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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. LOL..What type of Hitting ? Do you know there are some girls including Somalis who turn on by hitting.
  2. Lefty

    Ouch.. lol

    LOL..That's interesting picture!
  3. Ameanah..I understand that but I don't think he came up with that for no reason. Anyway, You could have done a better way of intervening these teenagers!
  4. 4-100..Where did you get that figure ?
  5. Ameanah..You shouldn't have deleted only one person's post.
  6. Princess_Sexy..Are you another Oprah fan ?
  7. Nuune..You're absolutely right The final score of First Game: Ghana 5 Somalia 0
  8. Somalia is solely represented by Mogadishu local Players only and that weakens their chance of showing a good performance.
  9. Whose story is right ?..The whole thing must be he said she said. Anyway, I could careless whether he's truly Racist or not and I would simply buy anything that I feel like buying them from anyone without second guessing. Besides Who isn't racist in this world ?...Everyone is Racist in one way or another and I consider myself another racist too since I somehow dislike all Oriental people LOL. P.S. Oprah show sucks!
  10. "Choking is what I did and I was pretty good at it," Not a sinlge lady could beat his choking style. Oh Poor ladies.... instead He'll be known for one of the all time prostitute terminators.
  11. why don't you buy one way ticket and go to straight where she's. ...kas nageed kadloobsi rageed kaaga danbeeyay. That's a strong proverb..LOL..ugu sii dar "Sidaad ku ogeyd maha"
  12. LOL..What a difference but you forgot to include the downside of Whitewomen. Anyhow, It was interesting reading them all.
  13. Lefty


    Riddle is the best exercise for the brain but I don't feel like doing it today.
  14. LayzieGirl There's a difference between a Self-teaching online and Public Discussion Forums. You can still maintain your preference how ever way you want it but one individual's choice is not for anyone. I personaly don't mind any forms of written but when there's uncertainty, you have to understand where others are coming from.
  15. LOL@Lakkadoz..Saxib You got that one right but make no mistake about it, the one I have is the future Edition which is not on public display yet. It's for this reason that I just can't help but wonder when others would catch-up and finally come-up with the right answer . Bacdal Afur, Bal isku daya as a Group-Work Aloha
  16. Lefty

    Ramadan Kariim

    The Ramadan will begin Monday Ramadan kariim
  17. LOL@Lakkad..that was thy. I think the girl who posted this thread has a point. The basic way of writing is by using the easiest and the most ordinary understandable way of communicating. If some or the most people can't understand the meaning of your messages, what's the point of decoding them.
  18. OO hada ma sidaana daacad idinka ah. Frankly, I was expecting a very short and a simple answer just like Rayaana did but some of you have gone as far as concluding it with unerring logic. Nuune..Adiga Jawaabtaada marna waa hadal marna waa dagaal & fadhi ku dirir. saxib xagee laguu racaa,, Bugaag badan qofkii wax ka akhrista dhibkaaney leedahay LOL. Lakkad aka Qalad.. in spite of talented always being my middle name, I looked at my tiny little magic dictionary and it defines shukaansi differently. Maajo..Maqaayad customerka la weydiinaayo isla cuntadii midaada ka jirta aduunka LOL. Hibonuro..Adiga horaan kuugu sheegay MINGIS baa qabtaa in lagaa tumana waaye.
  19. Lefty

    Dirty jokes

    LOL..That was funny..I like the middle one!
  20. Lefty


    LOL...That's a good one
  21. Hada ka hor gabar ka dhalatay reer boqor kahaa wadan waxay maalin aragtay dadkii magaalada joogay oo banaanbax sameynaya Rooti la'aan darteed. Markasay tiri dadkaan haday Rooti waayeen maxay cake u cuni waayeen LOL. Marka midaan Waa islaan markay caloosheeda kusoo hubsatay cuntadii loogu talo galay nimanka iska daac-daacsaneysa.
  22. Mahathir is rageedii..What a great and true leader who doesn't shy away for speaking of the real truth. This is one of his amazing quotes in that Conference. He's referring to the Jews! "They survived 2,000 years of pogroms not by hitting back but by thinking," Mahathir said. "They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal rights with others."