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Posts posted by wacdaraha_aduunka

  1. This happens when ciyaal kusoo biiraan Sol and try to talk to you about their records. Where did you get from that I supported the indescriminate shellings of civilian area during Abdullahi's time?


    Your childish reasoning summons up to that if Abdullahi shelled areas then we can too? War ciyaal baad tahay ee odayaashu ka dhex bax

  2. Originally posted by RR Bro,the only flip flopper here is the person who was supporting the government under Abdullahi Yusuf but opposes it today.

    Thats summons up your ability to discuss anything. A tendency of personal attacks instead of dealing with the issues put to you not only shows the flaws of those you support but most importantly your age.

  3. Calling the president unfit for his position isnt desperate and unravelling his change of positions isnt wrong either...


    If you know anything about politics, then you would know that all politicians have conviction and you stick to them. If you would want to change then you step down and let the folks make up their minds sxb. You cant have people running for a position and later on gives up on all their convictions cuz thats what made people give you legitimacy.

  4. Sharif as always didnt order this huh loool and thats what folks would want to call an independent goverment when he cant even control his beloved ugandan troops and tell them not to fire. Where's the supposed self-nominated clan elders of the M Society or are they quiet because its one of theirs who's doing the shellings


    Walle waa wacdara cajiib leh

  5. Seriously this Sheikh hotel need some public speach lessons.. Madaxweyne aan murti iyo sugaan( excluding shirib) :D ku darin hadaladdisa maanan arag oon aheyn Sheikh hotel. I really can see him being laughed at by odayaal guurti ah sabaabto ah of the simplicity of his somali. All of knows that a persons leadership skills are evaluated by the standard and use of poems and sayings.



    Bal ila daawada the kind of somali he talk in this report from a dutch tv programme..




    Quote from the programme....''Main goal of AMISOM is protecting the president,He's hiding in his villa in central Mogadishu