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Everything posted by Ducaysane

  1. Ninka maxaa hadalka loogu celinayaa. keep going A&T. tell us what she said.
  2. Norf, seriously, why do you think people are interesting your input about Djibouti conference. time and a time again you have been posting all the bad news for this conference. let people mend their fences and reach agreement. stop the hatred bro.
  3. Qof Reer Kismaayood ah oo 'Mooji" leh adigaa lagaa arkey.
  4. Xiin posted: guurteen Do you mean ka guureen. why are you including me?
  5. Xiinow Gedo waa laga guurey. xagaa iyo Kismaayaa la aadey. ayagu qaybta wax ma ku lee yihiin.
  6. dream on dream on bro. I dont think that Maryooley is any where near to represent Minnisotans in the US Senate. Somalis over estimate their presence in Minnisota. This state is 97% Caucasian so the two senotes will most likely be white. Somalis can influence local elections like they did couple years ago with Keith Ellison.
  7. Adeer baashe, Gabdhaha Ohio sidaas raqiis uma aha. gabdhuhu waa gabdhii dawlada ahaa.
  8. Nepth posted: Oh lucky him, he touched Obama ! If it was me I'd melt like a butter in a pan. Ma jirkaagoo dhan, mase meel qaas ah
  9. LOL@ laf canbe.. that is funny. aniga waxaa maqley qare(xabxab) ayay u galisay
  10. Xiin Ok gartu ilaahay bay taqaanaa. Ninkii asagoon virgin ahayn gabdh virgina doonay waa gardaran yahay. taas waa la gartey. Laakiin what about the other thread ( the one that A & T posted) about ninka gaaban iyo gabdha dheer. ayga bal u garnaq
  11. Maqiiqane (aka A& T) gabdhaha hoostooda ka bax
  12. Doqon bay ahayd, maxay u oran weydey dhaqtarkaa isoo furaya.
  13. speaking of Ugali, Cunto ka xun oo la cuno horta ma jirtaa? May iska bisleeyaan bahasha
  14. Nepth, Ma creamka lagu qooqaad indha marsataa.
  15. I hear the place is already full. I am gana leave work now, hopefully I will find good spot. Make sure you guys have your comers with you, you never know you may be lucky and have your picture taken with him.
  16. Lool@Xiin. Walee Nepth baa u baahan xirsi. waa burqan hadii ay hadasho. in aan laga hadlin baa u roon.
  17. Cali Mahdi iyo Ahmed Cumar Jees should top the list.
  18. Nepth: Habaarane, walahi ma fayoobid! Ina abti ha i habaarin. Malika, sorry if my stupidd joke offended you. Note to ducaysane. you are not funny, work on your humor
  19. Malika posted: is that why my daughter and I were stalked around Toront Oo ma gabar baad lee dahay. oo waliba sidaas u weynoo hadli karta.
  20. I heard kenyan women int istaagaan oo Jinyeerka furtaan bay kaadshaan, xoogeeda dhulkey qadataa baa la yidhi.
  21. Warsame Indhole was never be a minister of any goverment ( he was the head of Somali Labor Union). I met him in Minneapolis couple years back, he is one of the smartest poeple I have ever met. If you enjoy poetry and Taarikh, he is your guy. back to the topic, I dont know much about Dalays' songs but I like this one: maan gaabka taladiisu waa maqane joogee waanada ma qaatoo wuu mala maleeyaa haday bixidu maqantah midigtuba miciin ma leh waa labo mataanoo hawsha maamulaayee. Muriqiina maaloo, dhulka miro ku beeroo macdanta, dahabka muujiya wanaagaa
  22. Just wondering if the women in the clip ever hear of Jenny Craig.
  23. MS DD Posted: Getting together with a short man is a no no. Man and a waman are horizontally same height. I actuaaly know this girl who loves short guys. she said Xabadkey gaaga dhagi.