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Posts posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. Norf cherry picking events sums all your agreement. Deal with heavyweighter like me.



    Gheele sxb this charade of A/Y has unearthed long time ago. Some corners hated him because of qabiil and ones one of them gets crowned their screaming from the top of their lungs Eritrea landed here and Al-Qaida is here and foreign fighters everywhere. How amusing but everyone will reep what he sows. Ilaahay ha qaboojiyo Muqdishu

  2. Norf your deluding yourself brother. The president wasnt required neither was he asked to attend as isuma dhigmaan laakinse wasiirki hore ee arimaha dibeda baa ka qaybgalay. Then what happened, they came with conditions like why is Ethiopia sitting in the meeting. Then the government said ok ad they were kicked , htne came why is Kenya there and started to demand all the neighbouring country to go out of the meeting.... When that wasnt satisfied they started to atack Deynuunay and Baydhabo and in came the ethios.


    Norf when the dum Maxaakim officials starting saying 'Ololka dabka waxaanu ku kicineena iridka laga galo Addis Abbaba' gave Meles the clear sign and called his parliament and said to the world the Maxaakims have declared war. Thats what happened

  3. Faroole needs to include the new generation in all positions in the adminstration bro. I have a Nepalese friend who every summer goes back to his country with his friend to do work in their gov. Think of all the diaspora youngsters could do bruh volunteering a week or two of their holidays in the land helping the admin and giving their experiences from the country's they live in

  4. The police forces need to be over-hauled and be given better pay then they get today. Remembers the time when Abdullahi was president brother my cousin adopted a child from the orphanage and she got all the childs food paid for by the dawlada hoose. Faroole needs to quickly solidify his prip on all the income-generating points and distribute them to the peoplea and the level of transparency is what separates any bad adminstration from a good one.

  5. Minor changes to your list:


    Group A:


    Sh.Shariif Ahmed(Sh. Hotel) [big Grin]

    Mohamed dheere,(Garbo weeyne)

    Muuse Suudi Yalaxow,( Minaa boon aheyd)

    Col. Abdi khayrdiid,

    Mohamed qanyare Afrax

    Yusuf Indhacade(indha la')

    Sh. Janaqow(The qabilist so call shiekh)



    Group B:


    Sh. Xasan Dahir Aweys(Sheikh lows)

    Sh. Ahmed aw maxamoud Godane(Alshabab)

    Col. Xasan Turki(Sheikh Turuko)

    Sh. Mukhtar roobow abu mansuur(Alshabaab)



    I choose none