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Everything posted by DraGon
^^^ Horn on a serious note, what happened since that quote? Did your principal or position on Ethio change? If yes, why
Stoic...Mambo As a frequent traveller,mostly to U.S on Business trips, I am also faced with the same predicament more so in personal trips. In some cases the oficers (aMERICANS) intentionally try to provoke a reaction so they can impose there authority on you. How to react? I stay calm, be polite and answer all there ****** questions. I cant afford to be banned from travel to U.S. and this I believe is there intention. Like Lazie said whenever i travell for business I get my firm to write an official letter indicating my trip is strictly business. I book my hotel in advance and have all the info ready in writing. In your case, I think you were too passive. You were not travelling for one and I assume you are not guilty of anything, atleast you should have eddemand to know who he is.. But if you are travelling and you are a Guy....they will try to provoke a reaction and if you want to continue your Trip, just be polite and answer the damn question.
Warsan; Next time just put a lid on the pan, and that will take care of the fire.
Sorry; I meant Modesty.
You guys are soooo gullible, its beyond believe...except for Waterlily.
^^^So you needed such an explanation to give the poor girl the benefits of the doubt??? In my city Somali kids most of the time are victims of bullying....even though I don't support her violent reaction, I had the feeling she was driven by something.
Qoute: "Sleazy local newscasters also seem to avoid the younger or more learned members of the community when looking for interviewees" I believe its more of the above. Somalis in London should take the personal initiative and start writing to media outlets about your frustration. In the late 90's in Canada Somalis had an image problem in the media, and noting that the community was an easy target me and a friend met with some of the editors and expressed our concern, and everytime we read some biased news we will write and complain. I understand its good to have a community spokesman but knowing Somalis I think we are a decade behind becoming such sophisticated.
^^^^^Indeed. The fact that a lot of women came out to support them is a testimony to extent of support they can rely on. Somalis (in somailia especially have sufferes significantly under the warlords and the Wadaads with all there down faults (soorry Naden & Socod Baden) have proofed to be the best alternative. Any thing thats good for the average Somali in Somalia I will support it un equivocally, whether it meets my sense of politics or not.
Born and raised in a small town of 1,800 people in rural kenya and now calls Canada home. Stoic I feel you. I have been through the same feels some years ago but I have somehow dealt with it and now It doesn't bother me anymore.
Cowering!!! I think not. He is actually trying to educate Bush (your prophet). Go and read about the contents of the letter before your pull out your pompoons and start kicking high like a basketball cheerleader.
Naden and Good Xiin. good discussion you guys have there and I apprecaited the manners of your engagement minus JB non-sensical blarbing. This is the kinds of discussion we should encourage among the believers, Naden by all means seems to be sincere believer trying to learn and understand her Diin better; just like most of us I just wish those who are not believers to respect our quest for furthering our knowledge by staying away from such discussions.
This is a response article trying to critique the premise of the initial article. I agree with Joseph Massaad on this; that Israel is acting according to American interest henceforth the influence of there lobby. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/787/op35.htm
Go here if you want to read the full text. Nothing knew to those who are independent minded and follow world news from non-american sources. But for new comers to this affairs its a good start. http://ksgnotes1.harvard.edu/Research/wpaper.nsf
^^^^^^Not water down but change of style. Westerners like to hear it different, they are not as emotional as ppl ME and us. Basically they should just tell the other side of the story, this is what is missing with the status quo.
Bank teller??? Whats that??? I do all my banking online, I get my pay direct deposit, pay my bills online and if I need cash I use ATM'S or credit cards.
Seems like somebody is describing my life. They introduced a new audit software that requires saving everytime as suppose to the old one which was real time saver. And for the love of god I keep forgeting to save almost everytime I get out of the database in the last week, losing at times a whole days work. Oh computers!!!!
This guy needs some serious help. This is the kind of cancer that is destroying Islam from within. With people like this do we need enemies???
Relax Mr. Khayr. I am not a big fun of Ngonge and his bravado but the man had a point about respect others freedom of speech especially for those of us living in the west since we too benefit from such freedom.
This thread actually proves Ngonge right in the other thread. Proves his arguments for those of us who live in the west.
Qoute "If any country decided to enact rules and the population[or their represantives] decided that is the kind of law they wish to be governed by;marka whts the issue?" ------------------------------------- Except for Muslims though, any other Laws is accepted as legit by these people. The problem with these fellows is not sharia the problem is Islam and Islamic Sharia is a there tool of choice to beat down Islam, hell I have a problem with USA corporal punishment especially its application, but I will not question the whole system just becoz of these aspect. The main argument always put forth by opponent of sharia is choice. Afganistan women have proved this zealots wrong, years after Taliban fell most westerners are still shocked to see women in kabul dorn the Burka (tent according to some here). Its amazing to me that some Muslims will go as far as supporting (rightlyfully or not) the right of Homesexuals and at the same time question the right of Muslims (even those in west who are far from social pressures or influences) to practice there faith how they deem it right.
Its a "tent" when they put on there jilbaab. Its a "Rug" when they wear Hijab. . . . . and finally they will call you a terrorist for being a muslim. You see where this is leading too.
Thats just amazing what she did....may Allah reward her for this. Don't forget your help is needed to sustain the hospital, the best way to aprreciate her works is to contribute, she has done her share. Its your turn now. What are u waiting for????
Qoute "horta inkastoon aan jecleen inaan u dambeeyo nin cadaan eh inleen wax'ba kama faa'idaayiyee hadaan guursan lahaayna (ka alla magan!) waxaan ku dooran lahaay inuu ciyaal qurux badan iga dhalo.....wax kale iskuma hayno ani iyo cadaan" -------------------------------- So does this mean you being a product of somalis/black parentage that you are not Qurux??? And if you marry a non-white your kids will not be Qurux??? Wow...talk about inferiority complex and self hate. Sis/bro aint nothing wrong with being black. Walahi I used to think Somali are the proudest of people but what I see in the diaspora is sad.