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Everything posted by DraGon

  1. Alle I am not going to assume because I know better. I a have nothing against the OG-Girl, but to copy an article wholesale and pass it as your ideas, is simply wrong!!! I agree with what she copied its a valid statement and general knowledge but atleast she should have rephrased to her own style or just name the source of the article.
  2. Laziegirl..good topic sis!!! In general it is difficult to criminalize morality but in this case (adultery) the effects of immoral behaviour is far reaching and destructive. You mentioned family breakdown and AIDS as a consequences of this sin to be crime soon in Turkey (InshaAllah). Can you Imagine if your husband/wife contracted you and your child with AIDS as a result of there actions??? Yes I can, because I know people who are victims of this immoral behaviour. And there is nothing in this world that can compensate what has happened to them. I don't understand the Europeans fuss with this law!!! They say this is an action of two consenting adults. But also in europe you will be prosecuted if you infect someone with AIDS even though the sexual act is consentual. do you see the falacy??? FYI Turkey is already a member of NATO. Its EU that they want to join.
  3. "The world is no longer comprised of two magnets as it was a few decades ago. It is heading towards massive strategic blocs - that is, European Union (EU) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Knowing that Europe and other big players are trying to book a place for themselves in tomorrow's world, the US is interested in disrupting oil flow to such huge competitive blocs. In the eastern hemisphere we have China whose GDP (gross domestic product) is expected to overtake America's in the future." Makes me wonder where did I read this???? Hmmm OG-Girl seems like we read the same articles, it will be nice if you give credit where it belongs.
  4. Cant vote you forgot the Legend...Maxi Priest
  5. Lakaad I see your point bro. using Islam when conducting such a hedious crime is wrong and UnIslamic...but I empathize with Arab predicament Arabs are divided, they have been conqured, abused and humiliated. Simply put they are desperate and what was the saying "desperate ppl do desperate things". Beside that why will a normal-civilian-person and non-arab for that matter travel to Iraq knowing very well there is a war??? I don't get it.
  6. Sad indeed...may Allah help her. I wonder what the reaction of the kuffar will be if this was done (God forbid) by a Muslim. Can you imagine!!! this will have all over da news.
  7. Well then correct his statement or assertion without judging his observation. And besides I a haven't read anywhere that the three groups mentioned is exhaustive and complete in representation. This is a forum where ppl exchange opinions and ideas and if you dont appreciate/agree with what is said the least you can is ignore or counter the augment without attacking. PS..You are not the only one here with strong opinion. After all you talking to somalis and I still have to find a somali who is not opinionated. Respect,civility and lack of arrogance is key to expressing ones opinion.
  8. DA said "Another good idea would be not to post useless topics like this!" This is uncalled for. Why the insult?? Admin isn't this against the rules of the site.
  9. Ameenah, DnD Thanxx for the clarification...Sophist report was vague and misleading I thought SCC was a political organization formed by Somaliweyn Camp to thwart the ambitions of Somalilander recognition. Sophist Whats your position in SCC????
  10. Sophist just wondering do you know Faisal???
  11. Niceeee pictures..ManshaAllah... And may alllll the Lands of Somalis develop Equally!!! InshaAllah Amiin
  12. Somaliaen Said "my mom is convinced theyre accually jewish claiming their muslims since none of them want to show their faces and also cause she blames jews for EVERYTHING1" Me too think sooo!!!!!
  13. Bari Sorry about the name. First, Its Bari not Baashi. Second, the SNM knew who they were dealing with--a ruthless dictator. They saw him attack his citizens in the Northeast in the 1970's(setting a precendent). This was not a government elected by the people or who cared about 'preservation of life' or takingt he 'higher moral position'. The Barre dictatorship also bombed Mogadishu when the USC entered it in 1990. No one should be absolving the Siyad Barre government/military OR the rebel groups(all of them) for their actions and crimes against Somalis. Dictator you said!!!! Yes indeed that to itself was a reason enough to overthrow him FYI ppl do not rise against just government....Nevertheless why try to justify and glorify actions of a dictator?????
