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Everything posted by Sharmarkee

  1. Originally posted by Shucayb: ^Daroor is remote town in somali galbeed. Khalaf, yes brother, I am not worried about their death, I am more about the state they are in NOW..they didnt' die for any righous cuase. More than 17 of my abtiyaal most of them, Second abtiyaal, and more than 14 of causins and uncles have died in this meaningless fight. Some of whom we use to hangout together, back when I was in Daroor back in early 90s as refugee. Ilahow sahal...Amiin. Red Sorry about the sad news and the lost of your family members, the bad news from daroor, shandarbi, Goosaygga, and Qaydar habeed,is indeed a sick news, We sailing on same boat, my family strecth on both ends, waa Ka dhimay oo kugu dhimay. Alow Sahal amuura, Rabbi yasir Amin
  2. Sharmarkee

    Islamic Quiz

    Originally posted by Kashafa: asabta yaa Shar-ma-arke..very close. His name is: Sayful-Deen Qutz, the Muslim general who with his leadership and personal courage inspired the Muslims to halt the advance of the Mongol hordes at the decisive battle of Ain Jaaloot Waaaaaaaaaaa-Islaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!! That battle-cry together with the sight of their general killing his horse, breaking his sword-sheath(no more use for it, it's fight to the death), throwing his metal helmet to the ground, and yelling: Waaaaaa-Islaamaaaaah( O my Islaaam, Sharmarkee, give a more accurate translation), pulled the Islamic army together and inspired them to fight back. That's the sort of leadership we sorely lack today. Sufyaan Al-Thawrii, was one of the Ulamaa of Makkah(?), Iraq, if I remember correctly. His area of expertise was Hadeeth and was considered together with Imaam Malik of Madeenah as the top Ulamaa of their time. Kashafa, jazaak for your quick reply Imam Sufyan Althwri was one of the imams deeply knowledgable in Cimi al xadiis,as he was a taabici also, he was in iraq most of his life. we only know four Imams of hadith like: Imam Bukhari, Imam Ahmed bin xanbal, Imam mulim,Inbna Maajah, Al ni'saai, Dar qudni, Maalik, xanafi. But also there are many other Mujtahids in the learning of Hadith or Cilm al Xadiith. like: Imam Sufyan al thawri, Ibna Mubarik, Al awzaci,Aba thawr, Ibna Jariir al dabari,DAud Al daahiri,Laith bin sa'ad, Isaxaaq bin Rahawiyah, Aba yacala, Ibn Qudaahmah al maqdasi. We will talk about Mufasiriin al Qur'aan too later time permits IA.
  3. Sharmarkee

    Islamic Quiz

    Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ Ibliis ? I think that's his current name. Can't remember but he had a very Malaa'ik-y sounding name before his arrogance led him to eternal jahanam. Who led the army that stopped the Mongol annihilation of the Islamic world, and what was his fate. Atheer Google not allowed. He was one of the Mamaalik Sultans I think,I cannot remeber his prober name at moment, the battlefield or where it took place was called Ain Jalot or cayn in jaaluut in somali, its near syria or palestine. his chief Shiekh who took important part of the campign to prepare the armies morally for the intense fight ahead was called Alcis ibna cabdisalaam. on to you ya kashafa! Ya Waled al xaji My question is Who was Sufyan Al thawri?
  4. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Do all wadaads have the same personality? Yes interms of sensebility, compactability, adaptability and selfess hardwork, on top of that honestability too.
  5. Originally posted by ibtisam: ^^ I think thats what the moderators are here for? or maybe not, maybe they should do a good Spring clean. I'm sure they are busy now, soon they will be back and deleting everything like the old days. I think you should bloody spare us your empty rant girl, or else we gonna show the door nac nac baad haysaa!
  6. Sharmarkee

