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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Paki, large foreheads usually means rational thinking (also known as commonsense). That's why if you beleive in evolution, the austrolapitheus afarensis had such a low foreheads they could not possibly think any logic. In time without logical thinking they all died off. The moral of the story is people with small foreheads will die off and the world shall be inherited by big foreheaded people.
  2. here are some of my own, healthy observations and stereotypes of course. COLUMBIA Where's the cocaine at? I hear you people mix it with everything. SCOTLAND What's up with all these hairy, skirt wearing men is this a gay country?! ARGENTINA Military Totalitarianism is what we need again! CANADA We all know Canada's esteemed President is Mr. Tim Hortons. ROMANIA Wow, you people all look like gypsies (an insult there) If I go to the Province Transylvania will I become Dracula? Will I be killed by him? Will I become posessed by him? Do you think he's cute? Do any of his neighbors live by? Do you think I'm cute? CHINA Invading Tibet before it gets recognized(as a country) and slaughtering and torturing them sure is fun eh If I decided to live in China I would have 16 kids (such a blessing they are) AMERICA I heard George Washington was a transvestite is this true? by the way, how do you stop those stupid Yanks? ISREAL Hitler was a misunderstood and sensitive man don't you agree?
  3. Originally posted by Tamina: Harry Potter? Oh come on, my lil siste(12 yr. old) is crzy about them. I think she finished the 3rd book by now. Secondly, I didnt' enjoy the movie one bit. What about Lord of the Rings, though I'd think it'll be a bit challenging since Its way too detailed than the movie. I like both Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. My mom and my 11 yr old sister both like harry potter. It's the only fantasy book that transcends age (little kids their parents, siblings, etc,.). Of course the movies are never as good as the books (I thought we all established that by now). The lord of the Rings challenging? yes, but easily read? of course. The secret is pep pills mixed in with coffee and taking a day off work and school or both. Detailed is one way to describe Tolkein's writing style another way is over-descriptive and dull (8 chapters to open the frickin door :mad: :mad: in the 1st edition ) .... but it was all worth it
  4. Originally posted by Tamina: Harry Potter? Oh come on, my lil siste(12 yr. old) is crzy about them. I think she finished the 3rd book by now. Secondly, I didnt' enjoy the movie one bit. What about Lord of the Rings, though I'd think it'll be a bit challenging since Its way too detailed than the movie. I like both Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. My mom and my 11 yr old sister both like harry potter. It's the only fantasy book that transcends age (little kids their parents, siblings, etc,.). Of course the movies are never as good as the books (I thought we all established that by now). The lord of the Rings challenging? yes, but easily read? of course. The secret is pep pills mixed in with coffee and taking a day off work and school or both. Detailed is one way to describe Tolkein's writing style another way is over-descriptive and dull (8 chapters to open the frickin door :mad: :mad: in the 1st edition ) .... but it was all worth it
  5. "Nonetheless, the UN is powerless when it comes to the US. It looks like the US has underestimated the IRAQI regime." Thats because the U.N was created by the U.S and mainly for it. All the U.N does is give out small handouts to undeveloped countries (so they can look good) while at the same time looking after American interests.
  6. I didn't think the story was shocking (I guess I'm just not easily shocked ) I thought it was sad though
  7. lol that was harsh
  8. I see the majority of the boys here, still live under the impression that the hymen is only torn during sex. I thought most of us would know by now that's a medieval myth. It can be torn doing gymanastics, dancing, horseback riding, etc,.
  9. ^^^ It's okay we all say things we didn't think too clearly of to begin with anyway. So your welcome
  10. I have been ignoring the newspapers and I don't watch the news, so when I found out was when my mom started praying and crying and I asked what was wrong and she told me the war has started on Iraq.
  11. As long as your a beutiful person because of the incredible inner beauty you possess then no need to worry. Remember; a pretty face may fade, but a beautiful soul lasts forever. And as long as you love and are happy with yourself then you will consider yourself beautiful anyway. Thus; beauty shmeauty!
  12. Wow! I guess I have to triple-check the toilet seats now
  13. I don't really care as long as he dosn't dress like a Gino *shudders* ( I would rather have him in a big teddy bear costume than gino clothes)
  14. I don't really care as long as he dosn't dress like a Gino *shudders* ( I would rather have him in a big teddy bear costume than gino clothes)
  15. Ariadne

    Dress Code

    I don't really care as long as he dosn't dress like a Gino *shudders* ( I would rather have him in a big teddy bear costume than gino clothes)
  16. Ariadne

    Dress Code

    I don't really care as long as he dosn't dress like a Gino *shudders* ( I would rather have him in a big teddy bear costume than gino clothes)
  17. lol I thought he would jump off the cliff as
  18. I'm not taking any sides here, but something princess sexy said has made me a tad bit angry. Originally posted by Princess_Sexy: One thing i try and tell people is that the military is in no reason to be at fault here. Their main goal is to protect their nation Really? you don't say! because it seems to me to protect a country, you're on the defensive and to be on the defensive means of course defending the country . So how are they protecting their country if they are attacking?
  19. Okay, heres a small secret no girl can resist a guy that is confidant. A sense of humour can work miracles too, casually joke about how the world is ending and we're all going to die. Walk up to her and strike up a conversation about say the mega-gigantic costumer/client complex females are so fond of. And if that dosn't work theres always the weather
  20. ^^^ really? I liked the book better (some directors cut out crucial parts and the movie sometimes becomes a mutilated shadow of the book...can you tell I'm a book person?). I know its a bit long .....maybe, I should read it, when it comes out and then tell it to all of you
  21. ^^^ really? I liked the book better (some directors cut out crucial parts and the movie sometimes becomes a mutilated shadow of the book...can you tell I'm a book person?). I know its a bit long .....maybe, I should read it, when it comes out and then tell it to all of you