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Everything posted by Shakuur99
H A P P Y B I R T H D AY M A L A I K A And many more to come sis.. hope u enjoyed and i know u getting ready for the next one cuz it ain't too far from us... so let is plan this one to hold the party ar Mars.. Peace
Let is discuss it rather than argue.. Like they say here in the States "freedom of speech"... But I question any body that doesn't want to unite all Somali people... I have a practical/common sense example. USA is the most powerful nation in the universe now.... Why? Because they are ONE.... What if NY were their own nation, CALI were too, TX...and so on...I don't think they would be this strong... Correct me if I am wrong but all Somalia is approximately the size of Texas... How could you not think Unity and still think division after what we have been through.... Soomaalaay Keep your head up Let is think Positive not Negative Far kaliya fool ma dhaqdo
Well my Brother in Islam, I can go on and on and write a book full of compelling arguments. We all know we let ourselves down by not having a true administration that is willing to enforce the book of Allah. In the same time we can't take one example and leave the other such us "watching TV when praying", most of Muslims don't and it is that individual's responsibility and we all know he/she has to answer to God the day of judgment, but you got to expect to have people who don't do it the write way since we isn’t perfect. I believe the majority of Muslims are God-fearing citizens unfortunately we can't get rid of the 1% bad rulers. About the Somalia I would advise you not to get in to it. The region you are talking about is one of the peaceful places if not the most peaceful place of all Somalia. There may not be a centralized government but people live as Muslims should. By getting in to it, this will attract the warlords and am sure you don't wanna see Women get raped and killed as well as the children. Trust me am from Somalia and It ain't as easy as it sounds. If I were to advise I would suggest you should start mediating the warlords and convince them to establish an Islamic Admin for the fear of Allah.
Nazra you said "beats me, i still want him"... Wonder why am not surprised... am sure many of you who are claiming that you will not share another woman/women with your husbund still would go for a successful man..... Surely they are right when Somali's say "Naag been ayaa lagusoo xero geliyaa run-na waa lagu dhaqaa",,, From now on ama have to start lying and tell them I have (5 gaari iyo labo aqal) A.K.A (gaari gacan iyo baraako)... Later
Yusuf, I just noticed that you are saying that you are not a Somali. But since you are a Muslim we (Somali) consider all Muslims our brothers and sister. As a Muslim like you said we expect you not to start or spread a division amongst us. You should know all Muslims should unite and for you to bring a division to a place like Somalia is Very much unlike Muslim. I expect to you like any Muslim should do to stay away of dividing a Muslim country.
"changing the name of the country to Darus Salaam" Call it absurd. How could you even think dividing this small country? We already have S/Land and P/Land separating. Why? Do you want the country divided in to 10 mini states so Ethiopia can come and colonize a piece at a time? I know the place you are talking about, it is so small that the Ethiopians won't even drop a sweat for it, it may not even take more than an hour to concur. Talking about Islamic run state, Remember all Muslims should be one country regardless their ethnic. Now you are claiming that you are going to establish a Muslim run gov by separating a people with the same ethnic? Pleassseessss. Ever heard "Far Kaligeed Fool Ma Dhaqdo" Here is an Example I always mention. United States Of America is the most powerful country on earth now. Why? Because they united to form a single country, they didn't promote animosity or separation. Look at former USSR now, they are so weak and are no longer viewed a superpower any more, just cuz they became multiple countries rather than one. Let's try to bring all Somali's together and try not to break it apart. One Somalia is on my Mind
Honestly, before I leave the house about 7am in the morning I watch the BBC (one of the local channels broadcasts live half hour of BBC here in the States).. While am getting ready it is on hoping my fellow countryman will come up... I have also heard his sister was/is in the Journalism industry, do you guyz know any thing about it? (didn't read the whole thing).. Question to the Ladies... Why are you guys always say he is my husband/am going to get married to him when ever you see a successful man? I know some of you R joking but I think you guys don't admit but are materialistic.....Plus he seems to be married to a non-somali woman with the name of one of his kids Sam. Wonder if his wife is Muslim! Later my peeps
Al-Jawzy.. Brother thanks for pointing that out.A lot of people amongst us are Muslims just for the name and don't even know what Iiman is (Arkaanul-Iimaan which is 6)...QADAR Is one of them. I am not scholar and don't wanna jump to conclusion but some of the stuffs people say that may seem harmless can easily make them Kaafir. I encourage every one to be careful not to assume things and ask the scholars, cuz a lot of times we seek the Kaafiriin Knowledge rather than Muslim (which is mandatory)... Islaam is not common sense it is what God ordered us, we don't questions God's orders we obey. Ask yourselves please...Do you question why McDonald’s don't have a hot-cake/pancake at 12pm for those of us who wake up late and don't wanna eat a burger? No, cuz we know it is breakfast menu and that time has come and gone.. Do we stand and make a Scene? No, we just smile and say "ooohh my bad the time of the breakfast is over"!!!! So how could you question the one who created you and how come you are not seeking the knowledge the same way you know when they pull the breakfast menu it is time for lunch. Peace on earth