    Islamic Quiz

    ^^ Prophet David (Calyhi Salaam) ya Akhti.
  7. Sharmarkee


    ^^ Brother Mohammed disppeared without no return, may Allah save him from all evil. hope he is alright. We used say Kharaja walam ya cud, anybody knows his where abouts?
  8. ^Aaamin Yaa Thiery, Sheekha Allaha haw naxariistu reminds you imam Shafic's ever lasting words about Culima and knowledgable souls : Ina lilaahi rijaalun fudana Zahiduu cani dunyaa wa khaafu fitana Wa jacaluu saalaxil acmaali sunfuna
  9. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^ LOL. Waxaan aad uga hela ninka jabtiisa qirta ee runta iska sheega-yiraahdana wallee rag bey helay oo hilfaha ii laabey! Ismaaciil Mire iyo Sayidkuba markuu jirriif iyo jab soo gaaro waa iska sheegaan . Very comical and entertaining lol. Sharmarke, adigaan kaa war sugeynaa sxb Salaan sare, Waaryaa Paragon, this is master piece, from a great impressionist ninyow, i never saw this poem of Ismail's before but indeed he was a real bard, a wordsmith on his own right. LOl i liked : Ooggii horay nagu kaceen adhi dillaalkiiye. Waaryaa odayga indho sarcaad bay u dhigeen dilaaliintii burco a non-trasparnet,and shady deals baa ku dhacay, Go'a ay isku dhiibeen. - he should borrow a word from Qamaam Bulxan: Dibnihiina ayuun baan galo waa idudubiseene. I like Ismail mire's peoms like those popluar ones Anakoo taleex naal or Guuglihiiyow Guuglayeeyow hadaad guga u ooyeyso Ood moodo keliga inuu gubayo jiilalku oo ay gocosho awgeed ilmadu kaga gobo layso Gumays ciroobaan ahee war aan ku gaarsiiyo Garta maaha inaad gaar u cabataaye Gidigood adoomaha waxaa gaaray nabar weyne Abar gaag ma reebata dhacday iyo gaadamoo kale Geeli aduunka u adkaa gobolo waydowye Golihi ka kici waa raggi gaydho hayn jiraye Tuulada ayay ilgabdhleenayaan gobol barbaartiiye Ninkii timirta goob dhigi laha jiingaduu galaye Gamaankii ka maray dhoodi galaxyeediiye Gumburigii badh baa joogsaday goroyo cawshiiye Saryankii garbaha weyn laha geed ka kici waaye Wuxuu gooni daaqi habsaday gubadadii hawd'e Garanuugti iyo deeradii gaag yar baa haray'e Gobay iyo askari geyfan ba goodirkii jaray'e Kama guuxo aar goonlihii geliga toomood'e Shabeelki gabraar lagu idlee giiro layn jiray'e Hargihiisa nimankii gataa guuddarraw siday'e Gaadiikii la dhaansanahayiyo giindhaygii maray'e Ahminkii lagawricjirayo gaabay adhigiiy'e Basaaasba timihii uga go'een gaaridii dumar'e Galowgiiyo fiinti naf bay giida la hayaan'e Gorgorkiyo dhurwaagi laftaad galayax moodaaye Ayaxii geygiga joogijiray guuto lagu saary'e Gubinyaa hareeraha ka maray gaariyaal wada'e Geedaha sun baa loogu daray geerinaw baday'e Wax ma galabsanine maalin baa loo guddoonsaday'e Adigabaa lagu gaadayaa waanad garnayn'e Guuxiyo cabaadkiyo hadaad gooha damin waydo Qurumahan wada gayfan baa baalka ka guriy'e Gaagaabso oon aamu yaan gaar la gaa qaban'e in conculsion he showed that the country was losing excitement long time ago and even the wild game is either immigrated to kenya or been killed by those trigger-happy geel jire of that time and now dont mention now all this de-forestration and deadly civil wars, bloody bleak.
  10. Originally posted by Hunguri: Northner Ok, let us have a look at the law, and the catagories, under which you can set up a business in UAE. I hope, you will agree with me, when I clear the dust. In UAE beign a Foriegner or an Expatriate what ever they call. You can have your commerciall license under the 3 following catagories. (1) Incorporating a Limited Liability Company (LLC) (2)Establishing a Branch office or Representative office (3) Establishing a wholly owned entity in one of the UAE Free Trade Zones PS:- Im sure, there is no Somalian firm or company, that falls not under the catagory of LLC. And, to have LLC license you need to deposit minimum of 300,000 DHM to get your license from the Chamber of Commerce. I know a friend of mine, who owns an LLC company, and he falls under the catagory, that Im talking about. Ok, for your comments, what kind of