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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. definetly football (not the American lemon shaped ball)
  2. Darman damn you! OG_moti's third wife (I oughta clout you on the head) I don't beleive in poligamy fr myself thank you very much :mad: I guess you really like pushing people buttons and seeing how they react huh?
  3. ^^ hmmmmmmm.... *aside: and people wonder why STDS are so widespread nowadays*
  4. Ariadne

    Good Read

    Very interesting story. I enjoyed reading it immensely; however, I couldn't shake off the feeling it was fictional.
  5. I don't remember forwarding any pics of jamaal_11.... I swear I don't have pics of jamaal lol stop letting out the bloody secrets ....and I'm not fat I'm juicy
  6. Matkey: chimps have been known to resolve any conflict that will happen or underlying tension by offering their bum to the other chimps. Thus they can take their aggresssion out through sex. ^^ Thats how they resolve their violent tendecies. I thought it was a bit amusing not to mention funny .
  7. Baashi: arguing on a side I'm against dosen't work! so... I suppose your right... Che: very informative
  8. ^^^^ He's right that the first laws were written in Baghdad (under the name of Babylonia) along with the first writing in the world (called cuneiform by the Sumerians). However Algebra was invented by another civilization called the Greeks later on. When the Greek empire fell. The Romans advanced on and made improvements to a lot of the things the Greeks originally came up with. Later on when the Roman empire itself crumbled. All of this information was lost and brought on the dark ages in Europe (it lasted almost a millenia). However, the Arabs (at that time a force to be reckoned with) went to Greece and Rome and Constianiople and retreived the lost information of the Greeks mathematics and philosophies. And used the information for the Golden Arab age that spread to Asia, Africa and Europe. Which marked the ending of the dark ages in Europe and brought forth the Renneisannce (thanks to the Muslims).
  9. ^^ very easily unravelled. You are infatuated with a pretty face....That's why; whenever your not with her you don't want to see or hear her, but as soon as your with her again and she smiles at you. Your determination for ending whatever is between you and her leaves you.
  10. my goodness! here we go with the fat crap again. I swear some people have turned into nazis with this. Meaning I'm skinny and your fat so I'm automatically all of the above and you are garbage. I have only one thing to say; down with fat nazis! (who try to watch how they breathe out very closely just so they won't look "fat"). It just seems so bloody ridculous to me
  11. Is there a syndrome going around with all these sex crazed kids rampaging through this website?
  12. I stumbeled on the cows drink milk one but got the rest. But really don't cows drink milk when they are young calves (still cows aren't they?)
  13. I got teary eyed after looking at that picture
  14. Another thing that annoys me is the grouping of both males and females into bad boys and girls and nice boys and girls. You can only be one or the other. All 6 billion people in the world fall under two categories. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  15. It stinks when people take their aggression out on the wrong person. She should have split open her husbands face, he's the one who created the situation.
  16. I just realized it's very hard to debate something when everyone is arguing on the same side as you. Maybe I should go on the defensive to try to liven this up a bit. Northerner: Indeed, it is to beat religion out of the human mind and instill science (we came to be what's taught to young children) Baashi: yes, we aren't animals, but at the same time we are very similar to some animals to an extent. For example did you know 99.9 % of human DNA is junk DNA because we share it with chimps? To clarify some things; I am not an advocate of Darwinism or man as animal theories that still exist today. I thought this would be a good debate topic. Turns out... I was wrong, everyone is debating on the same side.
  17. Fox news? that right wing pro-military action crap...and not to mention their right wing views on all serious issues (for example illegal immigrants stealing the work of decent hard working americnas) CNN oh my there's another right wing image distorted propaganda machine that spivels out BS as well. If he deserved to work for either of these "news broadcasters" then whoever thinks he deserves it must really hate him.
  18. another dose of a bitter horoscope?
  19. Ameenah: thanks for your input. The starfish? I thought it was a single cell monera he theorized began all life on this planet. What surpirsed me is how anyone could think man is an animal; when animals don't think things over, analyze, or even curiously wonder. These traits are uniquely human and must mean animals and humans aren't one and the same.
  20. I do feel sorry for him, but I must admit a lot of his qoutes made me laugh or crack a huge smile. The guys is hysterical in his denial
  21. Everyone has their celebrity crushes (at diferent times in their lives to diferent extremes). So with this in mind, Lay off the poor girl and let her fantasize. (wonders: if some people have better things to do than to tear into others and rip them apart :rolleyes: )