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Everything posted by juma-nne

  1. jamac waal president. I believe that the above qouted statement amounts to breaking of the SOL golden rules. I hope the Admin Would take the apropriate measures.
  2. horta waa iga suaale militatriga Buntiland ma SSC bay kasoo wadajeedaan? Sabatoo ah dee ilaa labo sano inta hadda lagajoogo marba boqolaal ciidan iyo gadiidkood oo soo goostaan maqlaa. oo weliba hadda aiy kasii dartay oo marna aad maqlaysid waxaiy u goosteen SSC marna Soomaliland. War ciidanku farabadanaa Haday saa tahaiy dee daraawishatani waa tii Soomaliya oo dhan qabsan lahayd
  3. Iam not against the necessary extension but the unreasonable duration. Why did they extended themselves 3yrs, and prliement two and eight while one year fo local government? It would be efficient and cost effective if all the three elections takes place at once and the extensions should have been set for at most one year for the preparation. This is is rediclous and anyone can sees the faulty political gimmicks in it.
  4. This is crazy. Odayaashan Guurtida wadanka Halagaqabto. The time setting here shows that Weligeed Muran doorasho uun baa lagujirayaa. Waa si intay noolyihiin aiy meesha fadhiyaan. Kulmiye If they would not do something about this. They should kiss goodby to the masses support.
  5. Dhakhtarku waa kee ?? Dee kan mulkiilaha Bogtan tafaafulka wadda.
  6. Waaheen wariyaa JB,iyo xaajiga Show dhakhtarkii weli odeygii dacaayad ka lamaquusan? in kastoo odeygu dhinacii siyaasada shan iyo eber kagabadiyaiy? Toloow Colkan galbedeysan jooja.dhakhtarkan ciishan la hadloo, belaayo majidhee tafaafulka jooji oo shanta soo socota iska samir dhaha.
  7. Anigu ninkan odeyga barbar socda ee surwaalkii gaabiye ayaa ishayda soo jiitay, AKA Chief of Cabinet. I can sense that Godane's swagger in him. Horta JB Ninkan ma nagahubtaan?
  8. Muse Bixi waan jeclahay. Dadka marka xaaladu adag tahay ummaddoda u halgama waa dad fiican. He was a good fighter and leader during SNM days. Ma aha kuwa Diaspora'ka ka yimaada markay xaaladu kala dagto. -------------------- Good Point. Inta nolosha qurbaha ka dhacday ee meesha u xil doonatay tiro maleh.
  9. War Xaaji, labada nin ee sawirka kujira miyaiy legdamayaan?? mise waa salaanta Gabiley style
  10. juma-nne , you mean Cismaan Hindi, Muj.Cali Guray iyo badasabka maroodijeex? i have no idea about hargeysa salaadiin's saying such a thing. If Iam not wrong there was this Sultan by the name Raabi from hargeysa, was once quoted to the same nuances
  11. Dr Tannock said that the verdict of observers (including some from Dr Tannock’s alma mater University College, London) that the election was conducted according to international norms and standards With the islamic upbringing and all the enlightment of the western education. The Imaginary caravan Captain, Mr. Xiiny could not but refer to this historic achievement as a "Primitive election" War ileyn Xaasidnimadu dhaban iyo **** laqabtoona male
  12. tolow saladiintii iyo madaxdi reer hargeysa ee odhan jiray Reer burco Magaalda Haa inooga baxaan hadda maxay odhan?
  13. Stuff and nonsense indeed. Udub alarmist and spinists are still out there with their failed propagandas. Its over brothers, let us move on and embark on national building.
  14. What a heinous crime Now the many innocent somali refugees in Uganda will have to bare the brunt.
  15. major qualification to be a minister: Waa ina aad Kaadida usoo cabtay
  16. Arintii udub waxaiy noqotay. Nin Daad qaaday Xumbo Cuskay.
  17. There is this old man aan dicaayadeeyo and he tells me Silaanyo will never win. He is so UDUB supporter that he sometimes comes accross as insane. According to him UDUB has won this election fair and squere. From you statement yaa xiin odayga seems to have some beef with Siilanyo and not Kulmiye. I beleive he would change his stance comes when he will see a balanced and qualified Siilanyo Administration.
  18. Surrender to the nearest Kulmiye Office; However here at SOL. Declare your loyalty to Mudane NORfsky. The Future Minister for Housing and land developemnt.
  19. What happened to the Pundits views and analyiss showing that Ceerigabo is an Exclusive Udub Zone?
  20. The Eye Looks more like Braziilian flag. If Kulmiye Wins then I hope Braziil too will take the WOrld Cup
  21. Its finaly been noted as an african Role model; Great news, good progress