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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. I will only light to my MOM...to the rest..hit the road and Mine your own Candle!
  2. Other than Somali, English, Arabic... I can speak Chinese (Mandarin) too but I've an accent! LOL
  3. LOOOOOOOOL@Caveman.. you must be an expert of Somali proverbs, thanks for the collection. This one enlighted me somehow, I never heard it before! "25. Shir naagood oo shan dhaafay waa shar" " observer..Here is the one I like from ur list " Do not despise a woman you have not undressed (bemba, Zambia)"...it sounds very legitimate and very well...true.. However, I wonder why people associate women with evilness cause that's what the majority of these proverbs seem to..
  4. s.o.s I think you miss-read what I asked. It's not about what and how females lose their virginity cause that's quiet obvious. Explain the possibility of tearing ur membrane by just dancing or moving ur body without a Penetration unless your reasonings referr to circumcision torn up. State your case...LOL kickassprincess...I hope so..LOL
  5. I thought most of us would know by now that's a medieval myth. It can be torn doing gymanastics, dancing, horseback riding, etc loooooooooool s.o.s... That's the funniest excuse that I ever heard but Are u really serious about that unless you're referring to circumcision but not virginity. Imagine a girl saying I lost my virginity because of Dancing or horseback riding LOL. Does it sound an awkward or ok....?
  6. It's their duty to show one or both sides of the story one way or another Since it claims the only uncensored news for the middle east. Not only it angered Americans but It has been attacked by virtually every government in the Middle East because it airs stories and programs debating and shouting about the corruption of government officials in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, kuwait and elsewheree but except Qatar. Doesn't that explain their ironic method of prideness itself on reporting on the Middle East from an Arab perspective. Other than that, there's no Question about how good they broadcast up to date news from the globe without context.
  7. To those of you who watch it regularly or once in a while should know what that network is all about, others atleast should have some glimpse of idea. This 24 hour Arabic news Most of the people considered it as the CNN of the Arab world. ofcourse they should be since the rest of stations in that region censored and controlled by its government. Although Al-jazeera created by Qater's own Puppet Emir Hamad Bin khaliifa Al-Thani, The vast majority of Arabs believe that it's a free t.v. network because of its up to date news and crossfire-style debate and arguments toward the region and rest of the people. I could understand the important and need of "free" middle easter network and necessity of having a network that opposes The western biase ones like CNN,BBC, and etc. However, what I still can't understand is their double stander vision and hypocrisy and what they are claiming to be. Al-jazeera is well known to broadcast up to date news from Kabul to Palestine, latest video and audio hits from Osama Bin Laden to his Al-Qaeda, round table debating and discussing of other Arab leader puppets like Kuwait, Saudis, Egypt, and Jordan but never dare to criticize its own Emir Puppet. The biggest military base and Head-Quarter where this war against iraq and Afghanistan is guided locates few miles from the Network's HeadQuarter. I could understand that every country sees the world through the frame of their own values and interests but how could you blame other neighbor countries' leaders their corruption while yours followed one of the stupidest decision by allowing American cruseders to have a huge Military base in order to launch war with every arab countries one by one. Al-Jazeera should and have to cover its own country's political decisions with the same way it covers others if they want to be called free T.V. network. Everything starts from home...Other than that, I see them as another medium biase for one of the Emir puppet's interest. That's How I evaluated al-Jazeera t.v.!
  8. scorpion Don't be so naive and fool ya self! There's no possible way that males and females become good friends. Just a normal friendship such only knowing each other is possible but never expect a great friendship with no string attached from the opposite sex.
  9. I disagree the war isn't over until it's really over!
  10. The only time they usually delete is when some of the so called NOMADS inform them. I too have seen many threads which are offensive to some but not to others and that's why they haven't deleted them yet.
