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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Theres no hate in my post at all its all a big lump of cynical and sarcastic goodness
  2. I hate everything about you by Three days grace the chorus goes like this: I hate everything about you So why do I love you?
  3. A tree Grows in Brooklyn: This book deals with being the daughter of immigirants who are poor and survival as a family. I enjoyed it tremendosely because it deals with every day themes in this life even though it was set in the early 1900s. And as an immigrant myself I related to her parents experiences. The Piano Mans Daughter: A story of a man (born a ******* ) who lives a life of struggles taking care of his crazy mother and her taking care of him as a child. This book was very dry and boring the first few chapters. However it got very sentimenatal and intellectual by the 4th chapter. I really liked it because the intellectual aspects were very stimulating to the mind.
  4. I know this is supposed to be a serious topic, but I automatically think of that song in clueless when its first begininng called we're the kids in America (its also in the digimon movie) As for people coming up to you and asking you what your doing with non-somalis as friends just tell them its none of their business who you choose as your friends and your not living to please them.... (you can get creative and add stuff here like fall in a hole somewhere or you can end it there)
  5. I know this is supposed to be a serious topic, but I automatically think of that song in clueless when its first begininng called we're the kids in America (its also in the digimon movie) As for people coming up to you and asking you what your doing with non-somalis as friends just tell them its none of their business who you choose as your friends and your not living to please them.... (you can get creative and add stuff here like fall in a hole somewhere or you can end it there)
  6. I know this is supposed to be a serious topic, but I automatically think of that song in clueless when its first begininng called we're the kids in America (its also in the digimon movie) As for people coming up to you and asking you what your doing with non-somalis as friends just tell them its none of their business who you choose as your friends and your not living to please them.... (you can get creative and add stuff here like fall in a hole somewhere or you can end it there)
  7. I know this is supposed to be a serious topic, but I automatically think of that song in clueless when its first begininng called we're the kids in America (its also in the digimon movie) As for people coming up to you and asking you what your doing with non-somalis as friends just tell them its none of their business who you choose as your friends and your not living to please them.... (you can get creative and add stuff here like fall in a hole somewhere or you can end it there)
  8. OG_moti I didn't mean strawberries in a good way I meant I wanted them subverted (changed altered) Good analysis though it fit to the tee almost except for the James Dean thing I mean come on can't I watch his movies for his incredibles hotness (I don't wish the world was like back in the day... I just like James Dean movies because of James Dean) Ilhaan it was instinct poet who thought I was Somalia Online Sicko
  9. Og-moti you are one funny guy you complain about how women are coming to get you( and not only you but other male members for whatever it is they said) now and not too long ago you posted a topic about stand up and fight for your womens rights for the womans forum being at the bottom. I don't mean to sound sarcastic but don't you think your being a bit paranoid? that maybe just maybe its not the blood thirsty women out to get you it was maybe a glitch on this website.....I'll stop there before I get carried away. but just think about it
  10. Originally posted by OG_Moti: 11. S.O.S waaw sos is a hospital name, it is short for something, tell me S.O.S stands for what and i tell u who u are, but i feel u are rebelian, u like to break rules.. more about u but need to know what the nick stands for.. S.O.S is an abstract name you can want it to mean whatever you want. When I took it I was thinking of Save Our Ska, Save Our Somalia or Subvert Our Strawberries, etc,. someone told me they thought it meant Somalia Online Sicko (I liked that too) anyways whatever comes to your head when you think of it. Good guess though I am kinda a rebel (its all those James Dean Movies when I was younger )
  11. ^^ really? I guess its supposed to be American then or...
  12. I saw it in her video too. I also saw all the other countries of the world flags (she didn't miss a single one...they all flash on and off behind her wearing a naval officer American naval officer uniform) coincidence? I think not
  13. Originally posted by MsWord: Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. ------- 10 things to do in an Elevator 8.Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!" Those two made me laugh that I almost guffawed
  14. I know its not my name but I couldnt resist love spelt backwards is evol (could be evil with a bad speliing mistake
  15. Originally posted by THE CLOWN: Well this Quotes are the Last movies i've watched with my ex and the line that i remember is exactly the only quote that i ever wished would come from the mouth of a somali girl..... "I'm just a Girl standing in front of a Boy asking him to love her"by Julia Roberts in Notting hill. you never see that line coming from a Somali Girls' mouth even if it was just a movie. ^^ a bit of a hopeless romantic aren't we?
  16. funny I thought that poem was for a pernicous lover and then it turned out to be the flu ....well
  17. My fav song of all time is ....(drumroll) Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.... none of you probably know it
  18. "Out of all the restaurants all over the world you had to walk into this one" (Casablanca) "I don't see how anyone can see anything in me my face is funny. She even said so herself." (Funy Face) "A group of men were out hunting. And they decided to dress their dog in hunting gear and to make it even more authenic they decided to give the dog a rifle. Well the rifle went off and the dog shot one of the hunters in the knee by accident. It was actually very cute how it was dressed up and very strange when we got the phonecall." (Police officer who received the phonecall from the hunters in bowling for Columbine) oh and of course "Only in their dreams are men truly free it has always been thus and twill always thus be" (Dead Poets Society)
  19. S.O.S (normal) S.O.S (backwards) tee hee its enough to make me giddy
  20. Originally posted by nafta: What is ur fav R&B, Hip Hop, Rap, Reggae tune of all time, old or new? why must it be restricted to only R&B, Hip Hop, Rap or reggae?
  21. oh goody a guessing game ... okay og-moti what does my nick say about me?
  22. I really liked the dominos like way of everything falling onto each other (very clever)
  23. lol poor og_moti is getting all huffy for no good reason. It dosn't really mater where the womens forum is as long as its there .