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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. Ariadne


    wooopsies double posted
  2. Ariadne


    ^^just a poem nothing to get all worried about
  3. 3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair" I still watch the reruns from time to time 7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom . Does this show come on anymore? 12. When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. Cartoons just aren't what they used to be 13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head. It was cool back then to do so! 14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen. Does that mean I'm even older if I have the comic books that predate the show or movie? 17. You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House) kids don't play this game anymore? 21. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing" and all the Ramona books. You can't forget Fudge and Super Fudge 27. You took Lunch Pails to school. Ah, the good ol sturdy lunch pails 29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence. omg! I almost caught myself doing it just a few minutes ago 36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up" Who could forget Urkel? 44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.-sigh- my high tops were thrown out by my sister 45. You wore socks scrunched down. that was the only way to wear them..duh 47. You remember boom boxes Vs. CD players. and records vs Cds 48. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies. that movie was awful 52. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.How Iloathed that alien! 53. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool. I have their old action figure dolls 55. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME. that use to be my favourite song
  4. Open mind is repeated for you to keep. The uncertain voices of past emotions implant themselves into crevices of the brain. A swirl of thoughts spins out of control like a maelstrom and destroys the tranquility. The mess left over from destruction has to be cleaned by the thinker again Pacifying the affects of the storms calmed monstrosity I command forward my deep thoughts, But when called they disperse and disappear Closed mind and open mind hardly any similarities or differences Enough of hopelessness produces uncertainties and fear Too much of the uneducated pretend to know all They rant and rave of this and that The more they talk, the faster their supposed intelligence falls Everything is taken too seriously or not seriously enough Peeping over the neighbour’s yard to see what they have Makes you feel better or makes you think you have it tough
  5. Ariadne


    Take a look in the mirror Who do you see? The person in the mirror can’t be me My waist is thin but my thighs are fat Maybe if I diet some more I’ll be thinner Maybe it will make me better then I can finally be all that My eyes have sunken under bone I no longer want to be around people I just want to be alone Bones protrude jutting and jagged My voice wavering high and low My breathing has become shallow and ragged Taking deep long breaths just to be able to put on a good show Each day more and more is taken Into yourself to nourish and protect After your done binging you deny yourself food So your stomach can learn neglect A cycle of binging and fasting is born A finger gives rest delivering you from bloating and cramping The clothes that fit to the glove are too loose to be worn Each morning I wake to more pain Severe bone aches and my growling stomach I endure so there can be no weight gain I use to be healthy and well I wasn’t obsessed with thinness or the mirror This eating disorder has become my personal hell
  6. After reading some of these posts I was shocked to find out you all think that just because you dress a certain way you must be a certain way. Whats next witch hunts where we all pursue those so called witches that wear jeans and high heels. Oh gimme a break! Clothes can and sometimes may have a personality trait of yours in them. But how about people who are poor and can't afford much clothes or better clothes or how about people who dress for comfortability. And where did this colour thing come from?! you wear all black oh your either a troubled teen or a goth (seriously that's ridiculous) so I guess if you wear all white you must be an angel incarnate huh? Clothes are self expression and most people don't dress in one style they dress in a variety of styles to match their moods. So does that mean oh they are indecisve borderline psychopaths? ....No, it just means people grow in and out of phases just like clothes.
  7. I have a couple of questions what's a popper? and since when did we have dowrys?
  8. Manofwisedom, for a man of wisedom you sure are lacking the basic elementary concept of beautiful is not synonoumous with slim. It's people who get them confused that confuse other people. Thats why eating disorders are prevalent in pre-teen and teenage girls as well as women in their early 20s. Someone or something misinforms them tells them they would be prettier if they were ten pounds thinner, bombards them with skinny magazine models and tells them to eat less of this or that. What I'm tryng to say here is there are plenty of youngsters on this site that are easily impressionable. Just because your conufused it's no reason to confuse them. I will repeat it once more beautiful is not synomous with slim or thin or skinny or dying mean anorexic.
  9. why do fools fall in love ....hmmm.... The real question is what is love?
  10. I have noticed I'm getting old. From the day I was born I was getting older(we all were and still are) the clock ticking on because youth is beautiful, but fleeting. Robertson Davies once said youth is wasted on the youth. Even though he was a bitter old man when he said it he had a point.
  11. *Ahem* ^^heroine is usaully a liquid (unless its painkillers then its pills) to get the heroine into your body you inject it directly into your veins so it goes directly into your blood stream. How can you smoke a liquid?
  12. Sorry to hear that about your friend I'll pray for his speedy recovery
  13. *a hush of silence falls over those that were so loud and accusing before*
  14. Yes, lets all point accusing fingers at those greedy, selfish and dishonest Somalis...we ought to be ashamed! Lets take on a new identity... Hmmm... Sumoan sounds close enough to Somali... from now on that's what we all are. What I'm trying to say is Greed, Ignorance and Selfishness are faults that are shared by a good deal of humans. Every civilization goes through it's dark times. The dark ages/medeival times in Europe was proceeded by The rennaisance. The rebirth of everything for the better, look at Europe now . It's always darkest before the Dawn so quit your crying and shameless accusations of Somali this and Somali that. Its enough we can all talk about our faults and pretend were above them, but has anybody talked about achievments or any goals worth achieving.
  15. Raula: I don't know much about special K. But I do know that horse tranquillizer (tranquillizes murderous horses to clam ones) is a sedative (slow drug) unless mixed with something else like special K to make those ecstasy pills(simple laws of physics; if something can knock out a big animal and enough of it is mixed with other things it speeds you up or gives more energy). To clear up further concern... I am street knowledgeable in this department cause I once had aspirations of becoming the biggest drug lord in North America then the World. Unfortunetly I never made it big, so all that's left now is to write a book about it. Opinionated: me? distrubing? Why can't I just be a big lump of salty goodness? is that too much to ask for?
  16. ^^lol he was joking
  17. The book has deepened my casual dislike for Percy Weasly to extreme hate!
  18. O'REILLY: All right. I've got to tell you I appreciate you coming on in. I think you're a lunatic, and... BARAKA: Yes. Well, I think you're a lunatic who's more dangerous because you're on television. ------------------------------------------------- That was one of the highlights. lol I hate that man so much!
  19. ^^^Its all useless information I learned second hand.... The heroine, the allergy pills, the battery acid mixed with skittles and horse tranquillizer its all behind me now.
  20. I didn't write this, but I sure wish I did The 4th of July... It is a rather obvious holiday, here in the land of Freedom Fries. It is a time when politicians pretend to honor freedom and liberty, while they craft their reelection campaigns and spy on their constituents. It is a time for fervent racism and xenophobia to parade around as patriotism. It is a time for the "got mines" to whine about how every penny of their inherited wealth is special and shouldn't be taxed. It is, of course, a time for trotting out half-truths, and histories written by the victors. It is time when the spirits of our founding fathers to look down upon us and weep. But hey! We get fireworks!
  21. I'm scared to death of needles so I have yet to try heroine
  22. Originally posted by Simple Woman: and whatever it is that you smoke.. cigarettes, weed, crack, herion Correction: You cannot smoke inject a syringe into your arm because heroine isn't a powder, but a liquid in street terms it's called shooting up.
  23. I was gonna reply, but it seems the more you tell something to someone the more they repeat themselves with the same tired expression and excuses. Ameenah mashallah you said all I was going to say so I don't have to waste my breath on trying to explain something to the stubborn