  14. [quote: by Bashi No one is justifying what happened in 1977-78, 1988-89, or 1990-91. And no one should also be justifying the SNM for using civilians as 'human shields' in Hargeisa or Burco--which is against international law. People like Ayoub call this a 'Milestone' and a 'victory'--rather then a criminal act.] You are stillside stepping the issue here. What I am trying to say is whether SNM was using civilians or not still doesn't justify what the former somali govt or anyother government to kill its own citizens for that reason or any other reason for that matter. Government are supposed to take the higher moral position in case of insurgency and the preservation of lives is the ultimate goal. Nevertheless I am surpprised that you dont share this sentiments. As i said it before it will be suicidal & immoral 4 slander authority to attack LA under the immoral excuse of "civilians are used as human shields". And if they did I will seize to support them.
  15. By Bashi Aahh. If only they had you in 1988. I usually don't participate in politics in this forum, but i find the above remarks very INSULTING. There is nothing funny nor that will justify what happened in 1988. As a Somalilander I will not support the government of Somaliland for a day if they dare to attack LA (there own citizen)and use "they hiding under civilians" as an excuse.Thats not how to treat your own citizens/people. Thumbs up to Slander government for the restraint they have showed so far.
  16. Irshad Manji is an ***** .....she used to have a gay TV show some years ago with CityTv in Toronto. As Torontonians will know that media is owned by anti islam personality and these are the people behind her success, granted that she is very intelligent and articulate person but nevertheless she shouldn't try to interpret Islam to conform to her world or lifestyle. What I fail to understand is, who is forcing this modern day self hating muslim to be/remain muslim. If is Islam is not your cup of tea GET THE HELL OUT afterall THERE IS NO COMPULSIN IN FAITH. Bambina quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, some of you misunderstood me ,but I was 99% sure it was going to happen anyways , , so how the hell , do I know if she's insulting Islam or not, unless I read what she wrote?I hope this makes sense to some of you. In all due respect Bambina how can you agree with her on some issues while you claim not to have even read the book. Yes she might be right with some of her claims but she is the last person I will take any advice/opinion on Islam.
  17. DraGon


  18. qoute by rudy lucky! unfortunate sista! we are a member of the arab league! lemme throw another curve ball. do u isreal was the first nation that recognize somalia independence while egypt said no! this is true! i guess, the world a mysterious place! hah! also, r u aware that somalis olympians took part the 1939 olympics held in germany! my uncle was one of them! this was arranged by uk & italy. rudy, how is this related to the issue discussed?? Samurai... Well siad. Nowadays alot of ppl. are ashamed to be associated or even labelled to be Arabs due to the current political climate.....and I guess those who fall under this category would also denounce Somaliness given the choice. Simply, case of inferiority complex.
  19. "I advice the nomads of this forum to not give attention to this nomad. Wanting attention takes some too far." I TOTAL CONCUR WITH HORN ON THIS. WHY DO I HAVE THE FEELING PALTALK AND MADMAC (FROM SOMALINET) ARE ONE AND THE SAME????
  20. He reitereated the following points of concern, which I think are very legit and crucial for any political meeting to succeed. ---Future parliamentarians must be selected by by traditional elders in consultation with political leaders. ---Somalis to be given overall control of the talks , if anything meaningfull is to come out. (i total agree with him on this) ---Participation of Northern Somalis (Somaliland-- I dont know about this!! I think asking for Somaliland participation will prolong the establishment of A somali government). ---He also wants a committe of legal and constitutional experts set up to advice the participants of such issues. (very good idea) Now what do you say????
  21. loooooooool..Lateafa Me too is wondering lately who is A somali in this site...its funny how ppl who aresomalis describe somali as other/them/you. I call it SELF HATING
  22. Wow!!!! Did I get this right??? Some Somalis are raised/taught by there parents to hate on Other somalis???? This is shocking to me to say the least and if this is true ppl we are doomed. See I was raised to beleived Somalis are the most proudest ppl. on other (not that i believe in that anymore), I come from a family that is profoundly proud Somails My Hooyo will say hi to every somali we come across and the Idea of hating a fellow somali to her was and is still a no, no. Anyway Silent sista i hope you will a better experience dealing with your ppl/.