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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Did someone say good charlotte? oh my gosh! they are so lame! I mean whats up with these punk poser bands? whoever buys their stuff please with all due respect hurl yourself off a bridge (preferably with an ancor tied to you)
  2. I never thought it would come to this.... just because two people from different nationalities marry each other and all hell breaks loose?! As long as their both muslim than let them be.
  3. Sitting here trying hard to concentrate Studying for an exam A duty I very much hate Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus If only this was like magic And I could hocus pocus it all into my brain What subject am I studying again? um...let me see was it physics? anthroplogy? or maybe biology? no no Its none of those's sociology I'm sitting here stressing pulling at my hair wailing and screaming it not fair Cut down that noise I keep yelling They insist the noise isn't coming from them but from me That my radio is booming with a violent tenacity Off it goes with all my lights I think I will catch some sleep Than sit here and try to unwravel this plight So my studying is put off for while I'll read up on it Tommarow I promise to walk the extra mile I'll look over everything once more I'll study all I haven't from the day before But for now Good night and God bless I need to give my brain a rest
  4. next poem title: a symphony in green
  5. Lost in the meadows Lost in the fields Lost in the woods Lost in the ever changing breeze A winding road that's a oneway street Is all the directions I have for now Is that a cross road where fates meet? No, my eyes are playing tricks on me Lost in a valley with towering metal I was once blind, but now I see Mountains and trees of gray looking dismal Lost in gray and ugly meadows Lost in fields full of syringes, broken glass bottles and junk Lost in rich and crumbeling ghettos Lost in between yesterday homes and future houses Where am I again? oh yeah Lost in a disgusting population of mice and louse Walking through a field of paved roads Nary a flower or leaf falls Slowly poisoned with pesticides, diseases and whatever other scape goats And the sky is blanketed with a smoggy and polluted shawl Wow what a place to start a life Dosen't it seem ideal for all Or is it just full of strife?
  6. Back Home Back home...... A place so far away in time and reach it seems like a fairytale, a dream even or something fantastic an pastoralist Teacher would teach The sun is setting behind the trees The grazing animals have returned As the wind turns into a gently caressing breeze The sky darkens from a clear blue to a murky gray The rain will soon come down And I struggle to find my way Badly needed by the savannah and the town The animals and I make our path to my hut I lock them in a pen And close the gates and doors shut First in droplets than by pails The rain falls on the desert grounds A blessing for the crops, and in turn for the Cattle, sheep, camels and hounds Finally the rainy season has come Fast Forward now to a few months And all will be cheerfully complaining the restoration of the hot and scorching sun I sit in class and dream Of what it would be like if I was back home Would it be as wonderful as I make it seem? Next poem title: Lost in the meadows
  7. love this love that we'll never get anywhere discussing love so can we kill it and bury it
  8. Jamilah If you live in Toronto you would know by now SARS is over (if it ever began) and the scare of it is gone. Mad Cow disease is the flavour of the week for now and in the weeks to come it will be westnile. So can we discuss some disease that can have an affect on the somali community: Mad Cow (I mean with all the cow meat thats consumed if it gets out of Alberta everyone willbe dropping like flies)
  9. Originally posted by OG_Moti: - first you like to play alot, you do mistakes without meaning it... you play with fire and later wonder why the hell i did it..., you love life would went great only if you are serious sometimes, means u never take life seriously and that what makes ur partner pissed off... - you are smart, yet very few people see that...or acknowledge, you like to work with others but you hate to lead and be team leader, you like attention but yet when u get it, you feel uncorfortable cuase you are a very shy person...looool u like to do things but u always delay them to last minute... and work over night and tire u self to meet deadlines... loool peace Wow! Og_moti you are soo off. things I am not that you said I am: 1)shy 2)Likes to work with others (are you kidding me I hate people) 3)Dosn't like to lead (no way I am an borderline's my way or the highway) 4)I don't play with fire to regret or question it later. I play with it and invite other people to play with it as well (no questions) 5)Very few pople will acknowledge me as smart. People think I'm smart...I'm not! I'm just very wise and they can't tell the difference...stupid people!) 6) I am not mistake prone 7) I like to do things (yeah right I'm very lazy) 8) I love life ( I wouldn't use love) These are the things your right about: 1) working on things the night before (it's called spontaneous) 2)never take life seriously 3) play with fire (it's not so much play as it is setting things on fire) Your name reading for this nick was very off. You guessed things on the pyromaniac part of my name, but did you ask yourself what a pixie is, or even bother to look it up?. Your final score is 3/11 I give you a C- (and I'm being nice)
