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Everything posted by Khalid-Jnr

  1. Barinaye ma barideen reeroow,
  2. Sayidka, As much as I appreciate your relentless effort to educate the not so authentic nomads here at SOL, but I have to challenge to you to this one to give us a further explanation. I have yet to see anyone who corroborated your list to be true and representative, I mean standatd Somali not regional one. Even if it's regional one I don't mind learning as long as I know the facts. So I demand to know the answer, or else I will forced to inaad kuu gabyo oon idhaahdo: War wiilkan soo daahiree sayidka noo sheegtay Ee yiri waxaan ahay ustaad iyo kii alifka soomaal meershay Ee hadana diidan inuu iga dow baxaad tahaye!. This was my first ever attemp inaan afareey isku dayo, I think inaanan sidaa u xumeyn only time will tell..
  3. Sayidka, Anigu adeer quraan dhurwaagan aad soo dhoodhoobtay waxba kama fahmi. Diraac kaliya ayaan ka maqlay waxa meeshan ku qoran, Karin wey jirtaa laakiin garan maayo meesha ay ku jirto (I mean goorta). Mida kale I come to understand Karin and Diraac were more like seasons than months. Bal noo sharax taking regional variations into consideration...
  4. Ms DD, You surely seem to know a thing or two about arimaha qoyska. Waryaa A&T, Ms DD inay arimahaas xariif ku tahay anigaa kuu qiraya. Bal jawaabteedan cilmiyeysan eeg....
  5. A&T, Perhaps I was only reflecting my travel experiences, or lack of it this case within the Somali inhibited places, particularly those regions with suffixs ending with land land. But I have heard of Bud obsession in that part of Somalia, but its funny enough when you mention IT no body seem to care, but when I utter something even at perceptual level that can be interpreted to imply the same thing I become a victim of “ reer hebel ayaad u jeedaa” like the above scenario.
  6. Aw-Dhubad, haa sxb, qoladan I meant as you said it - Gabdhahan.
  7. Of all the Somali inhabited places I have ever been to, I have yet to see a place which has more budh wildeing folks then my own hometown Dhagehbur, especially Saylada (Livestock market) and astaanka baabuurta plus suuqa qaadka.
  8. Ibti, Maya Walaahi, subhana allah!,
  9. AT&T, it may come acros as fallacy depending on the perspective. Hada we are talking within the domain of the opposite species, ma i fahamtay. Watta Ibti wali budhka ii sidata despite my numerious pleas for compromise, caku yaa qoladan isku taaban jiray!.
  10. Ibti, Did I NOT declare a cease fire dee. Somali people are known to have among the most beautiful girls on the face of the earth, and that is fact. I emphasise Girls...OK
  11. I think we should leave it at this stage lest may lead to another gender war, which we could not afford at this critical time. The answers may be found on the realms of science of which I am not an expert. May be someone can do a PHD thesis on this a mystery phenomenon, I am sure it will be a noble endevour worthy of Noble prize.....
  12. If I had a choice I rather be a skinny Farah then a fat Xaliimo....
  13. Ibti, Don't be a sploiler, just trying to breath some optimism to our already resigned Malika. Your are right about the burining lungs but remember that is why I prescribed practise to build body condition... Which is your chosen charity?
  14. Ibti, I will be you bigest sponsor to date, I have already marked 26 April on my Lotus Notes calender!. Malika, Like the honesty, If you can walk you surely can run too. First step is change of attitude plus may be diet, and seccondly practising, running is just quick and repetitive form of walking....
  15. Morning Trollers, Malika, lol@marathon, It's quite scary imagining sister Ibti running with her Hijab on. Does any one seen the Somali Olympic team?
  16. ~~Ibti, Since I revealed my tuulo means the business partnership on the pipeline is off miyaa sheekadu!. Cunsuri How come you are using the unwanted info to attack me, waaku sidee. you either wanted or you didn't which one, we know it know. Ngonge, We are good neighbours sxb, if there is anything off key about us is also bound to be the case in your town, the off-key family!.
  17. Ibti, Cidayda! in this context, I mean my Somali brethren. I am not even from the geographic Somali republic, how can someone whose hometown is occupied by filth Xabash can indulge in cheap clan politics – meel baad iiga dhacday ya Ibti... :mad: You should be pleased to know good Khalid-Jnr came from the same town as the infamous AT&T (Dhagaxbuur). And to give you a clue as to what my age is, AT&T finished University when I was grade 9 in high school, I can already see you keen on doing the maths!. Serenity, I work in project based environment which means most of the work I do is task based. Next time round when I have my personal appraisal with the manager, its how much I delivered that will count.
  18. Lily, I was just trying to show you the different perspective, and often ignored perspective as to how this madness started!. Do I have a magic solution to it NO, but I certainly woudn't forget my somali kin. hadii aan cid la jiri cidaydaan la jiraan!...
  19. Why don't you feel sorry for the poverty striken somali fishermen whose lively and that of his dependents (which could be many in Somalia) are threatend by big corporation fishing boats that fish illegaly in our shores. Not to mention our beautifull beaches being used as a nuclear waste dumping ground!. Only a couple of days ago two poor somali fishermen were killed by the so called Foreign forces guarding our water, are their lifes worth less? Talk some sense ya Lily!
  20. Ibti, how did you figure out it was me!, A very good detective indeed..
  21. Norf1, I agree with Ibti’s reply, on top of that I don’t want the sister to get the wrong impression of me. You know our girls are always suspicious!
  22. I am not sure if their other strategic business units are experiencing the wrath of capitalist greed (the crunch), but their Government and Public Sector Unit and their communications unit are having a boom in business. Ironically, some of their new contracts are victims of the credit crunch, like the Lehman Brother. Adigu maxaad haysaa bal tell about your little business,
  23. Ibti, PwC (PriceWaterHouse Coopers) are seeking my services, that should certainly give you some clue as to what I am capable of. I am currently working with them on one of the largest government reform programmes in Europe. Do you want a CV dee
  24. Angel of Mine = future kasband haye, I like the way you threw the decoy (Monica song lol)
  25. Ibti, Depending on what you do, there might be a scope to radical transform your little business and have me onboard in the process. What do you think of the idea? and me tell you we can do wonder if we combine talents. I heard about your MBA which is an