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Everything posted by Ladiif

  1. Ladiif

    shot outs

    Wlc to forum but I already had ma shots...I mean!
  2. Ladiif

    shot outs

    Wlc to forum but I already had ma shots...I mean!
  3. Fresh Prince, Cosby, and *Steve Harvey* show. ....'''....ladiif is auta door....bang!!
  4. Gediid, brother Sayid Mohamed did kill some somalis but shouldn't we ask the question, what kind of somalis were those? and why did he kill them? Sorry, your comparison of Sayidka to those murderers is way off!!
  5. Sxb, not 36 if that is what u meant, but way more than that!! xubnaha jirka bila aadmiga weeye su'aashu iyo waa imisa/meeqa?
  6. Its difficulty for somali men to express their feelings becos their somali counterparts are very hard to be understood!! Very complex creatures. If you don't understand something, there is no way you can communicate and express yourself since you don't understand to begin with. Never mind me, just state ur points,,,,,,,afterall, its just ma mere thought!!
  7. Thnx Nafisa, but that website provided by Binjabarti has confussed me somhow. I thought I was a son of DAAROOD, now, am not sure what I am!!!......but that really does not change anything ,,,,,am still the same Ladiif, the son of soil. Besides, this topic is another song of the same type!!! Reer hebel oriented sort of.
  8. Ladiif


    very interesting and informative article.......tidious job for the Guurdoon guys though. I hope some nomads will suggest an easier way than this. Thanks thou.. Mvp, since u sound a knowledgeable person on this topic(marriage), could u say something about marriage between 2 cousins(Ilma abti/adeer labaad/sadexaad iwm) even though its not arranged by neither one of their parents? No parents involve at all. Is something wrong with this? If not, why being cousins comes your way when it comes to marriage? I apologize for been out of topic!!!sorry ppl.
  9. Sayid Mohamed A. Hassan was a man of honor; real mujahid and WADANI-which all the somalis happened to be lacking these days.
  10. Easy, I would clone Sayid M. Cabdille Xassan then fardo haku bursado qabqablayaasha Dagaalka ee hadda jooga, ee narogay ee nawareeriyey.
  11. Mis_Nasima, there are many somalis who expressed their concerns about the somali kids going astray in these Qurbolands. This is a real issue and will have much impacts on us many years to come, unfortunately, not many somali parents do something about it or at least, realize it. They say, "A general is only as good as his army". Parens are to be blamed for this. Few days ago, this somali guy who works in the HCHospiatl in Minneapolis, told me that lately he have seen many 11-14 yrs old somali girls who tested positive for drug abusive especially, "weed". I wonder where were their parents when their 11/12 yrs old doing those kind of shiidh.
  12. Well said Barwaaqo. Keep the hope alive somalis. Lets stay together and pray to AlMighty-Allah and Insha-Allah, we will have peace and tranquility in somalia soon, God willing. Amiin. Dugsi maleh qabyaaladi waxay dumiso mooyaane!!
  13. There is a hadiith about how many joints are in our body. How many are there?
  14. I heard almost all the somalis voted against Kibaki and his party. They voted for Kanu party which has been swept. Somalis were supporters of Kanu for the last 24 yrs and many kenyans blamed General Mohamoud and his men of Moi staying in office that long. Now that Moi has left, what is in store for the somalis? Will they be punished for some of the things which had happened in Moi's period? What will happen to the somali population in Nairobi who are originally from somali?
  15. Sxb Jamaal, you got real talent up here. Keep it up bro. You said Raage Ugaas was the best, I thought 'Qamaan Bulxan' was the best somali poet ever.
  16. Nafisa,try to listen some of these: Tubeec,M. Mooge, H.A. Samatar, Sahra Ahmed, Kinsi, Sahra Dawo, Magool, Dhuule(r.Allah), Hanuuye, Cigaal, Khadra Dahir, Maandeeq, iwm. After you listened to those, I'm sure u will be ready to join fanka. If you need heeso xul ah, I can suggest some with incredible lyrics; very deep indeed.
  17. Sxb, Al-Magdas is just across from Garissa Lodge and I also used to live in Garissa Lodge back in the days, 91-92. There is only one road that divids Al-Magdas and Garissa. Jamsrtplace is to the right of Al-Magdas when facing north and Togdheer Lodge was opposite of Jamstrplace. I got the whole picture Dawg. Acha handhas mengi jo!!....stay out of Makaroow sight,,,Jomba.
  18. Lool! I can tell brother Qa'Qa', is by now thinkin' about changing his name--Qa'Qa' is a man, #19. Besides, ur name does not give me a clue of ur GENDER either---lool! need to say more? No. 19, do you want the quote to explicitely say NO "PANTS" or you just want it to describe/say how muslim women should dress?
  19. Green/geedaha=Qaad , not weed if that is what u thought I was talking about. Jamstreet place? Is that Al-Maqdas Lodge hortiisa sxb, Mureeeefu?
  20. Qa'Qa, That will be Suuratul-Alnam(The Ant)==Inahuumin suleemaana wa inahuu bismillahi rahmaani Al-rahiim. Q: Sheega sallad 2 rakcadoowd ah balse 4 sujuudoowd iyo 4 rukuucoowd leh. Thank u balse waan saxanahay!! This sallah is prayed only under 2 circumstances. Hint: its very, very rare, once in a blue moon.Lool! waanba iniin sheegaye. Qa'Qa', would this be a sis/bro. I don't wonna make that mistake and address u incorrectly, so do u mind tellin'it pls? Thanks
  21. Qa'Qa', isn't that "thuma nadar" in suura-tul mudathir?
  22. I think from Galbeed, Waqoyi, iyo waqoyi Galbeed..........U might ask Y would I think so? Becos "most" of the famous/best poets came from those areas. I have no other proofs......But I guess that shouldn't be much of a concern now since we all understand each other
  23. God forbid, I see the whole somalia under Ethios' occupation...wait, just wait!!...and spliting into ministates will be a Plus for our enemies since no one such state could defend itself on its own. This is exactely what our enemies want to see happens to somalia.
  24. Hey Murefu, leave alone that GREEN/GEEDAHA son and u will be in bed by 6:00.