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Aaliyyah I agree with everything you said! Masha'allah well written Nugul, Whenever you remember about all the hardships you went through, remember you will have to face many more hardships in the future. Life is not easy, they say living is harder than dying (because of all the things we have to overcome.) Allah (swt) tell us he does not burden a soul with more than it can bear. (Qur’an 2: 286) Sister be strong, keep to your 5 daily prayers, And know that there are always people who have it much worse than us. We don't live in Palestine where people live in fear bombs and raids, parents worrying they'll find the blown up bodies of their children etc.
Sis, you should speak to your husband about this, sooner rather than later. Ask yourself what was the purpose of you marrying your husband? Was it to have children or because you both loved each other? Shouldn't children be a secondary thing? Nugul you should get yourself checked out, because he could be the one possibly infertile or it could just be an unexplainable cause. Some people to take years to have a baby. Afterwards, ask him what he will do if you are unable to have children and vice versa. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I'm not married but I've always planned insha'Allah to adopt somali children whether or not I had my own kids in the future. I know in the UK there are many in care homes or being raised by non-somali folks, which is so wrong. We should be raising our kids.
Firstly, muslims and Gaalo are different. The prophet said this world is like a prison for us and like Jannah for non-muslims. And secondly Allah (swt) does not ignore the dua' of a sincere practising muslim. However sometimes not in the way we expect. The answer comes in three ways: 1) The du'a takes places exactly how you asked for it. 2) Allah gives you something better than what you asked for. For example you asked for your ill relative to become better. Du'a is the only thing that can change QADR (fate.) So perhaps Allah will prevent the death of your brother or sister. 3) Allah says in the Quran what we think is good for us is actually bad for us, and what we think is bad for us is good for us. Only Allah is able to see what will happen if such a du'a is answered and he is actually preventing something harmful that might have befallen you. 4) The du'a is granted but spared until the last day where it will turn into good deeds, that could save us from the hellfire. Sis you just need to be patient, and persist. We should remember Prophet Ayub's story, may Allah be pleased with him. Allah took everything away from him as a test and when his wife turned impatient because of shaytaan, she asked Prophet Ayub to turn to Allah to remove his suffering, He answered, ''Tell me how long did I enjoy good health and riches?" She replied: "80 years." Then he asked: "How long am I suffering like this?" She said: "7 years." Ayub told his wife he was ashamed to ask Allah to remove his hardship. because he had not suffered the amount of years he had been blessed. He lost his wealth, his health and his family. Subhanallah - This story brings tears to my eyes. Allah says in the Quran: "Then We heard his prayer and removed that adversity from which he suffered, and We gave him his household and the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Our store and remembrance for the worshippers." (Surah 21: Verse 84) Please my sister in Islam, please please study Islam or these doubts will lead to you to having such weak iman that eventually a muslim would leave Islam all together. I myself am not perfect and have many short comings, insha'Allah I will make du'a for you. There are golden times for making du'a. Waking up in the middle of the night and praying Tahajud - the nightly prayers. You can pray as many Raka as you want. Another is when it rains because Allah's rahma (mercy) is bestowed upon us. Also on Yowmul Juma - Like an hour or half an hour before Maghrib. You must have full conviction of Allah and that he will answer your supplication. Also ask your parents to make dua for you (The parents dua' is readily accepted.) If you can't do that, then ask someone you know is very practising and religious.
I will read your story So don't worry about the length, make it as long as you like.
I love stories, so I enjoyed reading yours, but it sounded more like non-fiction. how come there's not enough dialogue? I have a few suggestions, if you don't mind. (Btw I'm an aspiring author, so take my advice with a pinch of salt ;p) I feel there is too much 'telling' and not enough 'showing.' Show us the characters through their actions instead of telling us they did this and that. If someone is noisy let them be noisy. If someone is clever, have them speak intelligently. An example of telling and showing: A) Sophie was rich. B) A mercedez benz screeched down Weston Road, the car doors opened and three inch high heels stepped out armed with a gucci handbag. I knew Sophie was back in town. Now you tell me, which one is better?
MBLAQ are hottttttttt, espeically the pic of the 2 guys in the back and the one in the front... But yeah, somali men hands down ;p
I think you're still young. Take your time insha'Allah. I don't know where you live, but there are muslim marriage events in London. You said all your friends are married, why don't you ask the sisters to ask their husbands about his friends - if any of them are planning to settle down to contact you. That's what I what I plan to do when I feel ready for marriage. If that doesn't work, then just try the masjid. It's not ceeb, it's worth a try.You never know! Don't feel shy and just go for it. Also forget traditons, sometimes the woman should seek! I think a lot of guys in their early twenties plan to marry when they're near 30 ( and then it will be too late for us then lol. So maybe you should consider getting hitched with 27-29 yr old men ect? Once you get to know a brother, make sure you know what you want from each other. Is he the type of man who will let his wife work etc. Does he want more than 1 wife? Ask questions, so you don't regret it later. And remember marriage may sound fun and all that, but there will be ups and downs. When you live with someone you really get to know them. To us single girls, marriage seems like the end of our goals, it is only the beginning.
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