business do you want set up and what catagory would you like to go for ????? Waiting for your naswer ! Bloom, I see you have plenty of advice, good I will add to that: pay attention to your contract before you go there, cos that will be between you and your contractor or sponsor,and its saveguarding your rights overthere, check if have a housing benfit,becuase housing is most expensive aspect, otherwise its a cool exprience, an intersting journey may I say. To have your own sponsor to set yourself free is different matter, that 3000DHS above mentioned are,I think are only goverment stamp duties, as Hungri said the newly naturalised Somali will take at least 9,000 Dhs to be your own sponsor,they(the emirates) are milking the country and you paying and buying all rights with exchange for money, even single letter will cost you - new age-slavery. if you take that road of having your own sponorship, instead of paying 300,000 deposite for chamber of commerce, there is another way you can overide the system, you can buy a flat nearly 375,000,dubai is too expensive now but on the other areas, pay in small junks, and and no interest, but you can rent and have a permanent residence or iqama through that flat. Language: its a bonus if you know arabic, i remeber my first time i was been there in 2004, at the airport that immigration officer start speaking english, but i flooded my long lost arabic/saudi/bedouin accent,you can see he started immediately became friendly and we talked about many things while poor passengers are still behind me standing and waiting, i pockted my passport while we was grining from cheek to cheek. The downside of the whole place is - its too expensive because they didnt control inflation simply because they are overstuffed. - Its overcrowded because may be 90% of population are not locals but indians,and asians - The Traffic jams is horrendous. - Too many strict laws its the only place i saw an arab locals even speaking hindi and farisi, very strange place, other wise its very safe and islamic and also a very rich country, good luck mate.
  11. ^^ First of all the whole Quraan is all favorite but there is certain ayaah you must Ta'mul or look hard and think about for while or there is a ducaa and you contemplate by its means in depth. Bacda acuudu bilaahi mina shaydaani rajiim: Surat Huud(Ayaah 113 - 117) فَاسْتَقِمْ كَمَا أُمِرْتَ وَمَن تَابَ مَعَكَ وَلاَ تَطْغَوْاْ إِنَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ وَلاَ تَرْكَنُواْ إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ فَتَمَسَّكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُم مِّن دُونِ اللّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاء ثُمَّ لاَ تُنصَرُونَ وَأَقِمِ الصَّلاَةَ طَرَفَيِ النَّهَارِ وَزُلَفًا مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَ السَّـيِّئَاتِ ذَلِكَ ذِكْرَى لِلذَّاكِرِينَ وَاصْبِرْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُضِيعُ أَجْرَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ فَلَوْلاَ كَانَ مِنَ الْقُرُونِ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ أُوْلُواْ بَقِيَّةٍ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْفَسَادِ فِي الأَرْضِ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً مِّمَّنْ أَنجَيْنَا مِنْهُمْ وَاتَّبَعَ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ مَا أُتْرِفُواْ فِيهِ وَكَانُواْ مُجْرِمِينَ وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ لِيُهْلِكَ الْقُرَى بِظُلْمٍ وَأَهْلُهَا مُصْلِحُونَ Also in surat al-israa:(70-80) أَقِمِ الصَّلاَةَ لِدُلُوكِ الشَّمْسِ إِلَى غَسَقِ اللَّيْلِ وَقُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَى أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا وَقُل رَّبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَل لِّي مِن لَّدُنكَ سُلْطَانًا نَّصِيرًا ayaah 80 is very important ducaa, its the ducaa the prophet used to say while in his flight of hijra, and its a good ducaa in every aspect in life - specially when u undertaking any endeavour.
  12. Sharmarkee

