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Originally posted by Valenteenah.: ^ No woman is safe from you, as long as ay is haysato, huh? What a nice welcome for the lady. Valenteenah, gabadh Somaliyed oo aan meel kale ku xidhnayn, madax banaan, oo is haysata oo caano geel aad u heshay,oo xigsin (markasta) kasta aad caanaha u durduurato, nin ayaan le ayuun baa hela.
Waayo waayo, if I am right she is here singing with Ahmed Gacayte, Allah yaa rahma for him. She still looks young the recent pictures, I could take her in for the second, she could produce kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Waryaahe oo weli way ruxaysaaye, weli way is haysataa. She is a beautiful artist and timo-udgoon Somali.
********** you are banned from Somalia Online for using extremely vulgar language to personally attack others repeately ************* [ April 06, 2010, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
Originally posted by Cowke: Thankful why u think i was calling them pedofile land sxb i always knew they do that stuff there and now IRIN finally coughed up also!!! This guy needs attention or maybe a confused person for his dark side of life by continually mentioning this name, I can prove that he is a peodophile himself by calling a whole nation such a immoral name. My proof is that " a whore always says whore to you first before you can say whore to her". As one to one arguement is an understandable and can be considered a fair game of a fight between individuals, however it is sad that this guy was badly done by his molesters that he is fingerpointing. but this time his calculations are wrong by generalising all Somalilanders as peodos instead of just mentioning the whiteman whom all accusations stood against. He did not mention that from Qardho, the poor little girl was lured by her fellow country individuals for this good paying job. He did not mention that people who rescued her from the evil people were really good Somalilanders. After all, I would say to the poor guy here that either he a illigitimate child from birth to utter ostentanously this word in public and all nomads are aware of your character or he had an experience or a good encounter himself and used sit on the laps of his tormentors who as a result ultimately changed his character for ever as normal man. Finally, I hope get treated from your illness soon, you need help so fast to normalise your behavior and character. At the moment you're in no man's land, a typical half and half or in-between character that sometimes seen on TV in foreign countries.
Originally posted by The Zack: ^The "National Movement" part is not what I am interested in, tell me if it was Somali or Somaliland? It was Somali National Movement, Mohamed Farah Aided, Allah may take him to Jannah and bless his soul, and his family group, namely H*w*ye, were part of the movement until later seceded from SNM to create USC as their own movement in 1988.
Originally posted by The Zack: ^The "National Movement" part is not what I am interested in, tell me if it was Somali or Somaliland? It was Somali National Movement, Mohamed Farah Aided, Allah may take him to Jannah and bless his soul, and his family group, namely H*w*ye, were part of the movement until later seceded from SNM to create USC as their own movement in 1988.
Jacaylbaro and Xajixunjuf, you guys deserved to be praised as Somaliland and SNM guardian warrior. In general, as life always short and unpredictable as to when one leaves this world without achieving all the things they wanted, then life is all about what you have achieved and left behind for the coming generations behind you in the short time one has got whether its for your own family or country, and that is what SNM warrior did for , Allah may bless their souls and take them to jannah. As Somalilanders, what we have to be proud of what they achieved and left for us by paying the precious lives for us and then keep on reminding each other of not getting distracted by the hype and seductions of the others who initially caused our problems without ever caring about the consequences it might had for them. So, I personally urge that we have to keep on pushing forward with Somaliland's struggle and its goals of self determination, it is getting nearer by the day and we can see the rising up light on the horizen, it will definitely give birth to what we are looking for after all one day. And even though as such we do not hate our brothers/sisters from the south, a Somali saying goes that " even though camel herders look after their camels together, again each looks after theirs saparately", we have to respect each other and live side by side brotherly. Viva Somaliland and Somalia.