  10. Actually SOS...She don know what U is..forgive her and for someone who ddint know ur old name,Its is hard to figure ur name could be Actaully it is anything lol (no pun intended). You know one of those abstract artsy names of whatever you take away from it is what it means and the artist did this on purpose for variation and to get into the minds of the observers. But lemme re assure U cutie,U sure sound as femme as U can! NOW? awwwwww thats all the reassurance I need. I am relieved to know I don't sound like a bitter, sarcastic and angry man. I sound like a fiery, sarcastic and cryptic woman (its a world of difference )
  11. Legend of Zu and Som samuruai are very much alike actually
  12. SoS + Pyshco Sue (lol)..(These 2 are Just like Far iyo faraati) I like Psycho Sue for the most part (she confused me for a male :mad: ) do I sound like a man?! (nobody bother answering this question!... unless your gonna insist I sound like a female than by all means answer it ) except for the little bit of the bloke business she sounds a lot like someone I know less sarcastic though (can't put my finger on who...)
  13. Og_moti here is my name analysis of you I don't know about the moti part of your name. But the Og represents Ogaden. You are concerned with the plight of the Ogaden people and the opression they have suffered at the hands of the Ethiopian empire. You are something of a split personality. One trying to please others around you by being funny, amusing, smart and being concerned with human rights however small they are. The other part of the personality being completely apathetic and wanting to be a hermit at times. You have very good observational skills. You like to talk and will talk on hours over nothing (maybe you like the sound of your own voice), but you are definetly a talker not a listener (even though you will listen at times the talking outweighs it). You tend to take things personally (a little too personally sometimes). You jump to conclusions even though you will never admit you do. You are quick to apologize often regretting what it is you said without thinking it through. All in all you are a very conflicted person, but you make those around you not aware of it. And last but not least you like to complain about certain situations or locations but you know deep down inside you would never want to be out of them. The moti part of your name maybe a name you have or would like to have P.S. no need to analyze my name it speaks for itself
  14. Big mom and buubto cute lil girl and princess sexy Lakkad and Lefty Shujui and Horn afrique Farax and Sophist Najma_03 and Nova_03 carbon based life form and Grey M&M
  15. ^^^S.O.S is a female damnit! not a bloke :mad:
  16. Darman man I was poking fun at you only (no need to take it personaly mean its only how weird you are) do you have the word teasing in your dctionary at all?
  17. that looks like its out of a science fiction for where it is I haven't the foggiest idea
  18. Og_moti Horn afrique is a guy (I know he has a feminine and very misleading girly name)
  19. oh and another thing! that Hampster Dance song!
  20. Anything by Justin Timberlake or his group instink, anything by the (poser girl) avril lavigine, anything Britney Spears(B.S) would sing or Christina Agorilla. Anything by Nelly oh my! and the list goes on anything by Shaggy antyhing by Jay Z or Eminem ....I think that's it. If any songs by any of those people were to come on. I swear I would not only walk off the dance floor but run out the backdoor up the street and down the avenue to escape from that ....that....that whatever it is!
  21. where vulgar expressions run rampant and hate preaching is normal what a web site! :eek:
  22. You know your Somali when your grandma thinks a G spot is an underground parking lot... lol
  23. OG_moti You misunderstood me mangas not mangoes. Mangas are comics of anime not the sweet fruit. I know you meant far east asia not south east and thats where I wanna go. what are you talking about sushi's good and so is octupus and squid. Man! I just got back from the anime convention so I want to go to Japan more than ever now. *hits ruby red combat boots together while saying over and over "theres no place like Japan"* drat it dosn't work! I learened a valuble lesson here........... never ever get combat boots mistaken for high heels
  24. OG_moti, Are you kidding? I would love to be in Asia. I can get so much mangas, and fan dubs and subs not to mention the Ruroni Kenshin movie oh oh and of course the Evangelion movie. Hmmm, I would really like to be in Asia right now Japan most favourbaly