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Everything posted by Ducaysane

  1. Abwaan, I like how you write somali. you are good at it. If it was not aabo Siyaad Talyaani baad wax ku qori lahayd. markaad lee dahay dhibaatada maanta somaliya haysta waxaa ka danbeeyey ina siyaad. yaad u ceeb qarinaysaa? runta lee sheeg saaxiib.
  2. I bet Abwaan believes Caydiid did good for Somalis then ina siyaad.
  3. Nepotism, a low ranking officer from Gedo was more poweful than an educated minister. Can you name one officer from Gedo that was more powerful then let say..Abdiqasim or Matukade (cheif of the police, who persuaded sayid barre to kill the 10 ulumas)
  4. Xiin posted: With all the versions I read about the death of this man, Puntlandpost’s analysis makes most sense. why do I have a feeling you already made up your mind before you even read Ppost's version whether this man is guilty or not.
  5. So if they suspact a woman isn't wearing a bra, how would they check? na tus miyey oranayaan. CHE shaqaa u banaan.
  6. Serenity, I am good ina abti. I wana change my sol cherecter that is why i didn't write much. Sheekh ducaysane in aad maqli doontaan baan u malayn mar dhow.
  7. Waayahaan MS DD yaa arkay.
  8. speaking of graduation from Uni. Is it true that some somalis in UK have a degree of Victoria and david Beckham studies major?
  9. Sheekh shafiif baanba soo xasuustay markaan arkay sawirkiisa.
  10. wax lee qarxisaa faarax loool
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: *Duceysane cap on* ma guur satey *off* Welcome back Waryaa hee is ilaali, gabdhuhu waa xanaaq dhow yihiin baryahaane. Modesty, welcome back
  12. nin daad qaaday, waa u dhamaatay lobo qaawan waa raaxeesteen
  13. bola sana means iga raali ahow.
  14. someone must edited what duceysane said apart from my hadal badni. Juxo, no body has edited anything, what you see up there is all I said. Yarta Ibti ah iyadaa qalad u fahantay af soomaligaan filayaa. Where did I ever mension your family? I think in aad meel cidla ah ka xanaaqday. bola sana
  15. Gabadhii hooyadeed haruurka tunto, iyaduna haadis kay barataa.
  16. waryaa Jamaal gabdha ha igu dirin. Val wali hees caashaqa ma laguu qaaday
  17. Originally posted by Valenteenah.: ^ War heedhe niyada hagaaji. I predict that things will remain the same on SOL. In Current Events, I predict a few shocks- some natural, some man-made. waa gartaa oo waa markaad ka guursatay. Things will remain the same ku teh... xaasidad
  18. Val why dont you prove that maahmaah wrong. maad balaayo inta iska dhigtid timaha ka uunsatid. ( mase waad xiiran tahay )
  19. Ibti posted: ^^^Why do you keep picking on her and maxa ku geey how her and her husband live Bila eedeb because she can take a joke unlike you.
  20. meel aadan ka uunsan jirin hadaad ka uunsato. meel aadan ka guban jirin baad ka gubataa.
  21. Ala juxa hadal badanaa sidee loo qabaa.
  22. Haday foolu timaado guda qarsi dhimay.