Jacaylbaro and Xajixunjuf, you guys deserved to be praised as Somaliland and SNM guardian warrior. In general, as life always short and unpredictable as to when one leaves this world without achieving all the things they wanted, then life is all about what you have achieved and left behind for the coming generations behind you in the short time one has got whether its for your own family or country, and that is what SNM warrior did for , Allah may bless their souls and take them to jannah. As Somalilanders, what we have to be proud of what they achieved and left for us by paying the precious lives for us and then keep on reminding each other of not getting distracted by the hype and seductions of the others who initially caused our problems without ever caring about the consequences it might had for them. So, I personally urge that we have to keep on pushing forward with Somaliland's struggle and its goals of self determination, it is getting nearer by the day and we can see the rising up light on the horizen, it will definitely give birth to what we are looking for after all one day. And even though as such we do not hate our brothers/sisters from the south, a Somali saying goes that " even though camel herders look after their camels together, again each looks after theirs saparately", we have to respect each other and live side by side brotherly. Viva Somaliland and Somalia.
Viva SNM, our warriors, Allah may bless you all and your souls. Ameen. -Rabbi derejadiisiyo deeqdiisa culus iyo diintaa ku dhaartay -Culimada ducaysee lagu hubo daliilkee digridaan ku dhaatay -Xilka dawlad nimdaiyo dalka iyo shinkiisiyo dadleh baan ku dhaatay -Doodigii mandheeree laga qaxay dayaankiyo darban baan ku dhaartay -Dhubad iyo galdogob iyo Digtii awrayaaliyo dudan baan ku dhaatay - Birjeex doodankiisii laga diday kulkeedii dedsan baan ku dhaatay -Lixle damacyadiisii, dirc ina Saleebaan duxan baan ku dhaatay -Ifkuu Xaamud daariyo, Khaliif doorrankii sii dugan baan ku dhaatay -Islaw dalabdhigiisii, Dalab Adan-shiiniyo dadban baan ku dhaatay -Karuur duur xulkiisii iyo damalkii Koosaar dudan baan ku dhaatay -Dildilaanka dhiigiyo inta nacabku dooxee dahan baan ku dhaatay -Inta daaha dhagartiyo ku xidhxidhan daluuntee dabran baan ku dhaatay -Dalandoolka caydhiyo, dingaraarka mudankiyo dibjirkaan ku dhaatay -Inta cadowgu dayrshee debedaha u hoyatee dulman baan ku dhaatay -Aqalada daloolee duulaabo hurudee dunsan baan ku dhaatay -Garashada dareenkiyo inta laga dabqaatee i dirtaan ku dhaatay - Dacar iyo ladh jiifiyo inta doogta kicisee damaqdaan ku dhaatay -Inta dhiig is mariseeyo naxariista dunidiyo dumarkaan ku dhaatay -Dab hadaad hunqaacdiyo hadaad daacdo dhabatoba -Hadaad adigu doontiyo hadaad adigu diidaba -Hadaad ii daraatiyo hadaad ii ducaysaba -Hadaad maato dabatiyo hadaad doobta lalisoba -Hadaad dooli noqotiyo hadaad daasas fagataba -Hadaad geelal didisiyo hadaad daylo shabisoba -Hadaad faan dudubisiyo hadaad been daldalataba -Hadaad kaare ducatiyo hadaad geeri dihataba -Hadaad doodi orodiyo hadaad doodan socotoba -Hadaad soo durdurisiyo hadaad xeel la durugtaba -Hadaad waali duushiyo hadaad xeel kudirirtaba -Hadaad daad faruurtiyo hadaad soo da' fanataba -Hadaad duusho kicisiyo hadaaddawri carisaba -Hadaad dawga xidhatiyo hadaad dayr is marisoba -Hadaad buur la deristiyo hadaad dooxyo qodotoba -Hadaad doobir shidatiyo hadaad diino taxataba -Hadii dhiigu daatiyo haday xaydhi dixataba -Haday guushu dagatiyo haday daahyo rogataba -Hadday qaanso debecdiyo hadday shiishli degentaba Hadday daydo curatiyo hadday deero tebisaba -Adoo dool dhaqaaqiyo adoo daata mooyee -damac waa halkiisii dabna waa dabkiisii -Dusdus kay ku dheregtee hadaan daalku dheeraan oo gabal baas u dumin nabad...... By Mohamed Ibrahim (Hadraawi), may Alla bless him too!
