Look...the name of this topic should have been "Why do people..." have problems with overweight individuals(big boned, fat,)...whateva terms used. I would argue that many people (men & women) in general look down on overweight persons in various ways. Particularly in the US because individuality and image are central things to the culture. This is so despite the so called "political correct" age we live in...A perfect recent male example is Michael Moore-I have actually read and heard "professional" ppl in the press who attack & criticize the man not because of his film making abilities or documentary(Fahrenheit 9/11) itself but his weight!
So I think we need to look at the issue in a broader perspective and not confuse and equalize JUDGING a persons because of his/her weight and having preference in physical characteristics. It's not one sided on either gender...Men have certain physical qualities they are attracted to as much as Women have physical qualities they are attracted to..Its human nature! Theres nothing wrong (ethically...religiously) with that or "shallow" because it doesn't AT ALL negate the importance of other human qualities-intelligence, religion, personality, etc..
One thing that I am amazed at with this forum and so many other somali message boards is the lack of depth of the topics and subsequent discussions. It's mostly absurdly generalizing statements of AND, OR and nothing in between. We need more than that brothers and sisters.