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Everything posted by NGONGE
Heh. Even one paragraph is too much writing when repeating the same point, saaxib. Wish you were as pedantic with your own words as with mine. Though I sensed the sarcasm in the compliment, I would still take it and thank you still. Now, stop twisting and turning, stop changing the subject and read your own words again. I’m not even asking you to retract them, just own up to them. Here is a reminder: I always felt there are those with morals and ethics in the face of adversity and unconscionable deeds, albeit unpopular, whilst others would wish to mourn in the aftermath. A reaction of a decent Somali pained by the heinous crimes against humanity in the case of Ms Du'aale. Sorry to say the same could not be said for the SOL members of Somaliland camp! How perilous! Don’t rush into a reply now, take your time, read your words, think them over. When you’re good, ready and able to compose a reply that addresses the point I’ve raised, come back and lets bury this thing once and for all. I’ll listen to the link you’ve provided and might even comment on it once we’ve cleared up the first “misunderstandingâ€.
The UK based Guardian newspaper had come up with an ingenious idea to affect the outcome of the forthcoming American elections. I couldn’t cut and paste the replies they received because of the filter on this site. Still, I think most of you that have been following this race will appreciate the humour, sarcasm and cheer idiocy in some of the replies that the guardian received. Last week G2 launched Operation Clark County to help readers have a say in the American election by writing to undecided voters in the crucial state of Ohio. In the first three days, more than 11,000 people requested addresses. Here is some of the reaction to the project that we received from the US. The replies are to be found in the link below. America’s reaction to the British scheme
Dear Warrior, You wrote a lot but still didn’t say anything new. It’s all in the weight and feel of your piece, saaxib. Were your interests purely intended to highlight the plight of that poor soul, I would have applauded you, cheered your righteous indignations and maybe added some of my own. Alas, you and I (and any reading this piece) know this has nothing to do with ethics, morals or raped young girls. This, as your own words testify, was a clear gibe on the SOL dwellers that happen to come from that region. Let’s not attempt to portray it as anything other than what it is. I’m not new to this section of the site; however, I usually try to avoid the pointless propaganda and wrangles that some members take for serious and beneficial discussion. I have to confess that I’ve noticed you don’t generally partake in such drivel, but this time, you look like you’ve finally succumbed! Should you wish to talk about ethics and morals, I’m sure most of those in this site will gladly engage you in such a decent topic and you might even find that (contrary to their usual offerings) all will be in total agreement. If all posters on this site would try to apply these qualities to their posts and adhere to the spirit of justice and fairness, you would never get anyone condemning every story and article that appears on here as total and utter propaganda. Nonetheless, this remains to be the case and as such, immediate condemnations to similar stories might not always be as forthcoming as your indignant self would wish. As for mistaking you for someone else, I’m about to retrace my footsteps as you suggested. Should I discover a mistake on my part take it for granted that an apology will be served.
