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Everything posted by NGONGE
^^^ The lady doth protest too much, methinks Why would you take it seriously if you weren’t?
I despise something called a mobile phone! I believe it to be the most evil invention EVER. I can’t stand those text messages and all that pointless chatter. I dislike, disagree with and abhor the fact that parents buy their children mobile phones. I completely and utterly am disgusted with this invention. In the eighties, it was only the yuppies that used mobile phones, in the nineties it was the “cool†crew and now it’s even the children and old ladies. None of them need it, none of them require it and none of them use it for anything worthwhile (save to send annoying text messages). Mobile phones are the killers of conversation, the intruders to the homes, the dirty secret that every young man and woman has. Sometimes, mobile phones make the idea of a hijab null and void. They isolate others and let in some. They facilitate and spread immorality! They waste people’s time, those annoying ring tones get on everyone’s nerves, their ugly and fancy colours are bad for our eyes. The one-sided conversations you here in public places are the most idiotic ever. Blue tooth! Damn blue tooth! :mad: :mad:
Shukaansi is dirty minded now? Are you a monk, saaxib?
^^^lol@well taken care off Long may it continue then.
^^^ waxano waa shukaansi cadaaan! arr xaadiid wax ka sheeg, saaxib. What is good eyo what is bad naga daaya
^^^^ Probably! Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. Now you see me, now you don't. George thinks he will, but I know he won't. The above, are his most famous rhymes. Most boxing fans recognise those words, however, Mr Ali did not coin them. They were the words of one of his corner men. In any case, whether it was his idea to clown around and “market†himself or the idea of another, it still required Ali’s personality and charisma in order to “catch onâ€. Ah, did it catch on though? He’s so so pretty.
OG-Girl, i don't like your say that "Blacks enslaving blacks". We were only involved in the trade and not the physical enslavement of blacks, which was an ugly history. Since some people are confusing the concept of slavery with the concept of race, particularly the black race. I will post relevant and crucial topic about the "Slave community", clearing the parochial knowledge of slave history. This I’d love to read. Heh. Looking forward to your historical facts, saaxib.
Heh. Love the way the whole thing is done with no sign of any self-awareness. Heh. Pots and kettles all the way.
^^^ The Darfur issue is not one-sides, saaxib. The rebels are as vicious as the Janjaweeds. The hatred and “supremacy†as you call it is mutual. As for the Arabs against NATO, well, like I hinted, open warfare is not possible. However, what you’re asking for is exactly what they did. You need to go back and read about the opposition to the Bosnia massacres and see who were the loudest voices there. Like I said, they did all they could, short of military attacks.
Wind talker (love the name by the way ), you need to ask the Bosnians of what the Arabs did to help them, saaxib. On one hand you’re asking the sister not to compare Somalia to the entire Arab world and on the other, you want to compare the Arab world to NATO? Anyway, if you’re really interested in knowing about the Arab help for Bosnia, I’m sure a quick “google†will answer all your questions (and then some). Oh, they’ve also done the same in Chechnya and Kashmir. Of course, the state of the world as it is today, they couldn’t send official armies, but they turned a blind eye to any Mujahid’s who wished to go and fight alongside their brothers in those regions. Plus, in terms of money and aid, the Arab world was the largest contributor of Aid to all these places (worth asking the government of Abdelqasim in Somalia how many dollars he got from the Arabs! I bet president Yusuf is laughing too). Saaxib, there is a lot that does not get reported in the Western press but it does not mean that these things did not take place. Like I said, should you need any more, a quick google will answer all your questions. Plain hatred and empty words are not conducive to a fruitful discussion, my friend. Time to raise your game a little, methinks.
Heh. Looks like the discussion has turned into a fight between “Africans†and “Arabsâ€! Are we trying to recreate the conflict on SOL, people? :rolleyes: First some information: 1- the two sides fighting in Darfur are of Sudanese origin (stating the obvious) 2- One group claims to be of Arabic origin and the other does not 3- There is historical animosity between the two groups because of land, politics and slavery (yes slavery). 4- Many Sudanese non-Arabs accuse their Arab counterparts of arrogance and prejudice! 5- The “Arabs†are the ones residing mostly in the North and are in control of the state! 6-Slavery in Sudan was only terminated in the 1940’s because of British pressure ( much better than Saudi Arabia by the way, there it only ended 1963!) 7- The rebels ( non-Arabs) are being helped by outside forces ( mainly Uganda and its allies I think - they messed up the Congo and now it’s Sudan’s turn). 8- The government of Sudan did not help matters by trying to side with the Janjaweed’s first and then distancing itself and changing its mind when it was too late. 9- The People of the north of Sudan (Arabs) can’t understand where the animosity of the West (non-Arab Sudanese) is coming from. They’re viewing the rebellion as serious treason! 10- The non-Arab Sudanese are from tribes that not only reside in Sudan, but also in Libya, Chad and even Nigeria (Hausa). I leave you to work out the interests of all these countries in the area! Now, back to this thread and the “warring†sides. This is a MUSLIM problem. Both sides in it are Muslim (regardless of what labels they and others give them). Since we’re discussing a tragedy that befell our fellow Muslims, we have to extend the same level of fairness and sympathy to both sides. Whatever hatred we have for “Arabs†or “Africans†should not cloud our judgment and make us brush all genuine grievances aside. The same applies to the side we sympathise with! The Sudanese government has made grave mistakes in the past and this conflict is one of the results of those mistakes. However, the Sudanese government is not the only side to blame in this conflict. The rebels are the ones who started this conflict and got massacred by the vicious Janjaweeds! Now, that everyone from the UN to the AU and the Arab league have stuck their oars in and are trying to further confuse matters, we, as neutral observers, are left with nothing but to pray for our MUSLIM brothers from both sides and hope they see sense soon. We’re in the unique position to know how these “tribal†wars end and what pain and misery they spread. Funny how when we see it with others, we still decide to take sides, eh?
