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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Animal Farm, try this website its very helpful renters news
  2. my favourite is this one HE: So, what do you do for a living? SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
  3. People here aren't as polite anymore not excluding myself of course
  4. I read it before in an anthology of black poets still funny though lol
  5. I have two thoughts on this: 1) she killed her sister cause her sister killed the guy 2) she found out her sister was romantically involved with the guy
  6. I suspected it was an april fools prank ( a wedding anouncement on the first of april....) btw good prank aplus
  7. Originally posted by Naziha: S.O.S lol New Zealandese did u mean to say MOARI ! Kio Aro I wish! I meant typical new zealnad english
  8. Ariadne


    oh goody I can trade ppl for neccessary items lets see....I can't think of anyone right now I'll get back to you later
  9. Ariadne

    Missing Nomads!!

    Ilhaam, mosses implied he knew who I was and I was saying the equivilant of yeah sure buddy
  10. lol princess sexy, sorry if I confused you I didn't mean tuberclosis. I meant Tiblisis the capital of Georgia (a small country that used to belong to the soviet union) disease-festering wounds
  11. wow some people here really know how to piss on your parade! As for the weddings I havent heard of a somaliaonline wedding yet, well except for one and thats a bit iffy still.....
  12. This topic dosn't seem like a joke might want to move it to another section. In the mean time, according to lots of opinions on this site somalis are everything (were the tiger woods' of africa)
  13. Ariadne

    Missing Nomads!!

    ^^^ mmhmm yes uh huh I'm sure.
  14. Originally posted by BoYz_at_lovezone: Bush and his poodle(Blair) I can almost see Saddam threatning Bush with "I'll get you my redneck and your little dog too!"
  15. congradulations again em..... I mean many blessings to come *evil laughter fades out*
  16. Ariadne

    Missing Nomads!!

    Ilhaan, I don't know about Buubto, Baydan and illmatic. But Soul Lady and Lakkad have gone through name changing one is now known as Mosses and the other Cheetah (I'll let you guess which one is which )