Since when did we became in to signs? and does it really matter? I'd rather use my brain some thing more meaningful. Later Nomad:)
Due to MN has the highest new comers they still carry our tradition of getting married too soon (which I think it is nice as long both of you are committing towards a health family), unlike those of us who been here for a while it is scary to be married, and unfortunately some of us elect not to have kids even after marriege (call them a moderate ) One of many reasons is Women who are taking advantage of the incentives that come with being a single mother. And rather than finding out a solution for the problem the next thing you know there goes Bac-Madoow .... In Common sense it is part of life the more people the more marriage and divorce that come with it. In addition to that MN has the biggest Somali Population in the states.... Nabadeey
Najma, Beautiful Article, 2 thumps up Can't agree with ya any more that we are African. I don't know why would some one doesn't wanna admit that they are African (Somali's that is)... It is common sense just cuz we share religion with the Arabs which makes us closer to them some people think we are Arabs and are getting confused also not doing enough search. Regardless the religion WE are African's.. MARYOOLEEY Please wake up!!! There was a song I used to hear back home that say Afrikaay hurudooy, hurdada ka kac. Now I have seen a lot of Somali's who happen to be the 1st generation are loosing/forgetting/abandoning their roots.. Why are we surprised if the young once claim to be American, or where ever they live now? One other question for those who think they are not African. What do people (non african's that is) think when they see you? An African or ??? Nabadeey
I like a guy who is not somalian
Shakuur99 replied to FirstLady_Somalia's topic in Developement | Projects
Sister. As they say here in The Western. You are entitled your own opinion as well as your choice. Even though I do have a big question mark about the RESPECT. I wish you didn't have to go as far as calling names your own people and trying to disgrace. I am sure you haven't met all Somali Men and for you to call names just cuz you had issues with few is absurd. I have met few bad Somali Women but that doesn't make me to label all Somali Women, and surely will end up with a Somali Women regardless how long it takes me to find Insha'allah (but that is me).. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... In the future don't categorize the whole community if you decided to apart from us. You may be saying this just for the heck of it, but remember other ethnics can read since this is written an English. Later Nomads -
I like a guy who is not somalian
Shakuur99 replied to FirstLady_Somalia's topic in Developement | Projects
Sister. As they say here in The Western. You are entitled your own opinion as well as your choice. Even though I do have a big question mark about the RESPECT. I wish you didn't have to go as far as calling names your own people and trying to disgrace. I am sure you haven't met all Somali Men and for you to call names just cuz you had issues with few is absurd. I have met few bad Somali Women but that doesn't make me to label all Somali Women, and surely will end up with a Somali Women regardless how long it takes me to find Insha'allah (but that is me).. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... In the future don't categorize the whole community if you decided to apart from us. You may be saying this just for the heck of it, but remember other ethnics can read since this is written an English. Later Nomads -
Sister. As they say here in The Western. You are entitled your own opinion as well as your choice. Even though I do have a big question mark about the RESPECT. I wish you didn't have to go as far as calling names your own people and trying to disgrace. I am sure you haven't met all Somali Men and for you to call names just cuz you had issues with few is absurd. I have met few bad Somali Women but that doesn't make me to label all Somali Women, and surely will end up with a Somali Women regardless how long it takes me to find Insha'allah (but that is me).. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... In the future don't categorize the whole community if you decided to apart from us. You may be saying this just for the heck of it, but remember other ethnics can read since this is written an English. Later Nomads
Sister. As they say here in The Western. You are entitled your own opinion as well as your choice. Even though I do have a big question mark about the RESPECT. I wish you didn't have to go as far as calling names your own people and trying to disgrace. I am sure you haven't met all Somali Men and for you to call names just cuz you had issues with few is absurd. I have met few bad Somali Women but that doesn't make me to label all Somali Women, and surely will end up with a Somali Women regardless how long it takes me to find Insha'allah (but that is me).. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... In the future don't categorize the whole community if you decided to apart from us. You may be saying this just for the heck of it, but remember other ethnics can read since this is written an English. Later Nomads
I feel ya Man, But After dating some FINE sister... I found out the more beautiful she is the chance of her being slow is higher.. Even though it is kinda nice to wake up next to a beautiful Woman/Man, the mindset is what counts the most... Peace & Luve
Muslimah...I have to disagree with ya on this... It .. It is not just in VA, but every where Somali's seem to have a large number or residence.... I have been in Mnpls and TO. They would look at you like you are from some other planet after you great them... But if you go places like AZ,WI surely they luve each other... Virgin : I wasn't talking about ya particularly.. I was talking about the people who wanna come and stay over there for a long period of time who doesn't wanna work...
