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Everything posted by Ladiif
War this retard does not make any sense at all. He is a TRAITOR and should be dealt accordingly ASAP. You asked for opinions, there you have mine. Xuska
Ganacsade, It’s very shocking to hear that you even think about starting a shifta movement in the region. NFD is part of Kenya and I think, it’s in the best interest of the province to remain with the rest of the country. You said the province is backward in terms of social, political, and economic aspects. No tarmac roads, water sources. But my question to you is whose fault is this? Bacadle, blame your own corrupted minded representatives such as Hussein Moallin and his likes who are at the forefront to undermine their own people and misuse the province Budget. Wasn’t Hussein the Head of the Ministry of Water? The same guy who spent the Province’s budget on Eldoret water system just to please the same guys you claimed to be oppressing your ppl. NFD needs leaders who have the best interest of their ppl in heart NOT a swine like Hussein. Xuska
I dont think I've violated any rules or used any vulgar language. There are many far offensive words used on this forum daily but I guess wax kale ayaad kakululaatay e cadayso sxb. One word isn't a good reason to erase my whole post so, please, stop overeacting.
*********************DELETED************ [ September 26, 2003, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
You can ask for the basis of the sheikh’s opinions and there is nothing wrong with that walaal. I myself posed this question (navel piercing) to Sh. C/Rahman at Shaafici Masjid and his response was that “it’s not allowed”. One thing though I never asked him some specific ayah or hadith , maybe I should have done that. But the way I see it is, if you are in doubtful, avoid it as these hadiths tell us….(1) “Leave that makes you doubt for that which doesn’t make you don’t” (saxiix Hassan) (2) That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the 2 of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is UNLAWFUL…………long hadith.(bukhaari iyo muslim) Ladiif
Flying Still, Yes Qur’an and Hadiith are the main sources of the Islamic sharia but that is not all. There are things which are not mentioned in either one of them. I’m pretty sure you know what FIQH(Islamic Jurisprudence) is. It refers to the legal rulings of the Muslim scholars, based on their knowledge of the shari`ah; and as such is the third source of rulings and to disregard this and demand for ayad iyo xadiith, xujaan u arkaa walaal. Ladiif
^^^^^illmarric, baryahan waxaa socota new version of Dhaanto oo loo yaqaan "Guuxa" very sofisticated nooc of Dhaanto sxb adiguna bahal outdated ah ayaad dhaantaan aqaanaayey leedaha, war naga fadhiiso yaan lagu maqline selee calaa Hey, when r u goin to hit the road? isla garan giigii-LOL!
No Modesty, I haven't invent but was there since Ayeeyo iyo Awoowe arrived the Horn! Modesty and Magnoona, here are few more somali dances. 1. Batar 2. Guuxa 3. Dhaanto 4. Jaan dheer 5. Guuroow 6. Caways 7. Saar 8. Shirib 9. Wala-Saqo 10.Gabley shinbir Btw, all these dances available on vidoes "@Bulaale Somali Hidiyo Dhaqan Shop" in Mpls and you can place ur order and will receive 'em w/in 3 business days!
waad salaamantihiin :cool:
Ladiif replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Sorry folks! -
Ladiif replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Great Ideas indeed but it needs lots of time, energy dedications and many other things. It is not an easy thing and we really need to think through it, brainstorm, put our ideas together and come up with few things that we can say are basics and needed the most in our communities, then come up with next few things. In otherwords, lets put our ideas in categories(A,B,C...Z) depending on our societies' needs and our chances of succeeding with the help of Allah. "Canjeero sey u kala sareeso aa loo kala cunaa ma maqasheen?" It seems many of us are inclined towards "child Abuse" or "discipline" idea even though I prefer to called it the latter one just beacause connotation of the word "Abuse". This is a very wide and complicated issue among somalis and to change it, we have to alter the somali culture to an extent and it needs long time to do that. To start our program with such a huge and controversial issue, might create more problems and misunderstandings which is the last thing we want to happen so, lets start with less complicated issues and face those harder ones later on 1by1. These are the some of the most needed things in my opinion. Every1 can add some to the list, that is we you guys agree with me, if not majority rules!! a. High school Drop-outs b. Mentoring and Tutoring Services(for high, middle school and Adults too) c. Drug/Substances Abuses d. Aids and STD's e. Teens Pregnancy and Abortions f. Safety g. FGM h. Qabiil . . . . z. Children Disciplice/EDAAB **Hold conferences every once in while to educate the community as a whole on various issues such as "Living in the Ghettoes and Its consequenes"-just an example! After we agree on what to do, then w'll be able to proceed to "How" to do part. -
few yrs younger than me but if she is the Ideal women but same age as I'm and we love each other, I still dont see the problem.
Does any1 here know Batar? I think its much more exciting than Buraanbur which is only for the durmarka/hablaha.
