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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Im puzzeled :confused: ..... Does that mean shorter females are moe likely to get diabetes? or...... :confused:
  2. I got the poem.... until it ended. Mow I'm left wondering what happened to the rest of it ......
  3. masjid not mosque gotcha *repeat masjid not mosque untill imprinted in brain*
  4. oh my goodness! lol! I almost fell of my chair laughing
  5. Mobb Deep I think you mean to say 720 post and counting and you haven't seen me before cuz I'm very good at being invisible (Im 3 ft 8 perfect height for avoiding people looking at you)
  6. lol My fav was this: If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep. Still chuckling . BTW I like your signature sheytan
  7. My avantar although a bit blurred is picture of the night sky (telescope pic). And since I'm always star gazing. why not star gaze at my own avantar? (it beats the neck craning to look up at the sky)
  8. First let me say Wow! Yes, what the first poster said does have some truth in it, but its mostly the younger generation it applies to. And even though everyone at sometime or another does have wild ambitions (some wilder than others ) we all grow out of it and settle down. So please stop making mountains out of molehills *this time we're in will come to pass*
  9. A 1948 Packard nice reliable American car (the kids will beg to be picked up and dropped off in this car)
  10. a 1959 cadillac convertable (a gettaway car in mst late 50s movies)
  11. a 1920s Austin (chicks dig this car )
  12. hahahahahaha opps I think I may have stumbled into the wrong post ah well hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  13. hahahahahaha opps I think I may have stumbled into the wrong post ah well hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. hahahahahaha opps I think I may have stumbled into the wrong post ah well hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. hahahahahaha opps I think I may have stumbled into the wrong post ah well hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  16. lol section6er. I use to get really angry at those stupid kids and feel bad for the poor rabbit, but my therapist told me that they give him some cereal after the commerical is done. It made me feel a lot better
  17. Since no one else is reppresented my "state" I'll do it. Repping Pluto to the fullest Big Ups to the P-L-U-T-O
  18. Will I buy it? I think not. When you think of it it's another way of merchandising and capitalizing upon something sacred and religous. If enough people buy this chances are in the future there's gonna be more merchandise with the name Mecca slapped on it. Like the scramble to mecca board game (the first player to get to mecca and perform pilgrimage wins the game) see where it might lead to.... and as for coke cola ( I don't like coke to begin with anyway)
  19. I can't beleive something as trivial as skin colour (light vs dark) went on for 3 pages! its a laughing matter almost :rolleyes:
  20. There's somalis in Missouri? wow! we truly are everwhere
  21. Well so much for freedom of speech. What a sentence! The world has truly gone mad. One man who owns a restaurant in the southern states(USA) has changed the name of the french fries to freedom fries taking the "french" out of french fries. Highschool students are being suspended for "terrorist" ideals. one a 15 yr old boy was suspended in Kentucky for wearing a shirt that had a picture of George Bush jr and underneath it said "this is not my president" And a 16 yr old girl was suspended in Michigan for wearing a t-shirt to school that had a picture of George Bush on it and underneath that picture it said "international terorist" She was also visited by the FBI at her home. scary huh
  22. I loved that article!....I think I just might plaster my walls with it
  23. Looking good is only what you yourself can define as "good". What someone thinks they look very good in others will be very quick to disagree. It was Oscar Wilde who once said "fashion is something so intolerably ugly, that it must be altered every six months or so." I frickin agree with him