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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Darman, they eat cat in China, but its only the southern provinces that surrond Canton. It's an age old delicasy that started because of starvation in the first place (thats why they also eat sparrow eggs in the Gobi desert). They eat dog in South Korea (and no one is complaining). In fact dog meat is the third most consumed meat there right after pork and beef. In Mexico they make hotdogs out of rat meat and also eat snakes. In Northern Canada the Inuits sometimes eat raw seal blubber (the fat is an insulator). In most Western countries snails, raw fish eggs and slightly cooked cows tongue is a sign of extravagance and good taste. And of course what most Somalis consider a delicasy (cooked stomach) is also one of those questionable foods. So you see every culture has its delicasies that can also be classified as nasty. And if someone was considering marrying someone Chinese keep in mind, not everybody likes these certain foods.
  2. Scary! I knew the whole U.N time delay on inspections would not work.... why? U.N has no teeth (all bark and no bite). Its scary that the president of the super power of the world right now is a trigger happy (or rather missile happy) redneck. I just hope this war is a humiliation for the Americans (like Vietnam) and my prayers go out to Iraqis (the innocent civilians)
  3. This is my definition of terrorist: a repubican president of the U.S.A (any one of them Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, etc,. ...take your pick )*shudders*. And these are people that are scary (to me) Ginos and Martha Stewart *violent shudders* :eek: :eek:
  4. Harry Potter is not baby books, its fantasy that all ages can read (not too graphic)
  5. Harry Potter is not baby books, its fantasy that all ages can read (not too graphic)
  6. Simply said Africa is having it's dark ages. Every continet went through their own dark ages; Asia, Europe, North America. Right now its Africa and South America. Things look very dire in both these areas, especially in Africa.
  7. Ariadne

    Ladies First

    Oh I see you think you know who I am...tee hee
  8. Ariadne

    Ladies First

    Originally posted by Nasra: SOS, busted….not in the mood to “aka” U. Busted for what? huh? why am I always left in the dark?!
  9. I have a book proposal, lets all read the new harry potter book coming out in the summer. Its said to have 900 pages
  10. I have a book proposal, lets all read the new harry potter book coming out in the summer. Its said to have 900 pages
  11. LOL I think "Paki" is an alias for someone that already is registered here or some faceless Somali person who likes to be a disturber of the peace. For instance look at his/her interests Interests: playin wid mali minds. enough of an indication that paki is a fecal matter disturber to put it politely P.S Ilhaan and kick ass princess ignore paki they're starved for attention. And if we continue to let them starve they just may die off :cool: As for Mr Millenium we discussed ths topic to death. And we all came to conclusion that everyone has their opinions on somali men and somali women as a group. As for me Who needs Somali men when there are suitable Neptunian men around
  12. Ariadne

    Ladies First

    Opps I meant to say it was just an act of politeness the Sheik was doing for you. Someone does something kind and people can't even apprecaite it...sheesh! Oppsies posted twice
  13. Ariadne

    Ladies First

    I hate when people misintrepret acts of politeness. Like when people say excuse me I always say your excused. And then they look at me in horror and walk away shaking their head. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. This is the only recent car I've posted so far. It's the only car that can take up two lanes of the road (very much of a muscle car)
  15. a 1959 Corvette (I just love Corvettes)
  16. A 1954 ferrari (a beaut isn't it)
  17. captured shmaptured....very hard to swallow the news somtimes :rolleyes:
  18. what creepy coincidences
  19. Mines almost over just the weekend left!
  20. Originally posted by Curly_Sue: I see where you're heading with this SOS but haven't you noticed that non-Muslims are using the name Mecca and making profit from it? There's Mecca bingo in the UK and there's even a music label called Mecca. Those non-Muslims aren't only making a mockery of Islam but they're making money out it as well! Curly Sue, I know non-Muslims are using the name Mecca out of mockery and making a profit out of it. However, your suggesting we as Muslims follow suit and also use sacred names (of places) on our merchandise and also make a mockery out of our religion? (Call me crazy, but to me that dosen't seem right) It kinda reminds me of those grade school days where the teacher would ask if everyone jumped off a building would you do it?