Kulan Diineedkii labaad ee Soomaalida North America. Topic: SEDEE LOOGA BAXAA FITNADA? Where: Columbus, Ohio When: August 30th, 31, and Sept. 1st. 2003. Sheikhs: Shibile-Holand Mustafa Haaruun-Somalia Mohamed Idriis-Atlanta c/rahman sh. Cumar-Minneapolis Ibraahim Sh. Mohamed-Seatle C/Shakuur Ibraahim-Nashville Mohamed Khadar-San Diego C/Risaaq Xaashi-Boston Nuux Ciise-Virginia For further info. you can call these Borthers: 1. Omar Cige 614-207-2752 2. Mohamed Hassan 614-207-2552 3. Xafiiska Masjidka 614-888-7140 4. Imaam Shaafici Masjid 612-275-2512/559-0699
Gediid hawbixin sxb, I placed my order too!! Gedii, kawaran adigo Macawis qaba oo 2 Marduuf oo herari ah isku furfurtay. Darmuus shaahii layaqaanay dhinaca bidix, Sigaar Embassy ku horyaal, Heeso qaaci ah iyo liilaloowdii iyo kabankii dananayo ooy fooxii saas loogu tuurayo jaba, oo isla markaana tu yar ood aad iyo aad u jeceshahay oo naftaadabu maan raacday hortaada mar marayso iyadoo sidata qalabkii lugu yaqaanay hablaha somaliyeed, of course hubkeeduna dhamaystiran yahay, "Afku qalin madoow,dhexdu taako qabad suniyaha bildhalatiyo.....sidii qaanso lugu dhigay" uunsiga aad sanka laraacayso marba dhenacey kaa marto. Dirac miyaad tidhaa mise laafyaha ayaaba iiga daran!! Ladiif!
I think it should be outlawed(is this a word) to wear outside at all. At home, I'm all for it, Dirac and uunsi, waaba jano 1/2keed!!
What..................asking my wife 2b to get tested, isn't that another way of saying you don't trust her or maybe she is Prostitute :eek: :eek: ? Insha-Allah, I hope I never happen 2b in that situation and I suggest you guys to make sure you know the individuals and have no doubts absolutely before deciding to marry them and then put your faith in God. Dont ever get in a situation where you have to ask that question to begin with. Simple!!!
^^^^^I hear you loud and clear and I understand your frustrations Shyhem but getting a gun wont solve our problems so I would say,forget the GUN instead lets come together, voice our concerns and get involve making the laws or influencet those who r making the laws. We have a large somali population around the twincities, many of us are citizens but we act as if we dont have rights, dont know our rights and worse of all, we dont have leaders but a bunch of blood suckers who gain on our expenses. If we want to live in this country, we have to learn how to live in this country otherwise these animals will kill us one at time. Paying a visit to the henious crime scene of our ppl and not taking an action/step to change things is a crime by itself. The fake smile and empyt-promises of Chief Olson, R.T and the Black leaders wont change a thing. Lets come together, think together and solve our delimma in a lawful way. Ma^salaam
Thanks for the reeminder guys!! Ilaahayow khaatumada noo suubi. Amiin
"But, don't worry, I intend to do something about this...Inshaah Alaah!!!!!" ^^^^^Please do so. It feels incredible to be part of a community which come together and Love each other for the sake of allah. Also, its a great place where you can learn the deen because most of times sheikhs tackle on many issues and questions which come up in our daily lifes Magnoona, thanks for the suggestions walaal! I used to mispronounce ur name btw but i got it now but believe me, I wont call you that name in case I ever see you in person
Muraad, what caused the dispute? I assume each group wants to administer the mosque but why can't they co-exist and support whoever manages the masjid as long as they do the right thing! Xoolo miyaa meesha yaala iyo wax personal gain ah? Shaafici Masjid is adjucent to Cedar Towers, a residential area to hundreds of somalis and hosts a good number of somali businesses. The Masjid consists the praying masalah, Dugsi for children, and adults; both men and women and an Islamic Maktaba where you can find a variety of materials and resources. Weakness(1): The only Language they deliver Khutbah, Muxaadharaad and other dacwaad are all somali. Thus, you wont see other muslims come to this masjid. Very bad. (2) The Mosque is soo small given the pop in the area and have no parking lots at all, discouraging alots of ppl to come t the mosque. (3) In the Masjid, there sheikhs talk abt how Qabiils ruined our community. How our youths are astraying and indulging w/emselves with drugs and sex and dangering their lifes nontheless, they dont take these Dawah activities outside of the mosques where needed the most. After prayer when you step outside of the mosque, you will see those who r sirkhaan from Qaad, from Khamro, high from any other kind of drugs and also caariyaad(naked)females but no ones address these issues(not only wadaads but all of us, muslims)
Salaamu Aloikum.
Thanks for your replies guys. "ooh, and aslong as they are not organised by somali people (sorry,,,but somali people only bring crying kids to the sisters section,,,and the kids got no discipline- and the mothers act sooo careless...that i feel i have to watch the kids ,,and i find ma self babysitting rather than listening to the talks)" Very true sister and I think that the somali parents should teach their kids how to behave in the Masjids rather than bringing them in the mosques and setting them free running around in the masjids and disturnbing ppl. Is good to bring Kids to mosques but its parents' duty to keep an eye on their kids. Some parents send their children when they can't handle or stand them at home and they came to the mosques and make it a playground.
Is it Hilib Daqle or Dalqad? y'all saying Dalqa or dalqad!! Dalqad=3 dalqadood marka laysku furo. But anyways, somalis were so cruel to do these things on poor kids. So painful wallaah :mad:
Some are for it, some are against it and there is no Ayaah, Hadith or Fiqh(Islamic Jurisprudence) mentioned in the above posts but some personal opinions which btw, has no place in Islam,so ppl stop I think this, I that thing if u have no hard evidence. At least not clear yet what to consider, so why not put in the Shubihaad catecory until we find some proofs.