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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. I use to like blue along time ago and then everyone started liking wasn't that nice after that. Same thing with red. My favourite colours are: Pink: such a misunderstood colour and so fiercly feminine and in your face. and Black: what can I say this is truly a timeless colour. And its a much darker and more mysterious colour than white (none of that goody goody crap)
  2. Tamina, it has pretty much died. There's no more fear or hysteria. The hospitals that have closed are opening backup.I haven't seen a mask for weeks. And I haven't seen someone wearing one of those biochemical protective suits for months. The travel advisory board has lifted the ban of travelling to Toronto. So,its pretty much gone the only thing thats left is laryngitus and a bad common cold going around and westnile in the summer. So,your welcome to come here any time soon
  3. Originally posted by Shyhem: when u attract high school boys pretty when real men notice you when woman too notice u have recieved a letter of envy from the sun saying she is jealous coz u is hotter than her. Wow! I never thought I would say this, but I'm kinda of in agreement with Shyhem. I don't agree with everything you said though, but I agree with your distinction between these three. However, I don't think hot and beautiful are the same thing. For me its more like this and for both sexes. handsome: they are relatively attractive (girls can be handsome) cute: they are cute (there's something about them thats cute attitude or babyface) pretty: they are slightly more attractive than cute. They are almost beautiful,but not quite.(guys can be pretty) hot: They are are a notch more than pretty cuz they are sizzling or as alot of people would like to say they are fine. beautiful: There is usaully something about these people guy or girl that is magnetic about them. Its not just that they're very attractive but something about them seems soft and subtle and draws you to them like a painting or a sculpture. Its almost like they are a work of art(or should be).
  4. my trusty old tutu (pink tulle skirt) and punk leather jacket If I was to have any supernatural powers I would have the.............
  5. Daud tee hee another D
  6. aha! you've been caught cheating og_moti. You claimed you guessed what kinda person we are from our nick when all along you had help from the posts! death to cheaters! er ...ahem I mean thats terrible you should be locked up. death to cheaters! *storms off in a huff*
  7. what about Bob Marley, the father of reggae?
  8. Psycho Sue, I agree wholeheartedly! miss lexus gets my vote
  9. Ilhaam: yeah, but the prices are rising all over again and before long they'll be through the roof again. It almost makes you want to wish infectous diseases would happen more often so they can lower the gas prices in an effort to get people going out again. Exdane: seems kinda fishy dosn't it?
  10. I know I sound like a sentimental drunkard but that was ....I mean.... ah what the.... thanks for the reminder. It really does make you think twice about all of the complaining(we as humans are prone to) when your better off then millions of people.
  11. I adore the people who are weird individuals where everyone else is a mundane sheep. Heres mine: Why do I sometimes want to just........
  12. Originally posted by Ameenah: ^^ We all love you too .. I'm sure Its nice to feel loved by a bunch of faceless cyber names...I almsot want to cry ...loves contagious and evil I love you people too...I think no wait i don't (I'm suffereing from a rare perosnality DR Jeckyll and MrHyde type disorder) I love you too (yeah right) why would I keep coming back if I didn't?
  13. first and foremost red meat is not uncooked meat (uncooked meat is simply uncooked meat) red meat is meat from pork or cow (the meat all the cholestoral problems and heart attacks come from)...I think camel and goat and lamb can be loosly fitted into the red meat category as well. White meat is light meat (most of the times birds) chickhen,etc fish can be considered white meat sometimes other times its not meat at all maybe its a cultural delicasy *shudders* I wouldn't go near it though :eek:
  14. SARS? oh puh leese the media knows how to play on humans looming fear and blow something tiny extremely out of proportion. In 1918-1920 20 million people died of influenza in North America. WWI killed 18 million and yet people were going about their everyday business. Lets see now SARS HAS KILLED ONLY 20 SOMETHING PEOPLE (last time I checked it was 21) and everyone is sh*ting their pants because of oh my 21 ppl dead! on a less serious note the travel and tourism board of Toronto has come up with some slogans to boost tourism in Toronto once again they all had me rolling on the floor laughing: 1)Toronto, it will take you breath away 2)It's our infectously kind nature to share 3)Toronto, there's something in the air 4)Toronto, take it home with you 5)Toronto cause your not Billy Joel or Elton John 6)Come share our city with your family 7) Toronto, Cause only wimps go to New York 8) You will love the solitude we provide (qarantine) and my favourite one Come for SARS.... stay for Westnile
  15. I hate to be a killjoy, but.... ah what the heck I'm not in the mood today very touching article although I have heard it before it still gets to me
  16. I have no favourites among you lot I hate you all eqaully
  17. lol what do you want to be if you grow up tee hee
  18. no offense Darman, but that first green car looks like a Lepraucahn's car :eek:
  19. sure I 'll shake your hand but they recently quarentined me for SARS ....I hope that dosen't bother you
  20. sure I 'll shake your hand but they recently quarentined me for SARS ....I hope that dosen't bother you
  21. sure I 'll shake your hand but they recently quarentined me for SARS ....I hope that dosen't bother you
  22. sure I 'll shake your hand but they recently quarentined me for SARS ....I hope that dosen't bother you
  23. awwwwwwwwww its soo cute! something like a pet for a villain