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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Everyone has their celebrity crushes (at diferent times in their lives to diferent extremes). So with this in mind, Lay off the poor girl and let her fantasize. (wonders: if some people have better things to do than to tear into others and rip them apart :rolleyes: )
  2. Everyone has their celebrity crushes (at diferent times in their lives to diferent extremes). So with this in mind, Lay off the poor girl and let her fantasize. (wonders: if some people have better things to do than to tear into others and rip them apart :rolleyes: )
  3. Everyone has their celebrity crushes (at diferent times in their lives to diferent extremes). So with this in mind, Lay off the poor girl and let her fantasize. (wonders: if some people have better things to do than to tear into others and rip them apart :rolleyes: )
  4. Not too long ago (actaully only a few hours ago). I was in a lively debate with someone about what human beings are. We kept debating back and forth of what humankind is. He insisted humans are animals and do primitive things that animals are only known for doing such as making tools and resolving conflicts. That a lot of human behaviour is not very different from animals behaviour such as fight or flight instincts. So my question is; are humans animals or do humans transcend animals and are a species all their own. What do you think?
  5. Abilla, or whoever the heck you are, what do you mean by feminist "thing" ? You make it seem like a stupid "thing" females do just to be superiour to men (or to declare it). You also made it sound like those phases teens go through with the no one undertsands me crap. It's about eqaulity nothing more nothing less. There will always be feminism or its alternative name (female empowerment) as long as women get paid 60 cents to a dollar the men are making.
  6. I just noticed I say really a lot too
  7. I am rather fickle when it comes to authors and my favourites. But, my favourite author that has constantly remained my favourite is of course Anne Rice.
  8. I use to be afraid of death, but I have made my peace with it. I am no longer afraid of death because death is a part of life. And besides there are scarier things out there like: fluffy bunnies, morning birds, those people that are always kissing up to you (they are planning to kill you and you know it) and of course what list is not complete without clowns.
  9. Woah Easy there! I can't speak for everyone and say they weren't shocked, but I know I wasn't. I was slightly surprised that someone would broadcast their sex life on the net. And from what I read of the replies to your topic people weren't hating (that much ) they were asking questions. So really theres no need to scream.
  10. Woah Easy there! I can't speak for everyone and say they weren't shocked, but I know I wasn't. I was slightly surprised that someone would broadcast their sex life on the net. And from what I read of the replies to your topic people weren't hating (that much ) they were asking questions. So really theres no need to scream.
  11. Woah Easy there! I can't speak for everyone and say they weren't shocked, but I know I wasn't. I was slightly surprised that someone would broadcast their sex life on the net. And from what I read of the replies to your topic people weren't hating (that much ) they were asking questions. So really theres no need to scream.
  12. Woah Easy there! I can't speak for everyone and say they weren't shocked, but I know I wasn't. I was slightly surprised that someone would broadcast their sex life on the net. And from what I read of the replies to your topic people weren't hating (that much ) they were asking questions. So really theres no need to scream.
  13. I use to be afraid of soo much things, but it seems to me nothing really scares me anymore. Well except Ginos (there is nothing scarier than ginos especially with those really ugly rings and necklaces ...its like they're trying to kill you with their ugly overdose on jewlery )
  14. Originally posted by SCORPION_SISTA: last night, i was going to puke reading pervious topic. Today reading this other new topic i am going to hang myself......... I am feeling the exact way. Except reading some of these posts, I think I would not mind welcoming a cold lead bullet to my head. :mad:
  15. no sarcastic comments? but those are the best! I mean how else would you convey a message and make the person seem like an idiot all at once? anything besides sacrasm could not do that (oh and I wasn't being sarcastic) *gasp* a miracle I know oh and nothing comes to my head except: we'll crucify the insincere tonight tonight tonight, Smashing Pumpkins
  16. I have a bunch of those words, there's: hon, honey, sug, love and sweetie ( I forget names easily so everyone is one of those names )
  17. Ameenah yup its me in the flesh (cybernetically speaking of course)
  18. Ariadne


    Heres another joke I was just told: A woman went to the doctor for a check up. She found out everything was fine with her. But she asked her doctor what was wrong with her husband because lately he took a particular liking to anal sex. The doctor asked her if she liked it she said yes then lowered her eyes. The doctor told her "there was nothing wrong with liking it, but make sure not to get pregnant." The woman was mystified by this "you can get pregenat?" she asked "Of course, where do you think lawyers come from" replied the doctor
  19. Happy Birthday 23 huh? I hate to be a killjoy, but remember that Blink182 song whats my name again and remember that part where he says nobody wants you when your 23? is this true so far?