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Posts posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. Al zeylacawi......


    Point one the sheikh says Al qaida is financed by jews who's aim is to tarnish the view of Islam around the world. Who send foreign fighters and finances to Shabaab. Are you so dumb that in far WAA WEYN wax laguugu sheego adeer. But he doesnt say jews are in direct control of shabaab but they control those who finance them.


    Secondly you would think that during the Gaza war you'd see all the people of Kismaayo,Marka and Baydhabo demonstrating for their brothers, but hey neither did it happen throughout Somalia but you'd think those who say they are the real and only muslim would lead by example.



    Thirdly if those who are in control of Arabia are themselves jews in origin and faked their Qahtan abtirsi. A letter to the british doesnt explain a thing but who was it that was advocating for he refusal of including Xamas in any political negotiations ?


    Who was it that even refused to talk during the Gaza war and was told to shut up while non muslim countries like Venezuela was calling it a genocide?



    Get your facts straights brother

  2. Originally posted by Farancab:

    Haddaba, ninkii qaba in
    Ahlusunna Wal Jameeca
    ayna taageero ka kala helin labada dawladood ee Mr.Ahmed iyo Mr.Melez maamushaan, runtii waa nin xaqiiqyo badan oo wakhti yar gudahood banaanka imaan doona ka indho tiran.

    Adeerow gacaliye hadii lagugu soo naas nuujiyey onlf baa dagaalanta iyo xabaashi baa meel joogta dee adna insha alaah dadka wakhtiyadaan dhow jiqi iyo jirqi la tagi doona baad noqon. Adoo ciyaal ah baad la timid Ahlu sunnah wa sidaa iyo sidaa bal micnaha magacaasi ma mid xabashi soo keeney mise uu mid qorey? Intaad aayar meeshaan uga baxdid ana kugu dari maayo

  3. Libaax brother if Al shabaab sees the UN bodies as all the illwill in somalia then Abu Mansoor woouldnt have called them and held meeting with them so that he would allow them to operate in Bay and Bakool. That smacks of hypocrisy so loud bro especially when you hear that the poor children of Shabeelaha Dhexe wont be getting any vaccines because of the looting in their hometown by the Shabaabs.



    Kashafoow alow yaa ku kashifiyee maxaad ka tiri arintaan :D:D:D

  4. This happens brother when you skim through information with the sole purrpose of finding anything that would discredit the person and paying no attention at all the cashar being given :D



    I hope there's no more of these mishaps

    Originally posted by Al Zeylacawi ^^ do you agree with him that Jews paid Shababs/qacida to carryout 9.11

  5. No brother neither am I an ignorant nor am deaf. On that part he talk about that the Al saud family who are jews in their origins had made and agrement with Abdiwahaab at that time that the offsprings of Al-saud family would run the control and the followers of Abdulwahaab should control the religious affairs. These men and their forefather have agreed in contract that one party keeps enriching itself and the other to uphold the religion in a wrong way and so it is today.. Shuyukhda comprising of Al Saud family is what he talk about but where Ya Zeylaci does he talk about all the other clans in Arabia.


    Pls brother dont confuse yourself more then what you are.

  6. Bro neither is Ahlu sunnah supported by ethiopia whose main financiers are America and Israel who have an interest in Somalia not stabilising. Secondly the sheiks said the Al-Saud family origins are of jews and thats true, and you dont need to ask saudis themselves to know about it just ask average somali who've lived in Saudi Arabia for cople of years. Thirdly The sheikh said 9/11 was carried out Al-Qaida and not Shabaab and neither does he mention of Shabaab not allowing demonstrations against Israel. So sxb pls stop the misinformation and do follow the whole clip...

  7. Orignally posted by xiinfaniin: Bisqin baa nin weyn kugu dirtoon biidna kuu tarine'e Baaluqa ismood wiil hadduu buuryo goys yahay'e

    War xiin ciyaalka iska daa he's already succesfully radicalised you :D:D Yarka fahmi maaye ee iska daa waxaan in ka badan waa child abuse :D

  8. Meiji dont wast time looking here are the points.


    They reduced the taxes on port duties so low that so called 'businessmen' have left Muqdishu for Kismaayo.


    No flight to Kismaayo since the middle of last year.


    The people of Kismaayo complaining about the former regime who used to collect bribes and unlawful taxes. Alxamdulilaah those thugs are gone and the people of Kismaayo baa iska kiciyay.



