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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. I don't think it should be banned, but legalized so the government can ration it
  2. I was blown away in one of my classes when I saw this guy reading a Russian copy of it. Just out of curiousity how much languages has the quran been translated in?
  3. Originally posted by ¤Simple Woman¤: looooooooooooooool this is soo jokes walahi lol @ ballerz 3 some???? loooooool wow ur girl must really like u... and her girl must've been really horny yeah, or maybe its all a hallucination he had and now thinks it really did happen.
  4. Thanks a million for creating this tour kool Kat. I was planning on doing something like this, but my procrastination got the best of me. As for the above poster the cost of living in Toronto is nothing compared to the cost of living in B.C. And the American economy is crumbeling because of 9/11 and all of those corporate scandals(foreign investors are puling their money out and joblessness is running rampant) Looks like the good ol U.S of A is falling off its high horse.
  5. Of course not, a baby is a picture of innocence they can't do any wrong because they don't know what wrong is. They are these empty vessels that get filled with the experiences they grow up with. Thus it's not that Hitler wasn't a paranoid murderor, but when did he become this way?
  6. Simple woman its whale blubber (and sometimes if the lipstick is the ultra shiny ones it has fish gills in it) not children (infants placenta and afterbirth is made with perfume...nice huh )
  7. Oh no! you too Ilhaam? (its actually kinda funny you can't escape the blue and white, so if you can't beat em join em eh? ) are you gonna paint yourself blue and white and add a blue maple leaf your clothes?
  8. luckily Candanians don't get that old "flag fever" to often. And when they do its for a sporting event say like hockey nights
  9. Originally posted by RAMPAGE: Damn thats sooooooooooooooooo true...british women are all UGLY..i mean UGLY ...they got that redish hair with those freckles... ...iam not sounding rude or anything but its the truth... Whats wrong with freckles? really I have always thought they were pretty and besides I am blessed/cursed with freckles, so they are pretty end of story
  10. Her names was Jeanne D'Arc. She became known as Joan of Arc because English people can't pronounce . Charles the King of France at that time was called Le Dauphin (french for the pretender). The story of Joan is more so explained in the play St Joan by George Bernard Shaw (based on facts and historical events). Why are people always so astonished when they hear of a warlike female or a female in power at any time in history. NEWSFLASH: all females are not "house wife" material. Arweelo and women like her were not a rarity they existed almost everywhere (people have to learn to dig beneath the surface). For example the story of Trieu this trinh who lived from 222-248 (my signature is one of her quotes ): Trieu Thi Trinh was an orphan who lived around 200 A.D. Thousands of years ago, Vietnamese orphan Trieu had left home as a teenager, raised an army and established her own independent territory in the hills. She would lead her army into combat dressed in golden armor, with a drawn sword in each hand, riding on an elephant. She won over 30 battles against the Chinese before killing herself rather than surrendering to the Chinese . All by her early 20s. Pretty damn amazing huh .
  11. Pres, I wasn't only blaming Americans. I was blaming Arab leaders also for lacking backbones and fearing protesters or any sort of opposition in their countries.
