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Everything posted by Khalid-Jnr

  1. As the late Aaliyah once said in one of her song - "Age ain't nothing but a number". The sooner you can marry the better, I am not among those people who say there is a "ideal" age for marriage. It is your circumstances that dictate, not your age. I married in my mid 20's (that was not that long ago btw), but would have done it earlier if I had the means.
  2. Interestting thread!, Is that moos and canbuulo?
  3. Nuune, War A&T isagoo markii horeba Zimbabwe xalinteeda ku wareersanaa ayuu hadana Cholera ka dilaacay meeshii.. U malayn maayo inuu kansho u helay arimihii Jihaadka!
  4. At least to my knowledge 2 out of the 7 or so head commanders of ONLF in Somali galbeed are non-og's, yet they make a less prpoortionate number in the combatant force, to me that is more than symbolic!.
  5. is not a Dhoobley based media outlet neither does it represent the views/wishes and aspirations of the people in that part of Somalia. It's operated by one individual from his makeshift shack in South Africa, get your facts right next time sxb. The ONLF link has been denied by both the local elders and the spokesman for the ONLF.
  6. Horn, not only one of the top two heads but the bulk of the Shabaab leadership are from waqooyi galbeed, based around togdheer region. I think no one realy knows the dyamics whithin the group, it's orgnisational structure and hierarchy.
  7. When I went to Kenya last summer, I was one day reading one of the daily newspapapers with editorial cover of who who in Kenya - like the top 100 personalities. Can you believe it there was no less than 7 ethnic somalis in top fifty. the top spot went to Mohamed Adem - CEO of Barclays Bank East Africa overseasing much of the banks activities in Aafrica. There were others in investment Banking (CEO of Blair and something), Islamic Banking etc.
  8. They pulled a fast one on you this time; I can’t believe you fall for it!.. Ms DD, You can sue them for wasting your precious time..
  9. It's true that Somali music has suffered in last two decades much the same way as other institutions and infrustructure in the republic. But the creativity and ingenuity is stil there, we are just in a bad shape now by not having the platform to develop new material/talent (ie.Government). Ethiopia may be ahead of us when it comes to performance arts (drama) but in I think it will take a while before they could caught up with us in music.
  10. Hayat @looooool, Yeah that is exactly what I, You are so spooky runti how did you know, I certainly did not present myself someone who practices Islam the other day. Infact I was so scared at heigh of my dream it woke me up, I was sweating, my heart pumping as if I run a marathon and that was when I did spit on my left hand side as per prophets (pbpu) instruction and started reciting quran until I resumed my sound sleep. I thank god for giving us the quran - a cure to many ills.
  11. Of all the dreaming dreaming options you dreamt about Phoebe from friend.......You are wierd dreamer indeed. I had a bad dream last night, I don't know if it's appropriate to share, tell me what do you think? It involves a loved one, a very dear to my hear...
  12. JB, Who was that someone -The witch doctor Aboubakari Diara.. God I am realy concerned for this child, do they have child protections officers in Lala Land. Call the authorities!
  13. Morning Nuune, I hope he doesn't brand his a child a "witch" and kill him, more like they do in Nigeria!...
  14. I ammended my above post with some "decent input", are we cool now!... That was very untypical of me walaahi, I blame the long working hours of this bloody country, being with gaalo most of your time can corrupt the purest of heart wallee.
  15. ^^^^Knock Kock^^^^ :rolleyes:
  16. Sayidka, War ninyahow ha ila yaabin inaan wax hubsado unbaan rabaye, hadii aan every Tom, dick & harry kastoo wax sheego aan dhageysto waan wareeri sowmahan. Ayeydey siraad hadii ay nolaan lahayd waxan hadal maba dhaceen....Allow kuu naxariiso Mahadsanid sxb
  17. Marriage has been proven to be an effective remedy for many many many things.... If this does not work in the immediate time, then try limsip (it works for me at least), abuufaas mix with hot water then isku bukhuuri, or Panadol extra.
  18. Nuune, here is the first verse, Hemaddiyo hableheena qaaligeeda Qalbigiyo wadnaheyga qarqarkiisa Qosolkiyo hadalkaagaan uqushuucee Qaadirkeygoow haiga qaadin quruxdeeda Qarsho weeyee qalbigu armuu naga qarxaa, laters
  19. Nuune, you do? Naftaa qaaliyee armuu nagu qarxaa, noo sii wad, I'll be bacl after prayers. Ms DD, Maxaan kaa galabsaday?, I just stated the fact = scroll up.
  20. Ibti, loool@Umbrella, ma magacaas ayaad u taqaan!. Indeed it was the Hijab, seeing the name Somali shown in postitive light made my day, I think she called Somali style or something. She is cool woman, I though I even liked from the bits I skimmed through...
  21. Overall it's a good book, I bought for someone few years back. In it you will find what I think is the only positive invention somalis contributed the muslim world. guess what it is ?
  22. Ibti, Breakfast past ten is more like lunch I suppose, eat less or else you will not be able to run at all... I heard you have Sister Naima Robert's book in your hand bag, is that true?
  23. I have no problem with anyone as long as they don't advocate violence against particular race or religios group. I met a white friend of mine who had greavance against british political correctiness gone too far, this time his local council declared "Chrismiss Day" will no longer be called Chrismiss Day because it may be offensive to some groups. I think that kind of recless political decision, aimed more at fulfulling the governments multiculuralism bagwagon then helping positive community cohesion is alienating more moderate white people. The BNP, NF and other far righ groups are capitalising on that sense of alienation by delivering their messages and helping them to recruit members.