***HAMBALYO WALAAL ADIGA IYO OORIDAADABA*** Hambalyaan kuu soo hibeeyay, aroos waaba dhacaye, Nolol wanaagsan ayaan kuu rajaynayaa. But I thought it will be broadcasted in the SOL,, shame on ya bro... Nasiib wacan
Actually this was only the peeps you know only as some of you may have confused... Nasraa: Point taken Proudsista: you know am still proud of ya despite hollering from down under The rock: Good luck with the not so annoying peeps The Virgin: You know why they call Xaasidiin, cus there nothing called easy money or cheep rent, in other words you have to work hard to live, and if you are expecting to come to Va and live with your friends you better be ready to look for a JOB on your 2nd day, I come there often so I know.. Honey: I feel ya, so keep doing your thang.. who needs those with the bad attitude, moral killers when the rain kills your moral due to the 10 month a year rain... tough luck sis ... Later
This is very common amongst us, You may be in a party or shopping mall, some one you know saw you (but you didn't see that person)... He or she moves on with out saying nothing... That person may call you the next day or may see you a week or may be even a month later, and the 1st thing they say is " ohhh my God you are good at ignoring people, the other day when you were such and such place you just walked by me" ....I can't believe he/she has the guts to call you and admit they saw you and didn't say hi but don't realize he/she is making fool of him/her self.. For god sake why is it so hard to say hi and then see if he/she don't respond rather than assuming you have been ignored when you really are the one who is ignoring. Please tellme why we do that? even though it is done mostly by Female Ciao
All, I think what Asiya & Ameenah are trying to say is "Women Can play a ROLE in Muslim country, not necessarilya state leader". I think they can and there is nothing wrong with it. In contrast we are claiming to be Muslims but unfortunetly there is no real Muslim Gov in today's age... Unfortunetly again the west seem to be a better (well run adminstration).. So I don't think we can deny any kind of role for them today untill we come up a real muslim Gov. Mad luve
Nasra Sister every thing you said I have either seen or heard. But what I am the most shocked about is How widely we are proud to imitate (thinking we are rolling with the west not to mention civilized) and leaving our culture (thinking that it is dirt/backward/tastless not to mention uncivilezed)... Well may be that is whey am still single cuz ama keep waiting till I find that one who is proud to wear our own... Mad Luve
Mine is NONE There ain't something called new year resolution if you are a Muslim.. If you do that you are Imitating Gaalo and turning your back the message of the prophet Mohamed (SAW).. My resolution is made every morning where I tell myself to be the best Muslim person I can be today, cuz god knows if ama be here tomorrow... *Don't be afraid to follow your believe and allow the non believers to deviate ya* 1 Luve
Acutally I have my "Tongue Pierced", When I did it was just fun but trust me it really did pay off more than I thought ya'll know what am talking about... No woman ever said to me NO when I tried to holler (cuz u know when they hesitate I just play with it and they be like ohhhh my Goddd can I see it again and I be like u gotta work harder..) or when they found out what I got they wann hook up ...am getting my Nipples pierced this spring... Mad Luve!
The Nine Important Men In A Woman's Life....
Shakuur99 replied to Prince_of_Darkness's topic in General
You have refreshed my memory Bro..Dis is Funy Actually I have read it in a differen way on number 4 The POSTMAN Rather than the MILKMAN THE POSTMAN: After the fine lady on her pajama answers the door to receive her dose of the delivery he kindly asks her "Do you want me to drop it in the front or in the back?" Yo is it Ramadan we ain't supposed to be talking such thing... 1 Luve
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