The Spiteful Letter by Lord Alfred Tennyson Here, it is here, the close of the year, And with it a spiteful letter. My name in song has done him much wrong, For himself has done much better O little bard, is your lot so hard, If men neglect your pages? I think not much of yours or of mine, I hear the roll of the ages. Rhymes and rhymes in the range of the times! Are mine for the moment stronger? Yet hate me not, but abide your lot, I last but a moment longer. This faded leaf, our names are as brief; What room is left for a hater? Yet the yellow leaf hates the greener leaf, For it hangs one moment later. Greater than I -is that your cry? And men will live to see it. Well -if it be so -so it is, you know; And if it be so, so be it. Brief, brief is a summer leaf, But this is the time of hollies. O hollies and ivies and evergreens, How I hate the spites and the follies!
In the words of the man himself. I done wrestled with an alligator I done tussled with a whale I handcuffed lighting, thrown thunder in jail yesterday I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalised a brick I’m so mean I make medicine sick A commentary of a fight. Clay comes out to meet Liston And Liston starts to retreat If he goes back any further He'll be in a ringside seat Clay swings with a left And Clay swings with a right Look at young Cassius As he carries the fight Liston keeps backing But there's not enough room It's a matter of time Till Clay lowers the boom Now Clay swings with a right What a beautiful swing And the punch knocks the Bear Clear out of the ring Liston's still rising The ref wears a frown For he can't start counting Till Sonny comes down Now Liston disappears from view The crowd is getting frantic But our radar stations pick him up He's over the Atlantic Who would have thought When they came to the fight That they'd witness the launch Of a human satellite? Yes, the crowd did not dream When they laid down their money That they would see A total eclipse of the Sonny! I am the greatest! PS Sonny Liston was his opponent ( Ali nicknamed him the Bear). For the really young amongst you (or those living under rocks) Cassius Clay was Ali’s name before he became a Muslim.
Ignoring this Arab/African argument for a minute, I find it very strange that the minute the Sudanese government finally agrees to make peace with the rebels of the South, this problem of the West suddenly appears! At least in the South, the issue of OIL is what got the two sides to sit down and agree on a settlement (with the sudden help of the United States of America no less). Now, the Darfuur problem raises its ugly head! Coincidence? A plan by the Sudan government? Rebels wanting to have a piece of the cake? African interference akin to the one in Congo? Which could it be? There are many sides to this story, many players, lots of ground to gain and lose! Western powers have an interest in it (and in Sudan in general). The African mafia (of Uganda and its friends) is involved. Egypt is trying to join in, Libya is not that far behind. The Arab league (led by Egypt, again) is trying to show its importance and prove it’s not impotent. The African Union is trying to prove its competence and carry on muddying the water. It is indeed an Arab vs African conflict, but not in Sudan. The conflict is being played in the media and halls of power! Wonder if my somali brothers would want to discuss all of that rather than revert to their original cries of “waxa la yidhiâ€.....
^^^ They're part of the Arabian Night's story, saaxib. I think there is another thread about this topic going on right now.
Originally posted by nuune: ameenah, laakin aniga waxaan maqlay sheeko run ah oo aheyd ninbaa libaax qodax muddey ka bixiyey, libaxu sakaraat buu aha geed hoostiis buu fadhiyey, ninkan oo wadada socda ayey isha isku dhufteen(is arkeen), kaddib ninkii baa fahmey in libaaxu qodax weyn lugta kaga jirto, wuu usoo dhawaadey aayar buu beynaad uu wattey kaga saarey, bas libaaxii wuu soo kacay ninkii bey isa soo raaceen oo ninkii baa la soo dhaweeyay oo la keenay tuulaadii uu u socdey libaaxiina iska laabtey. ps: sheekadaada aad soo qortey waan maqlay but maba xasuusto, da' baa i heshay waxbaba ma xasuusto. I saw that exact story in the Arabic children's cartoon, "Sinbad". للمتØدثين بالعربيه وعشاق الرسوم المتØركه: اخونا يتكلم عن عمليق ههههههههه Anyway, when I say the story was "exact", I really don't mean exact. Heh. The man took a knife out of a giant's foot. :cool: ** strolls away daydreaming of his childhood **
^^^ Ah! Words to warm an old man’s heart. Maybe I should quote the bard again and say, “Frailty, thy name is woman!†Or, since weakness on my part wont do; repeat Hamlet’s words to Ophelia and say “get thee to a nunneryâ€
The Bard says: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Think? How dare you insinuate that I’d utter anything remotely suspicious? I don’t think, my raw friend, I know! Had I thought these words impeachable in any way or sense I wouldn’t have endorsed them, on the contrary, seeing that they radiate from my remarkable intellect, I can but marvel at their beauty (as you rightly state).