  12. It made me wonder what king louis the 14th of france would say I think something along the lines of "the chicken is me"
  13. Originally posted by S h u j u i-1: ( – A pernicious and perhaps asinine, albeit unstated, sensibility has lately pervaded discourse of all sorts on the Middle East. That sensibility can be called the burden of qualification. I speak about the pressure in the United States to denounce certain Arab actions or leaders before denouncing American and Israeli aggression. We have seen the denunciation employed thousands of times in the past few years. A typical example looks like this: "Of course Saddam is a brutal tyrant whose actions I detest, but I oppose war because [America is evil a little green man told me all about their tyranny]." Or this: "Yasser Arafat is despicable, but Ariel Sharon [is a deplorable mass murderor]." Or one of my favorites: "I unconditionally condemn suicide bombings, but Israel [was a state given to the jews as a world apology after the second world war. In giving the state it had to be taken from the palestinians ]." These formulations are disturbing because they assume (not so tacitly) that Arabs only have agency in the context of American morality. They also insinuate that Arabs and Arab Americans are illegitimate commentators unless they acknowledge their own shortcomings before condemning American and Israeli perfidy. This fact wouldn't be so distressing if numerous Arab Americans (and others) didn't acquiesce to the standards constructed by Zionists and American hawks, the two main advocates of Arab dispossession. Most Arab Americans do acquiesce, though, and so we are left with serious problems. The solution is short and simple: No more. Nobody should speak based on the rules set forth by those who willfully tolerate -- nay, advocate -- the destruction of an entire people (i.e., Zionists). Zionists and pro-war Americans are the ones who should make qualifications before they speak. It might sound something like this: "I think that Jews are superior biologically to Palestinians and should therefore receive a privileged status while the Palestinians live in misery; by the way, here is my take on the peace process." Or this: "American lives are worth more than Iraqi lives; here, therefore, is my opinion about the impending war." Or the inverse equivalent of Arab American qualifications: "I am a blatant racist because I support Israel's occupation, but [at the same time I am also a neo-nazi who wants to make war with non-white countries]." It would, of course, appear quite ridiculous to most of us if pro-Israel and pro-war Americans qualified their opinions in this manner. Why, then, do we make such qualifications, which ultimately amount to a pathetic capitulation to the demands made of us by the very people who support the slaughter of Iraqis and Palestinians? Those qualifications essentially reduce us to beggars because they denote uncritical subservience: "If I justify your aggression, may I have a voice?" I don't know if I did this right...
  14. shujui not south east asian, but far east asian
  15. why so many countries aroud the world oppose this war while the arab countries never said something strongly opposing war. That's because the arab countries leaders: a) Have no backbone and are afraid and b) do not want to diminish their business with multi-national oil companies especially those that are American. on the other hand we the massive protest around the world against attack on iraq while arab leader completely deniye their people the right to join the worldwide demonistration. Arab Leaders are afraid of any sort of revolution happanening in their countries. They are in fear of their own people. So if they're afraid of their own people, their own country and sometimes their own shadows; of course they aren't going to allow protests in some countries they're afraid of what it may trigger.
  16. Originally posted by SomaliaOnline-President: I think they should have something like, only registered members with screen names could chat and you have to become a member to chat. [/QB] Pres, I am a registered user with many changing screen names, and if I recall correctly you have a few screen name aliases as well. Tamina, shhhhhhhhhhhh! (be quiet would ya) your giving away the names Im partial to. ever heard of secerecy (SHEESH!!!)
  17. Tenacious J if by witty you mean insane and by replies you mean rambling then were both in agreement . Its good to be back. I missed everyone
  18. Tenacious J if by witty you mean insane and by replies you mean rambling then were both in agreement . Its good to be back. I missed everyone
  19. Tenacious J if by witty you mean insane and by replies you mean rambling then were both in agreement . Its good to be back. I missed everyone
  20. Tenacious J if by witty you mean insane and by replies you mean rambling then were both in agreement . Its good to be back. I missed everyone
  21. I do beleive theres is good and evil in all of us. It all ties in with the balance of life or the duality in all things living or the yin yang (where everything has male energy and female energy. Yin is masculinity. Yang is feminity and this is transferable to positive and negaive energy where all positivity has negativity in it and all negativity has positivity in it). Any "bad" person can do good and any "good" person can do bad.
  22. Da Beast, first of all welcome to somaliaonline. Okay moving on now. There isn't that much Somali male bashing in these forums (I mean there is some here and there), but there is a lot more of Somali women hating. Its good to see your standing up for Somali men. Really it is, but there are good men and awful men from every nationality. Just like there are good women and horrible women from every nationality. Its just that we as human beings tend to classify people into groups from our experiences. I think we should end all of this stupidity. By the stupidity I mean by the gender bashing and generalising of gender and nationality going back and forth. Heres a tip for any of us, next time anyone sees a topic that has to do with gender bashing ignore it (the poster is looking for angry replies because they are being sh*t disturbers). This topic is very much dead so can we please for the sake of all that is good and holy stop reviving it.