Do you ever discuss things as you see them with out getting all emotional over them, saaxib? Named after a gun and forever firing empty shells, huh? I replied to what I saw in front of me. If I saw a genuine thread that cared about the fate of that girl, I would have replied accordingly. However, this one was more concerned with the Somaliland regulars and their reaction to such events! Sorry, can’t help it, it’s an affliction of mine to point out cheap digs when I spot them. You need to control your emotions and try to come and play with the big boys instead of your usual back street twaddle that you mistake for a discussion. When one of your boys messes up, correct him, my friend and try to elevate the topic of discussion if you really care that much. This emotional mumbo jumbo is pathetic. Shall I destroy it point by point to prove it to you? In the spirit of Ramadan and brotherly love, maybe I shouldn’t. Then again, for those same reasons, maybe I should. she was allegedly raped and tortured and yet no one in Hargaysa is demonstrating or taking action. The So-called Somaliland media are even attacking those that report the incident. The police are arresting the human rights workers for attending her trail hearing. What if this was your sister, wife or daughter would you care about some SOL, members who hail from the North West? First you say nobody is taking action or demonstrating, then you contradict yourself by saying that the media attack those that report it (so someone is taking action, right?). You go on to say that the police are attacking the human rights workers, so again, someone is making a stand, right? Need I mention that you’ve missed out the guy who wrote the article above? (You probably think he was singing the praises of Somaliland, eh?). Unsure of the powers of your reason, you finally fall back on your tried and tested method of argument, the complete and total appeal to the emotions. What if she was your sister you say! The replies to that motherly type of logic are so many I’m struggling to stop my fingers from typing them all at once. Still, I won’t bother. I’ll let you ponder the idiocy of such an analogy, saaxib. Look here, it’s all nice and funny to pass the time having these online squabbles and scoring unimportant points against those you perceive to be your opponents on this site. I’m all for it in fact and when it comes to online combat, there is nothing I love better than rubbing my opponent’s face in the cyber dust. But, there are limits to such a game. It’s unmanly to hide behind a raped fifteen year old girl in order to score a couple of points against Suldaanka, Northerner et al. Now, that I’ve shown you the way, I hope we’ll start to see a marked improvement in your posts (and most of those that follow your line of reasoning - Somaliland or otherwise). Consider the above your Eid gift come early and lets hope you make use of it in the near future.
I thought you’re one of those who say Somaliland does not exist! Does it now or does it not? If it doesn’t, isn’t this disgusting crime something all Somalis should be ashamed off? If it does exist, wouldn’t that make you a hypocrite who keeps changing his words and mind depending on the situation and topic? Saaxib, this is a very sick incident that no sane human being will condone or even try to defend. I’m sure you realise that, however, your extreme dislike for some of the SOL members who hail from that region seem to have got the better of you here! Have a dig if you like but try to be a bit sly and subtle, man.
In Brussels, Belgium, there is a tiny Somali coffee shop in a side street (must be the smallest Somali coffee shop in the world). I know of this place because I once stopped there while on my way to Holland. There is a short, light-skinned, broad-shouldered and very thin waiter working there. He gave me breakfast and tea and refused to accept money for it! He was the most polite, courteous and sincere Somali waiter (arguably person too) I’ve ever had the fortune to meet. He didn’t even bother to follow the Somali tradition of asking who I was and what “city†I belonged to, etc. So, since there is a shortage of candidates to vote for, I would vote for my hero waiter. May Allah bless him and reward him his just rewards.
I always wondered about these “ethnic†descriptions that people use in this forum! Today, EURIKA, I finally worked it out. It’s a polite way to talk about tribes, right? The ingenuity is breathtaking. Reading some of the sublime messages posted on this section requires an experienced locksmith at times. Call a spade a spade, saaxib. If the rules don’t allow you to do so, call it a rake at least! Ethnic is not a farming tool.
He was born a very long long time ago. Most people (including himself) are certain that he was born somewhere in Somalia (but don't’ take my word for it). The only solid fact here is that good old Abdullahi is old, very, very old! His teeth are creaking, his arms are shaking and he’s probably starting to notice the growth of new hairs in his ears and nose; or the loss of old hair from so many different parts of his body! However, unless the man is senile (which is something that can be argued successfully I suppose), his age really does not matter at all.
Heh. If this curriculum vita proves anything it only goes to prove that president Bush will triumph again. He managed to pull off and be accepted for every area and post that he applied for and this new quest for an extension is nothing different. Looking around me at all the unsuitable leaders in the world and their amazing ability to defy all expectations, I find myself wondering if the whole idea of leadership is nothing but an illusion. Maybe the only needed ingredient for a successful leader is a bit of charisma with a touch of controversy! Love them or hate them, they all seem to have it. From Bush, Blair, Chirac and Putin in the top to the late Siyad, the late Cigal and the very current Abdullahi Yusuf at the bottom! (Not to mention the dozens of other unfit leaders in between).
I’ve been staring at the screen for ages it even twisted my nervous system. I’ve got the shakes now and still can’t spot the difference you’re talking about. Allahoma eni saaa'em.