    ii sheekee

    Originally posted by Shucayb: Hadii aan ka rogo, oo hadana aan saaro. Waatan shekadaydii. Waryaa Red on the head, Maxada cas baad dhegaysaa Hayee Ka rog oo hadana Saar - Hadee kale waxaan laha Meeha miyanay shaqo jirin waa maxaay sheekadan aad dadka u qabatay durhurka galay - you should be fired from your work - nin waalan Minesota ma laantii hawada ayaad moodaysa iyo Joqor
  13. ^^ So he was visionary when he said: Marka hore dabkuu idinka guri dumarsidiisi'e Marka xiga dushuu idinka rarai sida darmeerah'e Marka xiga daabaqda ayuu idin dareensiin'e Ananse labada daar'ood ta hore darajo moodayn'e Dalka ma lihid aniga ku idhi dooro waynahah'e Dagaalkii Nasaarada ana daalib ku ahaay'e Ana diiday maanto laha deeqdan iga hooy'e Doofaarka eyga ah anigaaan darihiis gelin. very interesting indeed that bayt of Ana labada daar'ood ta hore darjoo modayn, so true, that is the malaise and the weak trait which detroyed muslims in general and somalis in paricular - making them cheap, affordable and alwyas stabbing within their own people and country for a merely little favours or a lower price.
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sharmarke, wallee ilbax baa tahay! The era of 'tii ilmaha hooyadood ahayd baa na shiddeyneysa oo aan cadar uu iibinayyaa ' is forever receding behind us! Serenity, these odayo are harmless! Xiin, Once upon a time a man can say, or spit few pharses of gabay and amaan, and get away with a great love such as: Lagu mood magalada cadmeed macwistii tiile Lagu mood dhirtii maa calayeesh midhihii saarnaaye. that ain't working anymore,the reponse is: Ogor iska daa taayo show me the love, that is when a fancy watch, a packet of choclate and few rose petals coming into the scene to steal that heart.
  15. I love her more than I can say, and apprciate her all the days in the year, Oh she is totally - Nafta iyo Maalinta Ciida! No valentines but Ciid is the day,and always few gifts like Chanel parfume - Allure and YSL's cinema do the trick.
  16. Originally posted by Taliban: Originally posted by Khayr: Just google or yahoo it. Google: Your search - Ashari Madhaeb - did not match any documents. Yahoo: We did not find results for: Ashari Madhaeb. Talabani, Am not in position to argue of the above topic, i dont even read the original thread, but according to my limited knowlege, Abu Hassan Ashari was a decendent of the great Sahabi Abu Muse Al ashari, Abu hassan become a student of a mutazala, he was facinated by the philosphical way of thinking,and embedding greek philosphy in to the islamic theology, period of ehel kalaam. many culuma of that time liked that way of kalaam to belive or argue, such as Imam Qazali of Duus, and at the end both Qazali and Abu hassan returned back to the fundemantal islamic teachings,and become their greatest critics and refuted day and night, using the same methods and ways of thinking they learned from the mutazala,basically all those arguments were mustalixaat of ehel cilm, not for caamtal naas or the originary people who can't even pray proper - me thinks,their biggest critic later was Sheekh al islam Ibn taymmiyah and his student Ibn Qayyim al jawziyah, Raxmatullahi ajmaciin.
  17. ^^ Ka Daa ya Xiin, waad haysaa mansada,its amazing how a guy in a Usa can deliver all those maanso without effort back to the top, everybody jumped to the band wangon, when the downfall of the master came nearer, such as Ali dhux's : Wa lagu digtaa rux haduu ku darnaan jiray Bal dayaay waka wadaadkii sii dabayshadayee. This Hassan Tarabi's piece, part of a long gabay but he want to show that he took part of demolishing Sayids forces, if not leading the counter attack. Wadaadkii cadceed iyo cadeed laga cabsoonaayay isagoo cartiisii qaba oon cidina taataaban ninkale ciyaar u ma dhaceen culus hasheesiiyee guutada camuuda ah markii caalka loo geliyay gebagebada ciirada markaad cardar xagaa mooday caamir hooyadii iyo markay calaso ooyaysay meesha ayuu mariyay.
  18. ^^ You can call it the (death of an hero), indeed Cali Jama Habiil illurstrated the high quality of hero - Geerid xirsi ayay sheegayeen gal hawaayeen. Ina habiil was himeself a great critic of Sayid's actions in darawish hay days, telling one of those who rebeled and deserted darwiish. i think he was talking to ali dhuux, telling him - like, now look, you aint get nothing to be a darwish, but you were fighting a loosing battle. Tunka ka leefa dhiiga iyo ilmada idin ka tiicaysa Hadaba toogo baxa waa janaada talalxadeedeeiiye tarbiicada bal dayaa wa ta kufriga nagu tilmaateen. Thanks Xiin for the good gabay, please keep it coming ya sheekh. I assume that we are in a .
  19. Ng, when was the last time you been in somalia, you sound like cigaal-shidaad
  20. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ^^^I disagree. Would you wanna have someone whose middle name is Mengistu as the head of the Somali. I reckon, not. Their concerns are unfortunate, but at the same time valid. Che, apart from the american politics, dont you see someone called Meles not Mengistu is the head of Somali, if you ask me what is TFG doing then? I will say they are his sub-contractors. Now let us come back for barack some other time, its time to beat the hoofs and go home forgetting SOL and the whole world.
  21. ^^ In Zionised America, and few other places not the wider world.
  22. Wadaadadii Doono ducana ugu dara waa na dubateene[/i]...? lol that is funny and so quick, and what happpened with the ethopian ar***se kissers, cannot they keep their promise they will collect the weapon within three days.
  23. Ethopia cannot respect a crushed somalia from within and without. we split our country into an eatable clan enclaves its can take out piece by piece from Zeila to Ras kamboni, ethopia rules for time been. ethopia is playing a hard ball adeer.