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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. I never knew this before this morning, but cell phone signals are so easily picked up by other transmitters. My baby sister's monitor just this morning picked up a cell phone signal for a brief 3 seconds.
  2. I never knew this before this morning, but cell phone signals are so easily picked up by other transmitters. My baby sister's monitor just this morning picked up a cell phone signal for a brief 3 seconds.
  3. I am not at all against cell phones, but there are times when it becomes annoying and other times where its just rude. Like using cell phones at the theatre is annoying, but there's instances where you might be on a date at a nice restuarant and your date not only leaves their cell on, but talks forever to the person on the other end about absolutely nothing!.
  4. I am not at all against cell phones, but there are times when it becomes annoying and other times where its just rude. Like using cell phones at the theatre is annoying, but there's instances where you might be on a date at a nice restuarant and your date not only leaves their cell on, but talks forever to the person on the other end about absolutely nothing!.
  5. I thought about this for a long time before it came down to only 3 people Xawo Tako, Ahmed Gurey and Araweilo
  6. I admit I used the chat quite a few times how many aliases I cannot admit
  7. Wlcm stranger and beauty. Its always good to see new people discovering this site and becoming addicts as well anyways see ya around.
  8. To the last poster no offence, but you sound like a typical brainwashed American. Ironically your not even american and your just as brainwashed. guess which character you remind me of in the above image?
  9. I love George Bush's and and Bill Gates answers....its so them and so hysterical
  10. My favourite quote surprise surprise is one of my own...a few years back for a drama production for my highschool, I wore a sheep costume to promote it and every now and then I would say people are sheep baaa (when I got bored or ticked)
  11. I'm sorry for saying atore and atreesha italian is very quickly creeping into my somali and the funny thing is I don't even speak italian....I just live near a bunch of them
  12. People may not like my open-mindedness, but I don't care Im close enough to beautiful
  13. Bush is mad. We all know that by now. When you think about it, most politicians either are mad to begin with or over the procession of years and all the pressure become mad or alcoholics. The moral of the story don't become a politician or you will become a stark raving lunatic who is also an alcoholic.
  14. I realized while this forum was down how much I've gotten addicted to it (honestly I joined six other forums and not to mention the mailing groups), but now its good to be back...I've missed everyone
  15. Ariadne

    Ya Allah

    I got that poem in my e-mail, but everytime I see it...I am always left speechless...
  16. Yes, welcome back indeed. I just realized how much of a computer nerd I am the first to reply (yikes).
  17. Yes, welcome back indeed. I just realized how much of a computer nerd I am the first to reply (yikes).
  18. Yes, welcome back indeed. I just realized how much of a computer nerd I am the first to reply (yikes).
  19. Yes, welcome back indeed. I just realized how much of a computer nerd I am the first to reply (yikes).
  20. Originally posted by Curly_Sue: This is even more interesting than the Chinese horoscope offence Cushtic_Cutie but i'm sure you'll agree...this one is about your personality which is linked to your name and so far i haven't seen it being try it out. There are so many different and unsual names in there so i'm sure you'll find your name in there somewhere! None taken. I went to this website last year on my quest for the meaning of my name didn't find it there last year. I returned today and was disapointed its not me at all...they described someone else. So I will stick to my chinese horoscope its more accurate and not to mention less dull (I fell asleep halfway through reading that). So I think I'll stick with my animal horoscope beacuse they analyzed my name all wrong
  21. Remember that old joke when we were all kids of why did the chicken cross the road? Well now you can see the supposed answers of George Bush, Bill Gates and more people. Its a parody of the joke and their "supposed" answers. chicken page
  22. Princess sexy its nice to see other hogs around here ....I don't feel so alone now Socrates a rabbit? lol it says I get along with goats and rabbits, my sisters are either rabbits or goats and we fight like there is no tommarow....I think its the fight for the farm and what animal should own it other than the farmer " u PIG!" ^^ take it back! or I swear I will make you deaf with my snorting...and besides I would much rather be called a hog, boar and last but definetly not least a swine than a get it right its swine!!!!!! not a lowly pig!
  23. yes, I know -sob- its sad is it not? *cries to herself and reluctantly accepts the hug from nafisa* sob thanks Nafisa by the way roosters aren't so bad, its actaully funny watching them walk around they think they own the farm just cuz they wake the other farm animals will show them
  24. LOL tamina my sister is a goat it says goats and pigs are supposed to get along gorgeously, but we fight constantly...... well maybe every other week.... wow tamina your a goat (goats are pretty much the philisophocal dreamers that are slightly new age) hey look at it this way better than a pig/door mat
  25. This is what I am ......sob ......more sob....a pig... ------------------------------------------- Contrary to its rather negative reputation in the West, the Pig of Chinese Astrology may be the most generous and honorable Sign of the Zodiac. Pigs are nice to a fault and possess impeccable manners and taste. They have so much of the perfectionist in them that others may be inclined to perceive them as snobs, but this is a misconception. Pigs are simply possessed of a truly luxurious nature, one that delights in finery and riches (in surroundings, food, lovemaking and otherwise). This Sign believes in the best qualities of mankind and certainly doesn't consider itself to be superior. Pigs also care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling. A Pig with no one around to appreciate its giving nature is a sad sight. Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some less-than-well-intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign, and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows! Pigs make great companions in part because of their refusal to see the more negative or base qualities in a partner, but that rose-colored view can lead to this Sign's allowing itself to be taken advantage of. Contrary to their seemingly benign dispositions, however, Pigs can be quite venomous in response to being crossed by a lover, friend or business partner. ------------------------------------------- My animal traits are not me at all but this one I can definetly agree with: "Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly" I'm always telling ppl Im a effing saint