  11. Their gaining weight ofcourse has nothing to do with diet or lack of fitness. Actually, it's the combination of their genetic make up and the high quality of Somalimen's reproductive cell. No matter where and what family poor and rich she came from, she'll become a big lady as soon as she stimulated with skinny dude.
  12. Atl Project If you think all somalimen are lazzy, are u now or will be one of them. OR is this another way of explaining to us the living style of your male relatives.? or are you shemale confused about his/her identity ??
  13. You don't have to trust her and she doesn't need to trust you. Everyone is capable of doing anything possible but all you need is well understanding each other's needs and how to satisfy that.
  14. I've contemplated this few times to myself to reason why somalian brotha's say their not intimadated by a female but when in fact they are and yet have the courage to admit it? I don't know where you got that information but I have never encounter with anyone complaining about the domination of Somali-females. However, I agree with the jeans thing. What's the point of telling her to change her outfit when you met her and took her as your pride with her tigh jeans. Opinionated.. If you always look forward to challenge men, you will end up loosen your footsteps. Men and Women aren't the same physically psychologically!. They do one thing different way therefore they need to be treated and judged different way.
  15. Lefty

    Not all Cute

    looool that was a good one !
  16. Tiisa daryeelaa mid kale ku dara. marka hore Wadankaaga iyo dadkaaga wax u qabo.
  17. Khayr I'm loath to respond to an incoherent narrow minded such as you but I have to so that you won't repeat the same mistakes again. Since you're having a huge problem of understanding text, I suggest you to re-read many times before letting your tiny brain running. Northerner No one brought up any hatred toward Arab people other than their own problems which they created. Just like somali-problems, theirs have nothing to do with religion too and it goes deeper you think. Having said that, I was more referring to their corrupt leaders whom the public really need getting rid off all of them. In a way, this war is good for the vast majority of all Arabs since their puppet leaders' days are numbered and people like Osama Bin Laden will take advantage of these kind of opportunities.
  18. ATL-project well said.... After all, this whole phenomenon and problems facing the middle east region including the palestine/isreal issue originally created by none other but Arab people. Not only They are backstabbing each other but the true of the matter is their real enemies are for themselves. I have punch of Iraqis friends and there's no words of explaination for the way they're mostly thinking for the sake of taking immoral and tiny advantages. By looking every angles in this situation, you just can't blame these zionist and Crusaders because their purpose plus well-known hatred against islam is loud and clear. However, you have to look the easy way for them of acheiving their goals and that's punch of so called amarates and kings aka puppets initially created by British. Even the likes of Saddam Hussein was one of their greatest puppets in the region and they used to admire him alot when he engaged war against the innocent and the great leader of Iran Ayatolah khomeni in 1980s and other well known tortured. As soon as he interfered their business (Kuwait invasion), they started referring Saddam as an evilman. Ofcourse he was and still is but why not before. The bottom line is Arab people need to get killed in order for them to get rid off those puppets who ruled them for awhile and all are good for nothing. Remember US is saying we will liberated or as they referred to (operatin of Iraqis freedom) but this could turn the other way around for seeing many Osama Bin Laden's ideology taking over.... it will and this could happen as long as this war gets longer and reaches other Arab countries. Therefore, in a way this war is good for the future and longer term of Arab people although No one likes to see innocent civilians dying in the short term.. That's my personal reaction to this War.
  19. IS this only me or majority of somaligirls well-know only one topic to post. One after another, complaining after complaining.
  20. IS this only me or majority of somaligirls well-know only one topic to post. One after another, complaining after complaining.
  21. IS this only me or majority of somaligirls well-know only one topic to post. One after another, complaining after complaining.
  22. IS this only me or majority of somaligirls well-know only one topic to post. One after another, complaining after complaining.
  23. The fighter of the year will be either Lennox Lewis or Roy Jones Jr unless Iron Mike Tyson upsets Lewis.
  24. Sthlm lady atleast pin-point ur own opinion to this thread instead of quoting what others think. What a fool human...