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Posts posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. JB sxb explain how an illegal seperation can become a legal union upon freedom( I assume you though the colonisation of northern Somalia was ileegal and un-called fromm the people themeselves). The only way it can seperate again is through a new foreign colonisation in which I believe maybe some harcore successionists wouldnt mind again being subjects of the old Queen :D:D:D

  2. Originally posted by Heliostropolis:

    quote:Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Cadaan iyo shariif kala dheera.Walle Kigame looks more somali then Sharif

    Haa waa runtaa...Sharifku waa hal neegaar ah!

    Ninka qof soo baara asalkiisa ayaan u baahannahay.
    :DLool everyone who speaks somali is somali but as some clans dont have a clue of where they came from that will be an issue.... Sharifka asalkiisa inaga daa laakin Kigame sure look more Somali then Sharifka :D:D:D

  3. Ya allah if he was Sheikh hotel then Abdullahi was Sheikh embaghati but what you seem to be unable to understand is that Abdullahi defended what sheikh sharif was calling un-islamic and foreign and fought the insurgency in which sharif was the head. That caused all the mayhem and misery your blind to today but was ready to condemn and cry sympathy tears with the somali people who lost there lifes. The guy fought the system in order to be the head of it. Doesnt boil down to it that Abdullahi was rejected by the sharif supporters because of his clan and now Sharif supporters like you accept Sharif him because his from x clan.

  4. Xiin sxb if anyone is confused its those who supported sharif all along... His actions caused this:



    1. Called the TFG murtidiin and something secular ~~~ Months later and thousands killed fighting the tfg he became the head of it....


    2. Called the constitution unislamic and something christian brought from the west~~~~~~ Months later took an oath under the holy koran to defend it.


    3. Called the TFG Parliament full of crooks and daba-******s of which all of them where under the payroll of the christian crusaders~~~~~ Months later and countless dead and brutal insurgency fought inside the civilian populations and then got elected by these so called crooks and happily befriends them as they elcted him.



    4. Called democracy some xaraan ideology who's tenents where westernised and incompatible with Islam~~~ Months later that very same ideology who's foundation derives from that very same xaraan constitution brought him the power.



    Now tell me one thing Xiin. Should I respect the man who had the chance to spare the somali people of the brutal misery they suffered under the ethiopians and his insurgency, but took road of gambling and refused to negiotiate at the Khartoum Talks and went to capture Baydhabo and vowed never to join or negotiate with the 'murtids'.


    Atleast Aweys never left the hotels of Asmara and still sticks to his conviction and deserves all respect but sheikh hotel didnt care of inticing the ethiopians in for full scale war and tens of thousands of somalis killed as long as he fulfilled his power ambitions.