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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. forget mid teens It sometimes seems to me that some of the people here are pre-teens. I'm not gonna bother pointing fingers cause everyone knows who I'm talking about including the pre-teens themsleves.
  2. How many bottles? You drink one Your socializing You drink two Your unwinding You drink three Your celebrating You drink four You cannot be understood anymore You drink five You have a serious problem You drink six Your trying toforget your identity You drink seven You pass out......maybe forever so what's it like in heaven?
  3. A haiku on surfing the web Sitting at chair Watching blank screen flicker What's that noise coming from kitchen? I'm imagining it again
  4. Darman you want to be a girl? wow! and before I thought you were odd with the girl talking to the cockroach but you made odd seem like an understatment now! :eek: you have really put a new defintion to weirdo...weirdo!
  5. Instinct poet, 15 years ago I was a little kid and just like a lot of little kids at that tender young age I was abducted by aliens...okay okay I was playing with dolls and ponies and besides my telepathy was given to me as a gift 6 years ago from a small blue man I saved from a wombat
  6. Ariadne


    why does this thread keep going through name changes first matrix reloaded then Jill Scott now Sean Paul (enough already!)
  7. ^^ yes, I agree its like knowing someone very well but not knowing what they look like. (I can't apologize for sounding cryptic I always sound this way )
  8. Disillusion, hate, anger, strife Burning, boiling seething rage And children running around With guns and knives Dead bodies everywhere you go Gang violence,riots and teen hoes The land of the supressed They steal your identity from you on arrival With a melting pot of no survival Fearing pacifism and communist dictatorship Ignorance and fear have made The government lose their grip # 1 priority on their list Is bloody foreign affairs What signals that is their cockiness And the way they put on airs The law enforcers bully the innocent And attack the meek All this corruption makes kindness seem weak The rich get away with murder and more The poor get punished severly Just to settle the score With a past of lots of boodshed And a future of attempted domintion Hope exists no more For this poor and dying nation God bless America or so we would be fooled into thinking
  9. ewww plain vanila and butterscotch *shudders* plain chocolate *shudders some more* my favourite ice cream of all time has got to be mint chocolate chip(I could go for some right now ) cookies and cream chocolate chip cookie dough come come close to my favourites too
  10. ewww plain vanila and butterscotch *shudders* plain chocolate *shudders some more* my favourite ice cream of all time has got to be mint chocolate chip(I could go for some right now ) cookies and cream chocolate chip cookie dough come come close to my favourites too
  11. ewww plain vanila and butterscotch *shudders* plain chocolate *shudders some more* my favourite ice cream of all time has got to be mint chocolate chip(I could go for some right now ) cookies and cream chocolate chip cookie dough come come close to my favourites too
  12. ewww plain vanila and butterscotch *shudders* plain chocolate *shudders some more* my favourite ice cream of all time has got to be mint chocolate chip(I could go for some right now ) cookies and cream chocolate chip cookie dough come come close to my favourites too
  13. Yes, the world is flat and aliens are roaming about it just like ordinairy people. *points* look there's an alien over there and there and whatever you do don't look behind you!. There's an alien claiming it's the messiah when it's really Martha Stewart in disguise as in alien from Blagerobia (but we all know she's really from Uranus) and shes the high commander of aliens that suck ankle blood. Be afraid and paranoid be very afraid and paranoid!!!
  14. we should all be moderators we'll be a forum of nothing but and wouldn't that be exciting
  15. I'm a cat person, but I like a lot of other animals (dogs not included) snakes and spiders. I use to have a pet trantula my sister killed it. Gekos are soo cute. I wouldn't want one though my cats would kill it. I want a snake very badly something along the lines of a boa, but my family will have me commited so it will remain a dream ....for now
  16. Originally posted by xafsa: The one thing I hate with passion is hilib ari :eek: ...I hate its smell....I hate the way it looks....I was told I couldn't possibly be somali if I hated hilib ari....but hey. And whats wrong with canbuulo? I love canbuulo with subug iyo sokor... damn I miss home peace and luv I feel your pain Xafsa. I don't like eating any meat, but the smell of goat meat was one of those things that made me want to throw up.
  17. This reminds me of a quote F. Scott Fitgerald once said: "The rich are very different from you and I" Ernest Hemingway replied with this quote: "Yes, they have more money."
  18. Escargot (snails) is the nastiest food I ever ate. why do rich people have such bad taste in food?
  19. where are the cat meows coming from?
  20. Ah its not that hard I know a few pretty guys and some handsome girls
  21. It should be us thanking the nomads for creating this website. I know I sound very mawkish when I say this, but this is truly an amazing website (a great time killer) for both intellectual and trivial purposes.
  22. I live a life of poverty On an under-developed Brooklyn street With somber looking houses That were lost in defeat Our house is something of a run down shack The roof is crumbeling in And the walls are over-ridden with cracks There is a small space outside They call it a yard No grass or flowers grows there Just cement with fragmented glass shards My brother and I melt down money for extra change I have no friends because To the other kids I seem peculiar or strange I go to a school that resembles a jail The little kids with dirty faces Out of fear and other emotions, bully's warths they dread and hail To my brother, myself and my mom My father is a good man Who often stumbles home drunk Trying not to trip over our trash can He gives us his wages and keeps his tips So he can stop by the neighborhood bar To wet his lips My mother works her finger to the bone So we don't starve Or get kicked out of our home She cleans all the floors from top to bottom of our sharing house Almost as if to apologize for her Most of the time half-drunken spouse The library is my sanctuary away from my home It's the only place I can sit and reflect alone My best firends are novels and meaty books Other children don't give me so much as a look There is a tree outside my house that grows It has sprouted from the ground and only grows stronger with time A very ugly tree, but yet beautiful in its tenacity Although I live this life I don't despair because I have my family And as a family we have each other And for the rest of the world we don't care
  23. awwww shucks! I mean thanks I really don't think I deserve a standing ovation so you can sit down Tamina, but thanks anyways . No need to get all teary (those things are contagious) here pass me a tissue I need it now . yay! tourism here again people to share with *laughs evily* I mean to welcome and share our beautiful city with. Yes, we certainly look forward to your visit here Tamina.
  24. we can forget about the cake and just give me candles mmmmmmmmm candle cake this is my 1000 post, yes, I'm an addict very much so, but its not like there's rehab out there for this kind of addiction . Oh yeah! my thank you speech for 1000 posts lets see now: I would like to thank Allah (without all this would not be possible). My Mom and Dad for raising me. My sisters, my brother. My friends for moving away and me having to contact them on e-mail (while wasting time here). My teachers for overburdening me with assignments and essays. My deplorable habit of procrastination so I can avoid doing those essays and assignments. And my insane thoughts of me being able to think I can do many things at once. I think thats it for my thank you list. If I forgot anyone, I'm truly memory was fleeting at that time for all those I had to thank. Thank you *blows kisses and waves* I love you all and none of this would have been possible without you.