearing the burden alone," Yasin tells the Somali women. Later, he says that Somalis have kind hearts and he knows they would respond better if they had more information about HIV. Lisa Power, head of policy at Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, agrees that the huge stigma surrounding the disease in African communities is helping the virus spread. The trust is battling against evangelical churches that advise black people with HIV to give up treatment, as well as the tendency of African refugees to delay HIV testing because of the widespread assumption that a positive test will not help an asylum application. But Power also acknowledges a reluctance among Aids organisations to highlight the high risk in African communities. "I understand the fear about increasing prejudice, but it is doing no one any favours," says Power, who sees strong parallels with another "denial of the reality" in the 1980s. "Then there was a fear that if gay men were targeted in particular, it would fuel anti-gay prejudice," she says. "It did the gay male community such a disservice. I hear that same view now in relation to African communities." If all this was not enough, there is an additional difficulty. In Britain, expertise in fighting HIV rests in the gay community, but African men in particular are wary of being associated with anything gay. Graeme Parker, project manager of the Globe, says that only a few years ago the centre was "a place where gay white men waited to die". Now half the Globe's clients are black heterosexuals. Parker admits there are tensions in trying to serve both groups, though centres like the Globe must find a way if they are to secure future funding. At Terrence Higgins, Power recognises that black men especially are not accepting of gay expertise. But she adds that prejudice works both ways. "Racism doesn't stop just because you are gay," she says. The Ugandan health worker talks with sympathy about the rejection of her boss, a gay man, by some African communities. "Think how hurt he feels," she says. "He has all that experience and he wants to help." However, she adds that to have maximum impact in the Somali community, Yasin may have to distance himself from the Globe. "The Somali community still sees the Globe as a gay centre and homosexuality as a sin," she says. Consultation on the government's long-awaited national strategy on sexual Health and HIV ends on December 21. In her submission, Winnie Sseruma, who chairs the African HIV policy network, will ask the government to channel more money for HIV and Aids education through African community groups. "People listen to people who speak a language they understand," she says. She is torn by the question of greater openness about the high risk in African communities. While she believes publicity would help get the message through to the vulnerable, she also fears increased prejudice. "It is tricky," Sseruma says. "I wish I could say there was one answer." Such article proves that 'hidden or unknown AIDS' does exist in the somali community weather we like it or not. -
How can you tell your partner that she is too kinky?
SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa replied to Mindstate's topic in General
mindstate all i can advice you is to just tell her how you feel cuz commnication is the key in all relationship....i mean as long as you're not opossed to all her adventurous ideas then im sure she will be cool hope that helps p.s it seems these days that no one can ask for advice from his fellow nomads without having his head bitten off or being judged unfairly. :rolleyes: -
Originally posted by jeenyo: Hey does anyone know a good website where i can listen to somali songs, I too am part of that "lost" generation, but i am not totally lost......if you catch my drift www.sanaag.net has good heeso section.
salaam walaal here's my tips Dont watch t.v espiceally music & movie channels, if thats hard for you then just limit ur viewing time slowly. Stay away from peeps who aint on the right path in life cuz they will take u down with them. If they are lifelong friends & you still wanna be in contact make sure you explain to them that u aint on that & they should respect your wishes and not try & force you 2 do things you dont want to. The phone is also another problem.......gossip,gossip,gossip. If somebody is talking about someone in a bad way or is talking nasty >>>>>hang up. Lastly parties & clubs are the devils hangout so you know what you gotta do in regards 2 that. I hope that helped
Originally posted by Lakkad: ACWW! Dhalin yaro i was thinking of this for a while. Is the somali language nasty misse its the ppeople oo waxa rogaya! Lemme give U and example!-Anything tha comes and ends with the word....'D*ABBO has the potential of being translated to some nasty. loooooooooooooooooooool, u sure are funny but its true some things do sound kinda nasty. Eg- 'Labaatankan shilin sii qaado sodonka kale GADAAL aa kaa keenaa! Baabuurkaas ka d*aba tag!... Afka D*abada Usaar! now thas nasty lol!(see already am there!) and so many numerous of other somali words i just happened to Use tha Word. What am trying to say: is it the culture that makes us so shy or is it that our ppl are so Nasty and that the slightest chance we get to say some nasty stuff we take the opportunity?-classic freudian-sexual tension!?(any pych majors-translate this) lemme see whats Ur Put on this
TACSI: A very sad day for Somalia Online
SeNsHuAl_sHaAdIa replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
Ina Lilaah Wa Ina Ileeyhi Rajucuun, even though i did not know him personally, he was still a brother of mine so my deepest condolences goes out to his family & friends. -
lets try this game. its basically a word-associaton game. example= LOVE-----LUST so the next word has to be linked with LUST.
Hey, i wanted to get this off my chest :mad: . I have come to notice that we somali's are very quick to lose our culture, tradition & deen compared to some other countries such as pakistan, afghans, yemenys & others. I must stress that im not saying all somali ppl but just a few minority who are giving us a bad name. In the uk where im from there are 3rd generation pakistanis & bangledshi ppl & they still wear their traditional clothes, speak their language, listen to their music, marry their own. & maybe they have neve been to their country but by observing them you would think they got off at heathrow yesterday straight from islamabad. on the other hand i have seen some halimos that came from badiiya 6months ago & they are walking round half naked, drinking & smoking, going from one club to anotha, using the 8 broken sentences they learned in their ESL class yet dening they know somali & even having haram sex with the 1st man that holla's at them. & same also goes from sum guys too, although i have personally seen more girls turn out this way. I dont wan to babble on but wat makes it worse is that sum of these ppl feel that they aint done nuthing wrong & are infact parading it around. There are soo many somali ppl that came out in the media disgracing our countries name. Iman, waris sumthin, ayan hersi, that woman aman that wrote the book on her life & probably more. not including the others that are not infront of the media, like the halimos i mentioned & the 2 somali gay guys i saw hugging & kissing up in soho, UFFFFF. What is the cause of this, that some of our ppl are quick 2 lose their culture, & then parading thier shame proudly insted of hiding it?
So please don’t call a god made human a “Baboob”… for your information Darman when i mentioned the baboon i meant the actual ANIMAL, i.e if god forbid lovely me even chose to marry a baboon thats her choice... i would not refer to any human being regardless of where they are from as an animal. comprende now. :cool:
i have not being here long & infact i dnt even know you, but still a big CONGRATULATIONS from me.
im sorry but who are you to dictate what she should do with her life, wethere she chooses to marry a somali, an afghan or a baboon from timbuktu, thats her CHOICE & her LIFE. :mad: when a somali guy chooses to marry a non-somali no one blinks in fact they boast about it but when a sister does the same all hell breaks loose. :rolleyes: .. plz you need to get a life, he is muslim & thats all that counts. and if u really cared bout her well-being you would not be blasting her business on the net you would've talked to her personally.
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