Viva SNM, our warriors, Allah may bless you all and your souls. Ameen. -Rabbi derejadiisiyo deeqdiisa culus iyo diintaa ku dhaartay -Culimada ducaysee lagu hubo daliilkee digridaan ku dhaatay -Xilka dawlad nimdaiyo dalka iyo shinkiisiyo dadleh baan ku dhaatay -Doodigii mandheeree laga qaxay dayaankiyo darban baan ku dhaartay -Dhubad iyo galdogob iyo Digtii awrayaaliyo dudan baan ku dhaatay - Birjeex doodankiisii laga diday kulkeedii dedsan baan ku dhaatay -Lixle damacyadiisii, dirc ina Saleebaan duxan baan ku dhaatay -Ifkuu Xaamud daariyo, Khaliif doorrankii sii dugan baan ku dhaatay -Islaw dalabdhigiisii, Dalab Adan-shiiniyo dadban baan ku dhaatay -Karuur duur xulkiisii iyo damalkii Koosaar dudan baan ku dhaatay -Dildilaanka dhiigiyo inta nacabku dooxee dahan baan ku dhaatay -Inta daaha dhagartiyo ku xidhxidhan daluuntee dabran baan ku dhaatay -Dalandoolka caydhiyo, dingaraarka mudankiyo dibjirkaan ku dhaatay -Inta cadowgu dayrshee debedaha u hoyatee dulman baan ku dhaatay -Aqalada daloolee duulaabo hurudee dunsan baan ku dhaatay -Garashada dareenkiyo inta laga dabqaatee i dirtaan ku dhaatay - Dacar iyo ladh jiifiyo inta doogta kicisee damaqdaan ku dhaatay -Inta dhiig is mariseeyo naxariista dunidiyo dumarkaan ku dhaatay -Dab hadaad hunqaacdiyo hadaad daacdo dhabatoba -Hadaad adigu doontiyo hadaad adigu diidaba -Hadaad ii daraatiyo hadaad ii ducaysaba -Hadaad maato dabatiyo hadaad doobta lalisoba -Hadaad dooli noqotiyo hadaad daasas fagataba -Hadaad geelal didisiyo hadaad daylo shabisoba -Hadaad faan dudubisiyo hadaad been daldalataba -Hadaad kaare ducatiyo hadaad geeri dihataba -Hadaad doodi orodiyo hadaad doodan socotoba -Hadaad soo durdurisiyo hadaad xeel la durugtaba -Hadaad waali duushiyo hadaad xeel kudirirtaba -Hadaad daad faruurtiyo hadaad soo da' fanataba -Hadaad duusho kicisiyo hadaaddawri carisaba -Hadaad dawga xidhatiyo hadaad dayr is marisoba -Hadaad buur la deristiyo hadaad dooxyo qodotoba -Hadaad doobir shidatiyo hadaad diino taxataba -Hadii dhiigu daatiyo haday xaydhi dixataba -Haday guushu dagatiyo haday daahyo rogataba -Hadday qaanso debecdiyo hadday shiishli degentaba Hadday daydo curatiyo hadday deero tebisaba -Adoo dool dhaqaaqiyo adoo daata mooyee -damac waa halkiisii dabna waa dabkiisii -Dusdus kay ku dheregtee hadaan daalku dheeraan oo gabal baas u dumin nabad...... By Mohamed Ibrahim (Hadraawi), may Alla bless him too!
