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Everything posted by boxer

  1. ninaa igu yiri sheekadaan waxaa kamaqlay ninka mid ah raggay kudhacday marka dhab iga dhaha NOOMAADEEEY. sheekadaan waxay kadhacday Sacuudi...waxay aheed mar uu tarxiil sixun oga jiray magaalada ... marka maalin maalmaha kamid ah aa sadex nin oo soomaali ah aa waxaa cayrsaday askartii sacuudi sababtoo ah ma aysan haysan ciqaamadii dalkujoogta...say u ordaayeen aay waxay galeen masjid...siday u joogeen baa askartiibaa dalaq sootiri masjidkii...markaas bay sadexdii nin isku raacday in ay xirtaan salaad been been ah si aysan askartu ugu saqajaamin...askartiibaa kufahantay oo soo ag istaagtay... mid ninamkii kamid ah baa arkay askartii inay soo ag istaageen... markaas buu yiri "Allaaaahu akbar...lakoooooyun" markaas aa kii labaad yiri "Allaaahu akbar...see weelaanee?" kii sadexaad baa inta soo booday yiri "allaaahu akbar....rooraanee" ....fakatax orodeey isku siidaayeen:p
  2. boxer

    2 old ladies

    A farmer went to see a movie. the ticket agent looked up from the cash register and asked, "sir, what's that on your shoulder?" The farmer replied, "well, this here is my pet rooster, Clucky. wherever i go, Clucky goes." "im sorry, sir," the ticket agent said. "We can't allow animals in theater." The farmer went around the corner and stuffed Clucky down his pants. He returned to the to the booth, bought the a ticket and entered the theater. He took a seat next to two old women. the movie started, and Clucky began to squirm. the farmer unzipped his pants so Clucky could stick his head out and watch the movie. "i think the guy next to me is a pervert," the first lady said. "what makes u think so?" her friend whispered. "he unzipped his pants and has his thing out," the first women said. "well. don't worry about it. at out age we've seen 'em all." "I thought so too," the first woman said, "but this one's eating my popcorn..."
  3. boxer


    if its like that friend please stay the hell away from me .......friend huh --------------------------------------------- "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."
  4. HAHA LOOOOOOOOL >>>>>>ALLAH I THINK THAT WAS ME<<<<<<<<<< .........HEY GOOD ONE ITS FRESH AND INNOCENT //////////////////////////////////////////// "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."
  5. JERRY...JERRY...JERYY...>>>>ADD In any group of children, there is usually one child who never sits still. Frequently and easily distracted, the child fidgets, glances about aimlessly, and seems to allow his mind to wander freely. This child attracts the predictable adult response: “Why can’t you sit still and listen!".... may never learn to listen or do what others seem so effortlessly to do – pay attention.>>>>JOKE NO HARD FEELINGS :cool: ---------------------------------------- "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."
  6. this one time all women around the globe got togather and talked about how they don't wanna be servent for men any more :rolleyes: so they decided to meet once a year and see how men can survive without women so after one year they all met and conversed :mad: the firs one to talk was American woman and she said the first day I didn't see anything...second day I didn't see anything either....third day he got me breakfast on my bed second speaker was some lady from France she said first day i didn't see anything ...second day i didn't see anything either...third day he got me tonz of roses :cool: the last woman to speak was a NOMAD and she said in the first day I didn't see anything...second day i couldn't see either...third day i started to see with my left eye hope no hard feelings my nomads ----------------------------------------- "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."
  7. uh man i'll pretend i didn't read that one
  8. salaam all com'on guys atleast show some appreciation for the brother who posted it and shared with us well i do think this ppl are somalis 'cause i've seen some pics of somalis back in the day, and how this people in the pic look doesn't surprise me at all, soo talo waa in lagalaa sidii lagu soo heli lahaa dadkaas -------------------------------------- "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."
  9. salaam to all masha'allah thats all i can say for how i'm impressed about all this stunning nomad "NERDS"...jk anyways i looked through every poster and im so :mad: about how come there is so many engineers but then there wasn't any MNE ppl com'on............. hey all my nomads this is my second year in mechanical engineering and I really can't think of having a minor at the moment 'cause i'm too busy with my ather athletic side I might be the first one to post this but im sure there are many nomads who are talented my nomads I run cross-country and track and field basically long distance and dreaming of represanting one day in the Olympics thats all i can say for me peace ............... "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor."