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Everything posted by Ducaysane

  1. Ibtisaam will see her rating go down and she has to blame herself. inantan yari seems to have an opinion every topic that comes along even Somali history even thou she barely writes Somali plus she said no to Ngong's brother.
  2. Qod baad tahay meel qabow ka baxoo Qajeel ubaxii dhammaan qariyo Qacdii aan ku arkaan is qoonsadayo Bal qabsoo waaban kuu qandhaysnahay Cajiib, we need this kind of stuff more often. keep it coming
  3. What does the POPE know about sex anyways? His opinion does not count in this department
  4. Lo'da ayaa waxaa loogu heesaa: maquuno iyo bixis maalis iyo hilib waan is mudanoo walee magadoow meela kuma samid It is beyond me why would any responsible country would entertain the idea of partitioning Somalia or any country in African for that matter. Africa has alredy Its own problems, creating another tiny country in the middle of it would be wrong. It would have been nice if Somaliland leaders focus their energy to stabilize the south. or better yet, Somaliland and Puntland should work on uniting their administrations. That will help the South in a big way.
  5. The Siren don't worry about Sheh, she is rarely comes in here. keep posting all you want. your threads are the bomb.
  6. ^miyaad timo adag tahay. maad iska xiirtid.
  7. If a man is in love with you, He will careless about your virginity. pluss, If you are looking for an expreirenced man chances are you also have an expereince.
  8. Che, I agree naag xun bay ahayd. al shabaab wax tusay u baahnayd.
  9. On my way to work today, I was listening a radio station. The reporter was interviewing this lady (I don't remember her name), She wrote a book about dating. She admitted that she had dated different men in all races. She graded them how one was good in bed. Black guys got an "A" Arab guys got "B" White guys got "C" and Asian guys (Chinese, Korean etc) got an "F" markii aad qososho iyaga iyo waxoodu waa isla baxayaan ku teh. I don't know if this will change PUCCA's mind but it something that she needs to know.
  10. This is a cheesy topic and it sure belongs to women's section. your previous threads were way more interesting then this.
  11. Is foolxumo male or female horta? Che V aan kugu salaamay noooh.
  12. I know this dude, his first name is SamatarNuurFaarax. It is common in Ocadenia. right A&T?
  13. If a man is really want to have a jiggy with a girl and she says NO he can cry but why cry when you get what you wanted. miyuu ku yaraaday. muu six times sameeyo.
  14. Aaliyah yareey kuma salaamin
  15. There is a thread in the women's section about crying during the sex. I wana have my two centz laakiin Sheherazede baan ka baqayaa...
  16. As long as Ethiopian government does not recognize northern Somalia as a state, they can do business all they want. as matter of fact I would encourage free trade between Somalia and Ethiopia. Somalis are business minded and having Ethiopians with a free trade agreement means we will have more customers to sell our product.
  17. Ilko Jiir is a fine decent man who served his country well in the army and I am sure will do it again if need be. To accuse him a pirate leader is false. It would have been nice if he had won Puntland presidency but he is now interior minister were he can improve many lives for the better. I wish him well
  18. Nothing wrong with that. guys do it.
  19. Foolxumo, now I know where to find Bdays. but It is hard to tell who is who in Face Book. for the time being Safiya Gelle and Idil Osman please step forward. KK, I am in January 1 group. actually this nice lady who I worked with brough a cake for me on January 2nd. I forgot It was my Brithday so I asked whose Brith day is it? way i gaaday.