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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Ariadne


    OG_moti, don't worry too much it's all fun and games ( I'm too nice to trade ppl for things ). This goes to anyone I traded for anything *does not apply if the person is a headcase*; I love all of you! even canbaro luul for trading me for a bleeding bed set :mad: do you think so little of me?
  2. ^^That was hysterical. I especailly loved the Candain and Jehova witness ones
  3. Ariadne


    1. Che Gueverra (someone I bud heads with too much and a deserted tropical island will not do ) 2. Cute Lil Girl (talkative) 3.Canbaro-luul (I'm just getting you back) 4. Lefty (no need in having more than one stubborn person) 5. Shyhem (no need to explain) 6. Anna Rexia (nothing personal your name just came to my head) 7.Og Moti and Nunne (I can just imagine what they would cook) 8. Shujui (sorry but, your not only dangerously close to my post number, but you talk almost as much as a rambling mad man) 9.The Clown (he seem like a very young and very angry kid) 10. Anyone who wants to trade me for anything
  4. Che, If what I at first said about Indigenous people, was misleading people into getting an impression that I did not intend then I apologize.
  5. heheheheheheheheh stupid cocky americans
  6. Ariadne


    I get my excersize pacing and running to the fridge in between commericals when my animes are on.
  7. quote: quote: I never said that. I said dark caucasians according to those times were black people (who weren't really black just very tan) what is Black? quote: I was being sarcastic in saying they weren't black just really tan (to make them the melanin matter less to the society at that time). [QB]When people say the Natives around the world (Brazil, Native North Ameircans, South Pacific and Africans) they refer to them as Indigenous meaning Original Inhabitants. In southern Sudan they are Bantu and yet they are still considered Indigenous. [QB] I was merely pointing out the word "Africa" is not synmous with Bantu. They are one section africa's many indeginous diversi groups! But, I never said Africa was synounomous with Bantu. So, you could have beeen pointing it out to the wrong person. [QB] Just pointing out, no one is pure anything. There is no pure white, black , yellow or red man and certainly there is such no thing as pure bantu. Many purist west africans would love to argue that cushitic people are all bi-racials and the bantus are the "pure" africans I know there is no such thing as pure anything. You know this too. But, what you said was everyone inter-married. Then you said that they are not the product of inter-mingling. Finally! something we can both agree on. I think yu also will agree cushtic people are indeginious africans much like bantus from west africa! Agreed, most Sub-saharan Africans are Indigenous. Yes, diversity is very good. And diversity means differences. But are we really that different? as humans? really? No we are not, but by our nature we categorize each other into groups. Even if there was a world occupied by a homogenious society, there will still be categarization of people. Darned human nature! always looking for differences. and whats wrong with that? Nothing is wrong with that except it is realistically talking a stupid concept to pursue. There is no one racially, politically and culturally homeginious Africa.we are not one big happy black family and will never be one,and yes we never were to begin with There is no homogenousness anywhere in this world. Sure there are similarities here and there, but nothing is ever exactly the same. This applies to all the continets, not just Africa.
  8. Ariadne


    Everyone who like AC/DC like Joni Mitchell (I guess she's the Canadian heavy metal sort of singer )....protest song with happy music (kinda ironic)
  9. Ariadne


    and if I recall correctly you liked AC/DC and Green day ....
  10. Ariadne


    boycott heavy metal always made sense, people just could't understand cuz of the screaming out in rage . Its there you just have to listen for it. Here are the lyrics. I'm walking through your streets Where all your money's earning Where all your buildings crying And clueless neckties working Revolving fake lawn houses Housing all your fears Desensitized by T.V. Overbearing advertising God of consumers And all your crooked pictures looking good Mirrors filtering information through the public eye Designed for profit sharing Your neighbor, what a guy Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom, Boom, Boom, Modern globalization Coupled with condemnations Unnecessary death Matador corporations Puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag Manufacturing consent is the name of the game The bottom line is money nobody gives a f**k 4000 hungry children Leave us per hour from starvation While billions are spent on bombs Creating death showers Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Why must we kill our own child? Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom, Boom, Boom, Every time you drop a bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom Every time you drop the bomb
  11. just to clarify something brotha man, I was not attacking scorpian. I was saying people in general here are not as polite as they use to be and I did not exclude myself from this.
  12. Like S.O.S said tutsis were considered black caucasians. I never said that. I said dark caucasians according to those times were black people (who weren't really black just very tan) S.O.S....So we be clear, we are not putting down bantus and denying them their accomplishments and civilazations. I never said anyone here was putting down bantus or their accomplishments. I simpliy said lets refrain from using Negroid. I gotta to disagree few things yu said though. Bantus are not the indeginous people of the most of Sub-sahara Africa(Aka black africa), When people say the Natives around the world (Brazil, Native North Ameircans, South Pacific and Africans) they refer to them as Indigenous meaning Original Inhabitants. In southern Sudan they are Bantu and yet they are still considered Indigenous. They have originated from west Africa and replaced indeginous people in many parts of Africa in series of migrations. Pygmies are indeginious people to the congo. Bushmen of the Kalahari are indeginious to southern Africa. Bantus have also replaced many indeginious in east africa. The bantus were technologically advanced than local people who get assimilated or cease to exist. The bantus have reached as far south as the great zimbabwe where one of the great bantu civilazations was born. To say bantus are indeginious to all of sub-sahran africa is misleading. I never did say Bantus were Indigenous to all Africa now did I?. This is not a whiteman's account of african history, it is the truth And where did I say it wasn't? It is also misleading to say the so called hamites aka somali, ethios, etc are result of black and the invading armies. we are not the product of anything. Sure ,we have inter-married with other people but who didn't. Could anyone in this world possibly say iam pure anything. The cushtic people, their cultures , and languages are unique and have been so for all ages. They are not the product of bi-racial inter-mingling. First, you say sure they have intermarried with others. Then you say they are not the product of bi-racial inter-mingling. Make up your mind. The idea that cushtic people are white/semitic origin doesn't hold any ground anymore. I do agree with you that was something used by europeans to claim any civilzations in Africa for themselves. They wanted take a credit for everything from Egypt, Aksum ,punt, to nubia and great zimbabwe. But the truth is africans built these civilazations. Finally! something we can both agree on. N These africans were bantus and cushitic people. we should acknowledge the diversity of within africa itself Yes, diversity is very good. And diversity means differences. But are we really that different? as humans? really? instead of calling our selves one big happy black family. and whats wrong with that?
  13. my new fav song is boom no one can compare to SOAD...and diamonds and guns by the transplants
  14. Ariadne


    who has seen the anti-war song by system of a down called boom? The song is very effective because its a taping of the february 15th protests(the international world protest day). And they have these facts in the video (in the bottom half of the screen). Anyways, if you haven't seen it yet watch it on the system of a down website. and Post your responses here. boom video
  15. hutus are a negroid tribe. I hate that word! not only is it not politically inocrrect, but white supremicists in the 1950s used this as to undermine any african acheivement. And made the africans that did acheive something belong to a "dark caucasians." Meaning they called africans either negroid or hamite (hamites are the supposed dark caucasians) while negroids are the "uncivilized canniballistic Africans" (which all black Africans fell under). The modern way of refering to Africans with African features is Indigenious. (Because they did not inter-marry with supposed invaders or whoever was passing through). So can we refrain from using negroid! for the sake of our Continet.