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Macalin aa Arday ku dhahay jeeztada qaadee bal sabuurada wax kuqor. Ardaygii oo tusaaya macalinka inoow wax qori karo, aa waxoow qoray. XAA DHACAY, XEEY TAHAY, AREEY UKAADI, Macalin aa soo booday oo dhahay "war heedhe waa maxay waxa kani maad afkeeni HOOYO kuhadashid ba'aa" Ardaygi oo kursigiisi kusii noqonaayo aa dhahay " muunukaa is ku HABARA hee qandha qadiinle quad"
Canadian Goverment digs more dirt on Sucaad
Nageeye77 replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
I hope she wins -
One should not be naive, to expect international intention to regional administrations. Given the fact that S-land & P-land did some thing worthwhile for their people but in the meantime they should consider taking the next step which is to say, mmmm getting united and extending their administration all the way to Hiraan. Can they do it? Yes they can. Would it be more beneficial than what have now? Yes. but they are out there seemingly comfortable, as if there is no more job needs to be done while time ticking.
I do, soon insha allah
I do, soon insha allah
Mogadishu Wednesday, 27 May 2009 SMC Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Gedo gaar ahaan degmada Luuq ayaa waxay sheegayaan in dagaal muddo kooban socday uu Xalay ku dhexmartay ciidamo kala taabacsan Ururada Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam oo ku wada sugan Degmada Luuq ee Gobolka Gedo. Dagaalkaasi ayaa la sheegay in khasaare uu geystay, isla markaasna ay ku nafwaayeen tiro dad ah oo u badan ciidamadii uu dagaalku dhexmaray, iyadoo la sheegay inuu ka bilowday dagaalkaasi markiisii hore gaari nooca Baraadada ah oo marayey halka lagu magacaabo Cakaaro oo qaar ka mid ah garabyadaasi ay huwiyeen. Gaarigaasi oo ay wateen garab ka mid ah xoogagga Islaamiga ah ee ku sugan Degmada Luuq ayaa sida la sheegayo waxaa ku dhaawacmay labo ka mid ciidamadii saarnaa, iyadoo israsaarsayntuna ay qaadatay muddo nus-saac ah, waxaana la sheegay in markii dambe uu dagaalkii sii xoogeystay kaas oo la sheegay in waxyeelo la gaarsiiyey gaari ka mid ah baabuur ay wateen garab ka mid ah garabyadaasi. Dadkii ku dhaawacmay dagaalkaasi ayaa la sheegay in la geeyey Isbitaalka degmadaasi, lamana oga sababta dhab ah ee ka dambeysay waxa dhaliyey inay dagaalkaasi uu ka dhexqarxo xoogagga Muqaawamada ee ku wada sugan degmada Luuq ee Gobolka Gedo. Degmada Luuq ee Gobolka Gedo ayaa waxaa gacanta si wadajir ah ugu hayey ciidamo ka tirsan xarakada Al-shabaab Iyo kuwa Ururka Xisbul-islaam, kuwaas oo ciidamadoodu ay si wada jir ah u maamulayeen Degmadaasi Luuq tan iyo intii halkaasi ka qabsadeen ciidamadii dowladda KMG Soomaaliya. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”
from bad to worse. Siyaad was better! coz of warlords. warlords were better coz Amxaaro. Now our Culumaa/Mashaaikh/Wa rathatul-Ambiyaa are advocating for a violence among themselves, while the innocent civilians will pay the biggest price. Can we say Amxaaro were better?
Naaguhu Ninkii Bidaarle Miyay Neceb Yihiine?Hees Cusub
Nageeye77 replied to wiilwaalRadio's topic in News - Wararka
When humans were evolving, we were covered in hair (head to toe) because we were cavemen and it was natures way of keeping us warm.Over years the planet has gotten hotter which is why we look the way we do now.One day in the very distant future humans wont have any hair at all so all those who are going bold should not be ashamed,it just means they are ahead of evolution which is kinda a cool thing.Baldness is the future. -
I thought that Punt-land was a save heaven for A. Yusuf, but it seems like he couldn't feel save enough in there, oooops that tells us how fragile is the security of so called PL
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Thanks alot
Hi all Life's hustle made imposible for me to attend post hight school classes, which leaves me two options A:Taking online courses B:Be patient till my retirement Since that option B is not the best, I was wondering what recommendations you could possibly give about option A:ONLINE COURSE, Is it worth taking? is it cosidered same as the other degrees? plus any other you add Thanks in advance
Truth is a comprehensive term that in all of its nuances implies accuracy and honesty: “We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences” (Charles Seymour). Veracity is adherence to the truth: “Veracity is the heart of morality” (Thomas H. Huxley). Verity often applies to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth: “beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities” (James Harvey Robinson). Verisimilitude is the quality of having the appearance of truth or reality: “merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative” (W.S. Gilbert).