The following website will only be appreciated by total fanatics. Great goals. Enjoy. GOALS GOALS GOALS PS You’ll have to download them to view them.
NGONGE replied to B_A_L_L_E_R_Z's topic in Politics
war woxo ma kobad baa? -
I have to admit that a spark of excitement bubbled up inside me when I heard the news, alas it didn’t last long. When it comes to Somali politics, people are either stubbornly cynical or painfully optimistic. I fall into the cynical camp. Still, I hope against hope that this is IT and that this new government is the one that will finally solve the Somali problem (here comes that glimmer of excitement again). The new government will be walking on eggshells. They will have to tread carefully and avoid stepping on any egos or unwittingly fuelling the already simmering fire of discontent. Will they be able to do so? (Don’t look at me, I already told you I’m a cynic).
I only observe what’s written here Some bits surely deserve a bit of sneer But I think I delved to the bone, perhaps near Or maybe hit a nerve and upset you dear I’ll never mention “lurveâ€, as it’s slightly queer Or even try to serve a bit of smear I hereby humbly serve my notice and .........disappear
^^^ lol No. Leave it as it is, you're perfect as you are, dear.
Heh. OG,you’re selling us false goods with that signature of yours dee. :eek: Now you’re even explaining on behalf of others too?
Calm down, people. Do not take it too seriously. The two people “arguing†here know each other and are having a bit of a repartee. Don’t let your imaginations run away with you. It’s not about favouritism and “special†people. Things are not as they seem. J and SEVEN sitting in a tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes the tiff Then comes the barrage Then comes NGONGE and starts to disparage
Salafi, Sahal is asking you some questions, brother. Ramadan Kareem one and all.
SHEEKO NAXDINLEH - Cajalad Video ah ayaa burburisey noolasheyda
NGONGE replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
How did I miss this sad story? I don’t have a tissue to dry my tears with, I don’t have a shoulder to cry on and I’m staring at my screen with shaking hands and an aching heart. Why did you cruel people not tell me to come ready with my popcorn before clicking on this thread? :mad: -
What seems to be the problem here then? He didn’t stop people from praying, didn’t stop the call for prayer from going out on time and does not seem to have banned it by the sound of things. All he did was trying to standardise it. Which can be open to argument or dispute but it does not impinge on people’s rights nor change Egypt’s statues as a Muslim country. Am I missing something here?
^^^^^ Edit: When the brother above talks about sharpening his sword, he's not intending any form of violence, people. It's an old Burco tradition, that's all. We sharpen our swords in celebration.
Cawralo, Can you please take off that phoney website you’ve posted (or trim it a bit). It’s making it hard to read the replies on this thread. Thanks.
If things were as simple as you just explained them, then I’d say defend the first group and criticise the second. But, we both know that this argument is not as simple as you just summarised it. I don’t want to get dragged into this dispute. Carry on with it if you like and lets hope your passion doesn’t blind your reason.
^^^^ I can’t access that site from work, brother. I have no idea what you’re talking about. If things are as “black and white†as you say then may Allah forgive them. As I’ve already given you my stand on this issue, I can only end with the words of Imam Al Shaafci in the hope that you get the hint: اذا رمت ان تØيا سليما من الردي ودينك موÙور وعرضك صين Ùلا ينطقن منك اللسان بسواة Ùكلك سوؤات وللناس السن وعيناك ان ابدت اليك معايبا Ùدعها وقل يا عين للناس اعين وعاشر Ø¨Ù…Ø¹Ø±ÙˆÙ ÙˆØ³Ø§Ù…Ø Ù…Ù† اعتدي وداÙع ولكن بالتي هي اØسن
I have to admit that just reading the titles of these topics got me thinking, have no idea how I’ll react if I read any of them. They all sound good, brother. I’m sure we’ll get to read all of them in due course. Jazak Allah Kheer and may your efforts be rewarded with Allah’s mercy and your readers’ with his guidance.