^^^ I suppose not. They are probably innocent of all that they’re accused of and this girl is probably a spy that wanted to kill her own uncle (or was her uncle someone else) with the assistance of the hero taxi driver! Then again, the girl is probably innocent and these C.I.D officers made a grave mistake that they should apologies and be punished for along with the judge who sent the lawyers to three years in prison for contempt of his “holy†court. Capability might not be culpability but depending on what side of the fence you’re sitting and what website you subscribe to, it may well be. Semantics and half truths, inadeer, is the real name of the game here.
Originally posted by Sophist: NGONGE, !Tragedy besets indeed. How a man who seemingly is studious to succumb to such trivia? Perhaps, the glasses of erudition are to be replaced by a frivolous one when looking into anything involving his blood brethrens. Aloow Noo gargaar, war dhalintii ma sidaas ayaa udanbeysey!. Heh. Seems that moral panic has taken over your ability to reason, saaxib. Pardon me if I seem indifferent to this tragic case. I’m sure Samsam is in no need for my words and indignation when she has all of you weeping and wailing at the total injustice of the Somaliland government and the way the whole world is collapsing around you! Yes, her case is tragic, unfair, evil and utterly idiotic. This is something even her torturers will concede if we bombarded them with questions and put them on trail. However, and you can call me cold hearted here, I fail to understand why would a single case of a young girl being arrested (and raped – I wont allege here for I believe them capable of doing so) in Somaliland (or any part of Somalia) should receive such widespread coverage and be viewed as the mother of all tragedies by so-called intellectuals and wise men! If it were a couple of ignorant old women crying over and lamenting her plight, I’d understand. If it were her family and friends, I’d sympathise. But, a bunch of strangers making this entire racket over a single person! From whence came this newfound tenderness for fellow Somalis? Other than getting the girl released, what is the aim of this huge and unrelenting coverage? Would this be the catalyst for the idiotic Raayle government to mend its ways and follow the path of fairness and justice? Would it improve the quality of judiciary in Somaliland and help in ensuring that future judges are able and competent? Would young Samsam become the symbol of freedom, fairness and justice? Would the constant howling guarantee that no other innocents are treated in such a way? It’s a mess saaxib. A total and complete mess! Samsam is but one of thousands who suffer at the hands of the powers that be in every part of Somalia. In this instance it was the half-witted government of Somaliland, tomorrow it will be in Xamar, the day after it will be in Puntland! Why act as if Somalia is a democratic state where fairness and justice prevail and human right’s abuses don’t take place? Why ignore the malady that is the Somali mindset? Why insult your very own intelligence by wailing with the mob? I feel sorry for Samsam but at least she’ll get out and receive a hero’s welcome in her hometown (she will wont she? It stands to reason). However, I feel worse for those who have the ability to hijack such occurrences and claim the moral high ground! There is no moral high ground in Somali politics; we’re all in the gutter, saaxib. When I see that, I can’t help but laugh and be frivolous about the whole decaying state of our politics and morals. شر البلية ما يضØÙƒ! In spite of my natural pessimism, I really hope that this case will make a positive difference in the long term. In the meantime, I reserve the right to ridicule my fellow Nomads on any prejudice or silly statements I perceive. It might not help Samsam or anyone in her situation (neither would any nice words) but it might help the whimpering brigade in improving their wailing techniques.
I think most people here covered the subject of marrying first cousins. I’m not going to add anything new to the comments already made. However, I would like to ask questions about marriage itself. Why do people marry? What is marriage? What is the difference between having a cousin and marrying a cousin? When people say that they view their cousins as their own brothers or sisters, does that mean there are no “walls†put up between a person and their (opposite gender) cousins? Do men walk around half naked in front of their female cousins as they would in front of their own siblings? Do women take off their xijaab in front of their male cousins? Would you go holiday with your female cousin (just you and her alone)? Would you hug your female or male cousin? How about sharing secrets? Which is cultural and which is Islamic? Which would you choose? How? These are questions that raced through my mind as I read this thread.
^^^^ كتمت اسم الØبيب عن العباد ورددت الصبابة ÙÙŠ Ùؤادي Ùوا شوقي الا واد خلا لعلي باسم من اهوا انادي
I’m not too concerned with Alle-ubaahne's empty words. What concerns me is his ability to hijack serious topics and turn them into pointless games of hide and seek. Ah! What would I give for an “ignore†button on these threads. Alle-ubaahne indeed!