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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Originally posted by Lefty: but your excuses were all myths. I was curious of how far you can make them look an ordinary. My Excuses were all myths? what excuses I don't recall any excuses? Oh you mean the truth I stated about the delicate part of the female anatomy (that coincidently most of the females (that posted) and even che, who's not a female, agreed with me on) myths? what myths? kindly illustrate what myths my "excuses" were. I'm dying to know.
  2. Its no surpirse to me that misogyny is rampant in this mans world. But I am shocked by how shyhem could compare survival of the fittest to the slaughter of female children. If they eliminate all their female children and theres no females then chinese and indian men will just have to marry each other. The weak become extinct indeed! when females are gone then in 50- 100 yrs time the men will be too. No children being born the young no longer replace the old so the human race would die off (in the extremity of it). I'll bet some people would just want to eat their words especially after realizing that survival of the fittest does not apply to people anymore or we would all die a thousand deaths.
  3. Nothing good is on tv anymore except for those damned war broadcasts on almost every station too ......I'm beginning to miss Monica Lewinsky
  4. lol (laughing is contagious) say what? oh you mean my "languages" beautiful languages aren't they? I think Scottish should be added to the list.....
  5. Lefty: I tried explaining it twice and still to no avail since I'm not going to illustrate my point (much to vulgar and graphic for this website)... I think its best to ask someone else Che: I never said Farax's were in the dark ages I just said they (the ones that mostly responded to this) beleived in a medievial myth. (there is a small bit of difference you know)
  6. Originally posted by AngelEyes: P.S...yo..S.O.S....just to let u know..AUSTRALIA,BRITAIN,NEW ZEALAND AND CANADA ALL SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE WHICH IS ENGLISH...JUST LETTING U KNOW IF U DIDNT FIGURE THAT OUT BY NOW SINCE U SPEAK ALL OF THEM. I already knew that (I was being sarcastic and poking fun at myself)
  7. Here are some stereotypes that are not ony very common in our society, but are also everywhere in the media. Sceintists: Nerds, Pocket protectors, glasses with tape on the bridge, suspenders, high voices, very thick and big glasses, either very skinny or very big, big teeth, Artists: Unusual, does quirky things and thinks of them as normal, speaks like a stoner, is an awful student going to school depending on their mood) Jews: Greedy, rich, movie producers, swarthy skinned, big noses, all their names end with "man" or "witz" for example; Appleman or Horowitz, loan sharks, good at bargaining or getting something for nothing Blacks: Good in all athletics especially basketball ( except hockey and curling), drug dealers, gangsters/thugs, good at dancing, bad in academics, all raised in single-mother households, "soulfull", speaks in ebonics,rappers, Asians: short, skinny, smart, gifted in music, good at math, eat cats and dogs, short-tempered, good at gymnastics and other acrobatics, Italians: dark-haired, dark-skinned, dark eyes,short, construction workers, hot-blooded, mobsters, always yelling, always angry Arabs: terrorists, suicide bombers, religous fanatics, hate western culture (especially the americans) wife beaters, opress their women, either cowards or insane leaders (according to the news) Somalis: Skinny, starving, chews qaat, always in donut shops discussing politics and qabil with other somali men, single-mother families, unusaully loud, racist, big forehead Irish: Drunk as skunks, always in bar brawls, abuse their wives, red haired, accents, freckles, boisterous Lawyers: Blood-thristy, greedy, tricky, scum, try to milk you of your money (no matter how much) Union Workers: Whiny, complainers, alwasy complaing about wages or hours
  8. one of my fav songs is big yellow taxi duh (and for very obvious reasons)
  9. Scorpion Sista and Jawahiir both of you are welcome Kickass Princess thanx Lefty, it is true. I wasn't talking about virginity. I was talking about the hymen with which virginity is associated with. If you don't know much about a females anotomy then it's the small and thin fiber that is supposed to be torn during the first time a female has sex. I was just pointing out many other things can tear it. I know its hard to swallow but its true
  10. These are the languages I speak besides English and Somali: Spanish Gibberish Nonsense Austrailian Canadian New Zealandese British
  11. Originally posted by Rakim: 1. Somali-Men are naturally born with their skinnyness 2. Chinese people are naturally born with their smartness 3. pakistani and Hindi are born with their stinkyness 4. Arabs are born with their scaryness 5. Whites are born with their evilness 6. Spanish are born with their loveness 7. Afghanis are born with their taughness 8. Italian are born with their greedyness 9. British are born with their uglyness 10. Somalis are born with their loudness 1. We're all born small not skinny. The biggest any new born baby can be is 9-14 lbs (which even though is pretty big is still small) 2. How can anyone be born smart? when we're all born as drooling dependants in diapers and leave the world exactly the same way. 3. born stinky? its lack of bathing or daily showers and sometimes it gets so humid even after you showered you still stink ,so deodrant is a Godsend. 4. scary? oh come on as scary as a cute stuffed animal for some of them. 5. Really? what makes someone evil the sins of their ancestors? 6. Whats loveness? do you mean their romanticism? well beleive me not all of them are that way 7.I think Im pretty tough and I'm not Afghani. And in my cass their this afghani girl who is one of the nicest people I know. 8. Greed is in human nature (were all greedy on time or another), I thought this stereotype applied to jews and the Italian stereotype is their all mobsters or construction workers who are loud and allways fighting. 9. Not all brits are ugly, Elizabeth Hurley is very pretty and Hugh Grant is handsome . You see where I'm headed with this? good 10. Even though most Somalis are loud I think they become influenced by other Somalis to be loud. I had this conversation with my cousin last week. It became a screaming contest (I was trying to hear myself over her screaming and she was dong the same ) The purpose of stereotypes is to put people into a group, by how they become when they get older or reach an age where they have developed their personality. (notice how I said developed meaning not born with)
  12. Most of them either made me angry or even angrier, but I did like this one: "Women have no king" (Bari, Sudan)
  13. Maybe the problem is the high expectations people have of each other (no one is going to change because you made them change they will change for themselves when their time comes).
  14. this is the funniest one: Finding: As you go up the corporate ladder, the balls reduce in size.
  15. thanx for the info (Good to know)
  16. Originally posted by Lefty: No matter where and what family poor and rich she came from, she'll become a big lady as soon as she stimulated with skinny dude. Funny theory
  17. Im guessing Rakim is at the very oldest 15. Lets see now, if a woman got married and had a child don't you think the weight she gained with the pregnancy would still be on her?. Especially for somali women since having a truckload of children is traditional. And if you married someone because you love them its supposed to be unconditional love. Meaning you will love them whether they became so skinny they look like they have AIDS or became huge. Sometimes these questions that are posted are soo stupid it shows the person either did not think about it or does not know how to think. :mad: :mad:
  18. I agree with rock's chick ....I would change nothing (except maybe can all my debts just vanish)