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Everything posted by NGONGE

  1. ^^ Waa sheeko dheer. I decided to change the name halfway and forgot to edit it.
  2. ^^ Mooge, this is your area of expertise saaxib. Who is this interior minister? Is he a Puntlander?
  3. Dear Head teacher, Recently, my son Abdi came home with a script for the school’s planned play for the Easter Holidays. I was glad and very gratified to discover that the play this year is about Somalia. With two thirds of the children in your school hailing from that country, it is about time that the school recognised this fact and started to pay homage to the predominate culture of most of its pupils. Furthermore, and although most Somali parents would naturally encourage their children to learn and be sensitive about Christian culture, we nonetheless remain Muslim and have grown tired of the same plays about Mary, Joseph and the most famous donkey in the world. Still, this is not the reason I decided to pen this letter to you. The real reason is that I have some minor observation about this intended play. First of all, you must be aware of the differences of opinion (to put it mildly) that exist amongst Somalis. Though we originally come from the same country, we all belong to different parts of said nation and different clans. With that in mind, one must be extremely sensitive and considerate when allocating parts to the different children. Sir, it is unacceptable for me, my child and my family to discover that our son has been given the part of Somali president when we don’t even hail from the same clan of the current incumbent. In this, I do not direct any blame towards your person or the school itself but the choice of teacher you chose to help you write this play. I understand that the play was co-written by one of your class assistants, a Mr Abib Salaax . I have no doubt that Mr Salaax is a competent and capable employee however, as a Somali; I strongly doubt his impartiality and even-handedness. After all, Mr Salaax if you were not aware is from the central regions of Somalia and considering the current situation of the country, is not likely to view any northerners with much neutrality. This is evident in the way he distributed the parts amongst the children and how his own child has miraculously landed with the least controversial part in the play (that of a Diaspora kid who is unaware of the Somali conflict). Sir, why should my child forever be associated with the mistakes of the Somali president when he doesn’t even come from the same area of Somalia? Why should his face become synonyms with the blunder of that man whenever his peers look at him or discuss (as kids occasionally do) the problems of Somalia? He surely would have been better off playing the part of the lovable donkey in those tired old nativity plays. I would also like to remind you that “Somalia” has three flags; Somaliland, Puntland and the more widely known blue flag. It is unfair of the school to confuse such young minds by giving them the impression that all Somalis identify with only the blue flag. In my home for example, I have introduced my children to the Somaliland flag at a very early age and have been fostering a sense of patriotism and pride in their heritage ever since. The least I would expect is for the school and home to be singing from the same hymn sheet in these multicultural times. I have discussed the matter with other parents and most were aghast at the shoddy work and insensitivity of Mr Elmi when it came to allocating parts. One Puntland parent protested the fact that her daughter was given the role of Somali Foreign Minister when, according to the parent, “the whole world knows that Puntlanders always get the role of Prime Minister”. As a result, these discussions with the vast majority of parents have reached a consensus regarding this play in which we all agreed that the play should be rewritten in consultation with all parents and taking into account all the sensitivity and thoughtfulness required when dealing with such issues. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the excellent performance in the recent OFSTEAD inspection and hope that you continue making this school one of the best in the area. Yours Abdi Warya.

    Waa lasoo furay

    ^^ Wax badan baa ka maqaan, saaxib. Waliga ba is geeji, in the end you'll realise it was all to no avail.

    Waa lasoo furay

    ^^ A man who thinks in o wax edbin karo is one that will either commit murder or eventually run anyway. Women are mad, saaxib.

    Waa lasoo furay

    ^^ Naftay o keentay. Baxarkiisay kicisay. Way waashay. Dheetana wuu ka cararay. Wax fahan.
  7. Alpha, my (other) Arabic speaking Somali friend told me about the big-mouth-well town. he said it's Madeena baceeda (far town). Is that true?
  8. Che -Guevara;922107 wrote: ^I don't think anyone is misunderstood here. Gabbal is fine with Jubbaland as long as the 'Gedo' boys are in the driving seat and the same goes for everyone else representing their respective tribes, This is problem with Somali politics, everyone wants a solution that are only benefits his group and puts everyone else at disadvantage. When people don't get their way, we are reminded of how powerful they are. The whole thing is mess. As the Garwoe 1 and 2 meetings proved, Somalis can settle their differences as long as there is a Mahiga in the room. Find us a Mahiga Che.
  9. ^^ Yes. But the advantage is that I don't have to add Alpha!
  10. ^^ Bored already? How is the job market in the UAE, is it picking up yet? (Bob is one reason why I'm tempted to move on to FB. I do enjoy teaching him about football ).
  11. Chuba, don't listen to this woman. When you have yours, spoil them rotten.
  12. First in, Again! Morning all. I am thinking of leaving SOL and setting up camp on FB instead. Good idea?
  13. ^^ Why else do you think I brougth this thread back. I thought it may anger him into coming out of hiding and replying to me (your irritation was just an extra bonus). I think he'll be out now that Abwaan started boasting about where his grandfather was born though.
  14. ^^ War Big tent ku daa dee. At least people can sit in equal circles inside a big tent. A Caravan has to be led by someone and the passangers (you amongst them) keep complaining about the leader.
  15. I now fully expect A&T to come out of hiding and take part in this thread.
  16. Oodweyne;921835 wrote: ^^^I see our carafaat will be better off chancing his luck on the lottery than he will be in getting a straight answer from the likes our Xiiny :D He actually answered your question with his BIG TENT thing. Gone is the Caravan!
  17. Guru, but of course saaxib. p.s. I spent more time in the UK than carab lands. Fadlan casiirka Milkshake igu badal.
  18. ^^ Between arresting suspected terrorists and men eating with women in resturants, magaalada cidi kumay harin!
  19. NGONGE

    and I am single

    ^^ Oh if only you can speak or read Arabic!
  20. ^^ The archives have timeless opinions from A&T or the Guru on almost every current topic. (want one from A&T about Xiin's take on Kismaayo?).
  21. NGONGE

    and I am single

    نسوان علي نسوان كاتمين ع قلبنا حكمة وقالوها زمان دول فقر دول عكننة نسوان علي نسوان كاتمين ع قلبنا حكمة وقالوها زمان دول فقر دول عكننة لازم اقووم بليل اخنقها واخلص بقي دي مورياني الويل ما كفاية ظلم وشقي ده حلمنا طول عمرنا ياخدهم ربنا ربنا ربنا ده حلمنا طول عمرنا ياخدهم ربنا ربنا قبل اما اخطبها انا واكتب ده كلامي كان مسموع دلوقتي الحال اتشقلب كسرالي 6 ضلوع يارب تاكل اكلة باخخ فيها تعبان او حتي حتة عجوة مليانة سم فراان ده حلمنا طول عمرنا ياخده ربنا ربنا ربنا اول ما شفاتها عنيا جسمهما ده كان غصن لبان عدت سنتين وشوية كرشها مترين ادام دي بتفطر لحمة وفتة وحلة محشي بتنجااان عرضها بقي 6 في 6 جمبها مش عارف انام ده حلمنا طول عمرنا ياخدهم ربنا ربنا ربنا ااااااه ده حلمنا طول عمرنا ياخدهم ربنا ربنا ربنا