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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. heheheheheheh what an old woman! (oh and apology accepted for whatever)
  2. I liked this one the best Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?
  3. Ariadne

    Missing Nomads!!

    I just realized something maandeeq and manala garad baa have not shown up here for a long time
  4. huh? methinks I should maybe create another vent room.....
  5. farmer....sure I would farmers are the grains of the earth and besides that they're cool . I mean if it wasn't for farmers how else would we get fruits ad vegetbales and pixie sticks oh and another thing maybe this should have been pmed to the admin since it was for them
  6. I liked #5 and 24....#4 is soo true its almost scary :eek:
  7. samiha... sneak out the back window and creep through the bushes and if anyone in your family is awakened by the shuffling in the bushes bark like a dog (its helped me countless times )
  8. I never said you were true Somali or not. I said we have a history of being nomads. I never said all Somalis still have this lifestyle, but if you go to Somalia you are bound to find nomads there (those are the ones who clinged tightly to it)others have left the lifestyle . Yes, I understand you aren't a nomad. But why are you making such a big deal out of a title on this website would you rather be called some dude? or better yet alien? immigrant? refugee? qaxooti? skinny? or the oh so great word mali? or even niggas and nigeettes? take your pick (I'll be waiting) If you don't want to be called nomad thats your choice, but its how the website was made to title everyone here. So take it or leave it.
  9. Ariadne


    Sorry to dig this topic back up. I was going to post a topic like this but abdi nuur beat me to it. These are my fav dramas: It's a wonderful life (my goodness!...I cried most of the way through it) The Grapes of Wrath (I was moved so much by it) Rebel without a cause (I love James Dean) The Basketball Diaries American beauty Seven Years in Tibet Y tu mama Tambein (a movie about Puerto Rican independance and being anexxed by the US) Dracula the recent one with Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves (what can I say... I love Vampires such sensual creatures) Dead Poets Society A Time to kill Fav musicals: Moulin Rouge The Rocky Horror Picture Show My Fair Lady Grease West Side story Fav girls night in movies: Fight Club Clueless (don't ask!) next friday Breakfast at Tiffanny's Wayne's World (1 and 2) Airplane The gods must be crazy Titanic (sob-fest to clear away all the laughter) Bedazzled Robin Hood men in tights Reality Bites Fav action: Kyumingtang The Godfather series (though I must say the 2nd and 3rd were a bit diaspointing) Rush Hour (1 and 2) Bonnie and Clyde (I know its a romance but its also action) All those Rocky movies with sylvestor stallone anything with Jackie Chan in it except the tuxedo (what a disappointment!) the Matrix Fav Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine SPIT and of course fav animes (movies): Vampire hunter D ( I cried in this) Princess Mononoke Spirted Away (I just saw this and went home smiling) the Ghost and the shell anf of course the Ruroni Kenshin movie
  10. Tagane, you may not be a nomad or your family for that matter. But what about your ancestors? up until the early 1960s a good number of all Somalis were nomads or semi-nomadic. If you go back to even before that, lets say the early 1900s maybe only 5 % of the general population was living in a city or village. The way I think of it all humans were nomads at one time or another. It's just that some have left that lifestyle while others have clinged tightly to it.
  11. lol shamsa a somali version of Lorena Bobbit in the making?
  12. cute lil girl don't you think this topic would add fuel to the fire for the gender wars that have been going on here for awhile
  13. Ariadne


    Caanbaro luul.... I liked it too, but all these other cuties started surfacing and I got tired of being "cute" and all the other cute new people surronding me with their cuteness. So, as you can see.... I... overdosed on all of those cutie names (mine included). And its hard work beng cute all the time ya know.
  14. For awhile Lady Fatima was a moderator, but she disappeared. Anyways I'm up for her becoming a moderator again if she ever comes back.....
  15. I like foreign movies a lot, but for some reason I just can't stand Hindi movies! can we wacth something else plz?