    Kashafa what am amzed at is Al jazeera choose to delete the picture of the North Korean ship in port.... U seem to have connections to the team in Doha huh :D


    Besides inagu wax dhadhan leeh no keen see camal, markab north korea baa kusoo xirtay kismaayo oo ciirta aa jugleh :D:D:D



    Adiguna bal daawo cajalada sxb I knw you will watch all parts. Inshalaah ana halkeyaga baan dikri iyo ducaba ka wadayaa :D

  9. UNICEF Condemns Looting of Life-Saving Humanitarian Supplies in Jowhar :


    Statement by Christian Balslev- Olesen, UNICEF Representative to Somalia



    Wednesday, May 20, 2009


    NAIROBI, 20 May 2009 : UNICEF strongly condemns the looting and destruction of humanitarian supplies and its facilities in Jowhar by militiamen and is deeply distressed by the impact this will have on UNICEF’s programmes supporting the children and women of Somalia, said Christian Balslev- Olesen, UNICEF Representative to Somalia, in a statement today.


    After Al Shabaab took over control of Jowhar town – located 90 kilometers north of Mogadishu - on 17th May 2009, reports were received of militiamen raiding UNICEF’s compound and undertaking large scale looting and destruction of humanitarian supplies, assets and equipments.


    The cold chain (vaccine storage) equipment has been affected, destroying thousands of doses of measles, polio and other vaccines that were meant to prevent serious diseases among Somali children. Supplies of food for the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition among children were also looted.


    The loss and damage of crucial supplies for children and women and the break in the supply chain will have an enormous impact on UNICEF’s overall programmes as Jowhar is the main hub for the provision of services and supplies to the whole of the Central and Southern regions of Somalia.


    “Our programmes, including provision of immunization against preventable diseases like measles and polio, operation of feeding centres for acutely malnourished children, implementation of Child Health Days Campaign, as well as provision of safe drinking water will be severely hampered, putting the lives of vulnerable children and their communities at risk.”


    Over 50,000 severely malnourished children who are in life-threatening conditions, in addition to over 85,000 moderately malnourished children, will be affected by the break in nutritional and medical supplies. This incident will disrupt the implementation of the second round of the Child Health Days Campaign targeting to reach over 1.2 million under-five children and 840,000 women with a high-impact life-saving health and nutritional package.


    “These malicious acts of looting and vandalism that pose a serious threat to the lives and welfare of Somali children must stop,” said Balslev-Olesen. “UNICEF urges all parties involved to have children’s well-being at heart. Humanitarian operations must not be impeded.”



    For more information please contact:

    - Iman Morooka, Communication Officer, UNICEF Somalia, Email: imorooka@unicef.org, Mobile: +254 714 606 733


    - Robert Kihara, Communication Officer, UNICEF Somalia, Email: rkihara@unicef.org, Mobile: +254 722 206 883


    Source: UNICEF, May 20, 2009



  10. Alah maxaa belo la isku daray.


    Firstly those Ahlu Sunnahs were firstly consisted of the Xeraale clan and has now been added with suufi's from Caabudwaq clan. You can see at all the top men of Ahlu sunnah are from the Xeerale clan i.e. Al Ashcari, Sh. Bile bashiir,Sheekh Cabdulqadir Soomoow, Sheikh Abu yusuf and Sheekh Ali Maxamuud Shiikh Ibraahim Suuley(Alaha ha uu naxariisto aabihiis) and reer xerta Sheikh Yusuf are all from the same clan.


    These guys were smart and quickly settled a long standing feud with the other Caabudwaq clan which they live together in Gedo too and both lost hundreds in the 2006 war.



    The latter clan holds a meeting in Nairobi here


    Then a peace accord signed here paves the way for both clans to fight under the banner of Ahlu Sunnah.


    What prevented the Guriceel and Dhuusa Mareeb clan to join even tough some fighters are in the group was when the Ugaas of the clan asked them to leave and he was given ultimatum to either be in house arrest or leave and he choose the second and left for Nairobi. Then I know Aweys requested to come back to Guriceel and was fobidden and went to Muqdishua and here we are now.


    Guusha waa Ahlu sunnah Inshalaah

  11. Firstl there's two reasons why I didnt tell her from the start.


    1... Personal experince in that a week earlier from her starting the job I was sitting in the train and two somali girls visiting london sat next two me and overheard their conversation. They were about to get off at the wrong station so I said in somali, this is not your stop but the next one. Then she says 'Allah ma somaali baad aheyd, haa baan ku idhi markaasey igu tidhi hadaan somaali ku moodey kumaanan ag fadhisteen. Oo sabab baan idhi saa waxey tidhi waan ka xishoon lahaa. She wanted to sit next to me because she though I was something else but when she found out I was somali she dont anymore :D:D


    2.... She went around and asked my other co-workers about me and if I was seeing anyone but she never asked them my origins( probably because as long as I wasnt somali she couldnt care less. But she asked me how long I lived in the UK and I told her and said I was born in another country which isnt Somalia and that was it. At that point maybe I should have added am from Somalia but I didnt lie but could have added some details :D



    Me and her have gone out couple of times and she feels me but as both of us has started to developed some feelings for each other I feel like I should tell her before it goes further as it will come out anyways.

  12. Aight scorpion I'm going to break it down to her soon, I let u know how it goes :D



    I sincerly hope she's not a secretive Soler loool bcuz I havent seen her accessing it.