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Everything posted by Ducaysane

  1. Maxamuud Cali shire nin ka danbeeya horta gobolkaas ma soo baxay wali?
  2. Aaliyah416, I know age is only a number but you often mention your number without being asked. I wonder if that is gana be the case after five years. :cool: :cool:
  3. Man!!!!Who has the time to read all this.
  4. Horta Aaliyah416 intee jirtaa? anigu waa yaabaye. Soo maalin dhaweyd maadan lahayn 18 baan jirtaa. yaa waxaan aad ka sheekaynayso ku baray.
  5. oops....someone erase this please
  6. If that is you... good news ... aabahaa xagee joogaa aan kaa soo doonee.
  7. I am wondering why some conservatives are rooting for Obama to win the nomination. Is it the hatred they have for Clintons or they think Obama is easier to defeat in the general election? It is for sure that Republicans will play race, inexperienced and Muslim cards in the general election to defeat him. Think about it, all the states he won now will not vote for him in general election. Will Utah ever vote for Democratic candidate?
  8. Who is that girl hugging the tree? would have been better if she would have hugged something that can hug her back.
  9. Umu Zakaria posted: This is one of the many reasons i dont tell the truth on the net. So all those things you said about yourself are not true. I know that you were lying, When you said you wana have 20 kids.
  10. I have a friend of mine who just come back from Somalia. He visited both Puntland and Somaliland, he told me that Puntland is more populated then Somaliland. for those of you who have visited those Lands, Is his conclusion accurate?
  11. I think People would keep to themselves if they have a business idea. Plus those guys in hargaysa are itching for a fight with everybody. If they don't play their cards wisely Hargaysa will be just like Laascaano, so my advice to you dont go.
  12. MS DD ma runtaad ku qososhay....
  13. I have been asked if I am related to Obama because "you guys look a like" :cool: :cool:
  14. Nepth: you also need to say Alxamdu Lilaahi after you done business. (if one has any energy left)
  15. Brother Obama did Ok last night but he did not win bigger states that matters most..Like California, NY, New Jersey, Missouri. and Boston. If he could not win liberal northeastern states, he probably wouldn't get the nomination. The biggest looser last night was Ted Kennedy and John Kerry their endorsement could not deliver Boston.
  16. ME: I have to make myself clear dee. Just incase all these girls think guys love woman with long hair. It is really good experience if you wana try it. Have your girl shave her head bold and then feel it... satisfaction garuanteeed...
  17. I think He was looking for an excuse to leave her. laakiin ninku dooq xumaa. muxuu timo dheer ku falayaa. hadii aysan gabadhu xiirnayn iga dhimatey. abuu micheal Jordan sexy.....
  18. KK Posted: Ilaahaa idunku dhaarshee nimaan penis and balls kala aqoon wuxuu yiri yaa dhageysan karo? Adiga yaa ku kala baray...OOps noolaatey hadaad kala taqaanid
  19. how about this: dhalinyarda aan gadaal ka bartey adigaa ugu fiican.
  20. ****** is a derogatory ward people use when they want dis Siyaad' tribe. baashe knowingly used it and the Admins are cool with it. why it is OK for him to insult people. Ninku meesha ma asagaa leh. [ February 02, 2008, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. Baashe/xiin. nimankaan reer Gedo markii ay xamar dawlada ka ahaayeen Kismaayo idun kuma haysane. maxaad hada adinku ka rabtaan. adinkaaga ceelkii weynaa joogee Walee in aadnan qofna wax u ogoleyn Baashe do you mean Sugulle wiil uu owoow u yahay baad isku class ahaydeen. plus sugule wuxuu dhalay waxaa ugu yar 60 yrs old qof jira
  22. Adeer, Erigava, Hargaysa, etc belongs to somalis who live from raas casayr to raas kaambooni. It is time for Somalis to undersatnd that qabiil is qurun. no wonder in aabo Siyaad Barre uu aasay.
  23. Galbeyte: Who is gana take you serious when you openly stated that you have close relationship with Qaybdiid and Caato. It was the other thread that you have mentioned that. adeer, your friends have too long held hostage for somalia to get govrenment. either wax xukun ninyohow ama ha lagu xukumo.
  24. As much as we like sheikh Shariif, we had to admit that he is not ready the top post in Somalia yet. I think He needs to mature little bit. I was listening interview he gave BBCSomali the other day, He was not making that much sense. He can talk but no substance. ....OK , Ethiopians will leave but what are his groups plan. Ilaahay ha laga baqo kaliya credential dal lagu xukumo ma ahan