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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. right now tom's diner is blaring from my CD player (man I love that song!) oh and Last nite by the strokes (I don't know why, but it reminds me of the rock bands from the late something the clash would sing...but ....not really..... )
  2. Okay I am not annoyed as much by Somali issues as everyone else here is. Mine is more personal. People who mistreat people who work for them or are providing a service. For instance no one in is treated more like sh!t than waitresses. I mean if your gonna give a tip (thats nice) but don't be a f***ing d*ckhead and toss the tip on the floor.
  3. Che Guevera, my mom use to cook that funky smelling stuff (luckily she stopped) Darman, apology accepted
  4. You know what I'm exactly referring to myths and it's ok for you to bring up well-fabricated myths Well fabricated? (do you mean the silk or the velvet?) what was well fabricated? (My some people just don't get it!). Too far with what? oh let me guess "the well fabricated myth" you accuse me of spreading and yet you can't even provide solid proof about me using this frickin so called myth. I'm dying to know where I employed this myth. Please tell me so that I can stop asking this question. And please once more accuse me of using a non-existant myth. Nothing makes my day more than that. but luckly you didn't go too far with it. Remember you can fool other younger ones therefore despise the anger. You see thats just it. I'm not trying to fool anyone (theres a specific reason why this sentence is bolded....hint hint) Lefty, you and I are the same we're both sticking to our guns. The only difference between us, is mine are loaded.
  5. oh thats what he meant by the way welcome aboard
  6. oh thats what he meant by the way welcome aboard
  7. Ariadne


    oh thats what he meant by the way welcome aboard
  8. Ariadne


    oh thats what he meant by the way welcome aboard
  9. any idea about what? the website? the whether? existance of aliens? you need to be more specific.......
  10. any idea about what? the website? the whether? existance of aliens? you need to be more specific.......
  11. Ariadne


    any idea about what? the website? the whether? existance of aliens? you need to be more specific.......
  12. Ariadne


    any idea about what? the website? the whether? existance of aliens? you need to be more specific.......
  13. Ariadne


    explasin what?
  14. Ariadne


    explasin what?
  15. Darman, did you even bother to read my whole post?. I said every culture has its nasty food, but I don't see you posting any of their "delicasies". Yes, I compared goat stomach to Asian eating habits . However, I also compared cow tongue, snails, raw fish eggs, hot dogs made of rat meat and seal blubber to Chinese food. Chicken cooked in its own blood you say.... did you know in Poland its very common to eat pigs blood pudding? (give me chicken drenched in blood any day). Did you know in Mexico (and other parts of central america) they eat Pigs feet and snout? ...I'll bet you didn't. Do all Mexicans eat Pigs feet and the snout? no Do all Polish people eat pigs blood pudding? I hope not no Do all white north americans eat snails, tongue and raw fish eggs? no So the real question is do all Asians eat these foods? no You were generalizing. You can have your preference of who you date and marry cuz ultimatley thats up to you, but can we all grow up now and stop these whopping generalizations. Oh and one more thing stop calling me bro, brah or brother. Since I am a female! (Geez does anyone bother to look at anyone elses profile)
  16. Ilhaan you aren't subtlely calling me crazy are you? (if you are I take that as a compliment ) Yes, curling. Canada apart from being famous for the snow and beavers is famous for curling too. (which to me is not a sport but a chore...they are sweeping the ice ) hey you forgot to continue the word! ah well I'll do it for you *shudders* School
  17. lol looks like you beat me to it Ilhaan...ah well
  18. Ah, I see what your doing is giving us words to see what our connotation of it is. Thus, to better analyze whomever responds into what type of person they are. Anyways when I think of Canada I always think of curling Next Word: Mother
  19. Che People like to beleive in myths over the truth because not only are myths more fanciful and less bleak than the harsh and ugly truth. But, for a brief few minutes or hours they like to escape from their lives. There is no harm in that at all. I just got angry that some people would base their opinion on a very old sex myth.
  20. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: S.O.S.....I was surprised that anyone would compare the murders of innocent babies to the darwinism crap. So was I, especially since the survival of the fittest dungpile was applied to animals (which makes sense )
  21. I want to go on a road trip! *Senses chick fight in here and backs out slowly*
  22. Originally posted by Lefty: I was curious of how far you can make them look an ordinary. Making the truth look ordinairy well I never heard of such a dangerously contemptous and evil shananagan. It's almsot unspeakable.