Yes, Somaliland can definitely cure the illness and the devastation afflicted our brothers in the south, but the truth is though, they do not need it as they cannot figure out who is who and then will go to the discussion and representing who! Naturally, if a person is ill they usually have to go to the hospital in search of treatment and help as well, but imagine if the person does not want to get treated for some reason, it is buffling isn't it, and this is what is happening in Somalia now. They do not trust to represent each other...... a disease with no cure!
Originally posted by Qudhac: mr zomalia funny how you prone to mouth direa these days, i like the picture you showed which i hung up like a trophy, as they say spoils go to the victors and this is indeed the trophy in the cabinet of yester years karbaash that was dished... but as they say theres two sides to each story which leaves the "others".... the defeated lot, those whom history did not smile on favourably.. they say "alamtra la soo dhaaf" that was yesterday today is another story. today you fighting for survival, today you fighting to exist, today the story is at the outskirts of Garowe.tomorow is another day.... i dont bother myself with hot air bravado chest beating nonesense, all i am intrested is that juggernaught rolls eastwards. Well done Qudhac, I can appreciate your lazer-guided missiles you are firing on the boys here. The other good news for them is that Somaliland's military juggernaughts have been upgraded and so the new deliveries have just arrived at Berbera port, and will soon be on their way to the outskirts of Garowe town for exercise and also manning of the football match between the boys from Garowe and men from Hargeisa.
Originally posted by AwMuuse Ismaciil: Bush uses unnoticing woman's sweater cloth to clean his glasses with it. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, I have never seen this one before, the guy is pathetic in character. He lacks in human moral goodness,which controls normal human's behaviour to immediately react bad and good accordingly. A lot of people characterised him as 10-11 old boy rather than a grown-up man from actions. What God given is the balance of sense of humour that people develop as they grow up and then later give them virtues of inner selves in terms of differentiating bad from good and so on... I wonder though how people of United States let him to become their president and their number one face-value of US to the world. It is really mindboggling for me to figure out.
Originally posted by Queen Arawello: Women 1. The Religious Type - too busy chasing reverts, going to Islamic lectures circuits, has fundamental issues with the religion but too busy pretending to be good. works very hard to learn about Islam. Has abnormally high number of non-Somali friends. usually from Indians sub-continent or Arab female friends. Suppresses all forms of desires. Very judgemental. 2. The Educated Type - too busy celebrating her own greatest but is very insecure deep down. Never shows weakness, willing to try different experiences but is not out of conviction but appeasing 'others' - usually work colleague or school friends. Thinks other Somali men are inferior to her but knows she will end up marrying one of them. lol. 3. Xalimo Type - goes on paltalk, has limited gasps of English, doesn’t work, and claims benefits. Waiting to get married. Enjoys watching weddings videos and comments on the dress sense of other people. Men 1. The relgious Type - has ambitious of dying a martyr, but is so recovered from the battle fields. Indulgences in local mosque talks; though often questioning the validity of the words of the sheikh, compares ideas with friends of similar type. Has visited extremist website at least once. Has taken part in demonstrations against groups seeking to attack Muslims. Rather educated, possibly an engineering/ science graduate. Has a linear way of thinking. Has very high principles. 2. The Educated Type - 'Mr I Am All That' but is living in delusion of nothingness, like his female counterpart, is a practising self-hater. Very Somali in nature, has all the tendencies but is too busy condemning 'his people'. Very removed from Somali society in general. Thinks dating a white chick is the equivalent of moving up the social hierarchy. Very empty inside, very judgemental, very ignorant but usually considered successful by the society in which he lives in. 3. The Faraax Type The most despised of the men. Reminds all people of what they ‘should be’, but didn’t not become. Commands respect in the community due to eloquence of Somali. Has the potential to succeed through his tough attitude but is lazy not by choice but due to lack of opportunites. Regularly chew khat. Good with the ladies. In some cases, still awaiting citizenship. Good study and grouping indeed, this also reflects on Somali standard of civilisation that we Somalis reside in the world ranking as people. By the way, if may add as an advice, you must thinking of writing as a career.