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Everything posted by Safferz

  1. SomaliPhilosopher;990086 wrote: ^^ With a indha shareer, safer than boston I don't want to wear that
  2. SomaliPhilosopher;990083 wrote: ^^ What about xamar.. short and relatively cheap flight from hargeisa. if you do come to Nairobi, you must vacation in Eastleigh, the muddiest place on earth! How safe is Xamar for a woman traveling solo and without family in the city though? Maybe not this time, I'd give my parents a heart attack lol. Although I can see myself going there within the next few years
  3. I've heard these two to describe someone crazy, though I'm sure they're old now -- "dishkii baa dhaqaaqay" (unfocused) and "mobile ayuu wata" (talking to himself)
  4. lol West Africa is interesting but the same issue... why fly 6-7hrs across the continent, when 4hrs would take me to India from Ethiopia? So I'd rather keep it regional and simple this time, a few days and back. Nairobi is starting to sound best, and I do have some friends there.
  5. SomaliPhilosopher;990074 wrote: How about bus? I don't think its terribly far from kilil. and then you fly back to djibouti chill there for a bit then bus to Hargeisa. otherwise nairobi is the more iconic east african city. but very western in nature, which could be a good or bad, depending on what your looking for You're trying to get me killed SP, why on earth would anyone try to cross the Ethiopian/Eritrean border by land I would like to see Asmara someday so I'll have to think about it (and whether I want to deal with the flight situation), but Nairobi is interesting to and an easy flight from ADD.
  6. SomaliPhilosopher;990067 wrote: ^ I'd go for Asmara Add Khartoum to the list of options! Apparently there's no direct route from Addis to Asmara, only options are to connect via Sudan or Djibouti. If it'll take me 7+ hours in flights and connections to get to Asmara, why even bother :mad:
  7. Apophis;990059 wrote: Now we know why. lol. It's now the time of year where I'm not crazy for figuring out my summer plans and booking flights while they're cheap... I'm thinking Addis/Amhara kilil May 3-July 5, Harar/Somali kilil July 5-August 16, then Hargeisa August 16 until I leave from there (23rd?). Want to do a side trip from Addis during the first part, for travel's sake... do you guys think Asmara, Kampala or Nairobi would be more interesting?
  8. Alpha Blondy;990046 wrote: check out the following: One Day Someday The Choice is yours Stop AIDS Do your best (ft. Mos Def) Fight to Win (ft. Jaguar Wright) My favourite is "Teacher Don't Teach Me Nonsense," which I try to listen to before class.
  9. Alpha Blondy;990047 wrote: it's only 8 days until my birthday. i'm going to be 32 y'all. so old, maha? :p:p Stop lying to people, don't make me tell them how old you're actually turning :mad:
  10. I know SP, I'm working on it Check for updates in a bit. Khayr;990043 wrote: Saff, Remind me again why Japan bombed dear Pearrl Harbor? Who was the first to invent the Atomic Bomb and use it? From what I understand, Japan wanted to carry out attacks in southeast Asia that likely would have meant a US response, so they wanted to destroy the US' Pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor to make it easier for themselves. I don't know too much about the history of atomic weapons, but its development was in the US, and many of the minds behind it were scientists who had fled Nazi Germany (Albert Einstein helped warn the US of what Germany was capable of). The project to build a viable atomic weapon was called the Manhattan Project.
  11. December 8 1485 - Portuguese explorer Bartholomew Dias anchors in Walvis Bay (Namibia) 1660 - A real woman appears on stage for the first time to play a female character (Desdemona in Othello) 1813 - Beethoven's Seventh Symphony premieres 1896 - Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia's forces beat Italian soldiers at the battle of Amba Alagi 1936 - the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) files its first lawsuit, to equalize the salaries of black and white teachers (Gibbs v. Board of Education) 1941 - Franklin D. Roosevelt and the US Congress declare war on Japan, entering WWII 1941 - Japan attacks Malaya, Thailand, Hong Kong, the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies in a concurrent attack with Pearl Harbor in the Eastern Hemisphere 1980 - John Lennon is shot and killed 1987 - Israeli tank kills four and injures seven people at the Erez Crossing, sparking the first Palestinian Intifada 1993 - Bill Clinton signs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law 1993 - Winnie Mandela is elected president of the ANC women's league
  12. Haatu;990026 wrote: Safferz are you able to request articles from journals at your uni? There's one or two I would like to read but they need subscriptions. Just let me know the article titles and journal they're published in, I'll get them for you Alpha that's not how it works... universities spend thousands, millions to have electronic subscriptions and access to various journals and electronic journal databases like JSTOR. I can access just about everything via my university library for that reason. It's one of the things I don't like about academia actually, knowledge should be open access.
  13. Just finished watching About a Boy, giving it a 7/10 mostly because of this final scene and Hugh Grant's good looks. But otherwise dull, irrelevant and uninteresting, not unlike Britain
  14. thefuturenow;989975 wrote: Saff, your procrastination is getting extreme. Seek help. Not true! I've had an extremely productive week, and I'm just as productive so far this weekend
  15. Alpha Blondy;989961 wrote: calling your country Somaliland is just pathetic – it combines the two pronged legacies of colonialism and the failed reunification with Somalia and the subsequent events proceeding. anything with 'somali' evokes negativity and wreck any potential progress and development. lakinse, the suffix land adds a little sophistication, maha? :p;) Somalia is the greatest country name ever, named after the greatest people on earth, ee siida ula soco :mad: I like the Somali in Somaliland but I agree the fact it's a colonially derived name is a problem.
  16. Haatu;989960 wrote: ^^ U and your Hand aa? Agah Title aside it's a good song and video, reminds me of my teenage years when I was embarrassingly emo and had brightly coloured pixie cuts (though I've never tried red hair)
  17. Haatu inadeer, the SOL record shows that I had nothing to do with these comments, clearly Alpha is having a lonely night in Hargeisa and trying to ruin my innocence with his crude sense of humour :mad: Anyway, this song is for you Al:
  18. Alpha Blondy;989955 wrote: calashan carrots iyo cucumbers oo kale, miyaa? you have a knack for making unintentional puns. saas miyaa? Stop taking advantage of my naïveté But well done Alpha, I walked right into that one lol
  19. loool this lady cries when she has to eat a vegetable:
  20. Maqane;989948 wrote: ^ Saff, Al is Ciyaal suuq fooqal Ciyaal suuq so be careful! He's actually a lot more polite and well mannered than I am lol
  21. Alpha Blondy;989940 wrote: oh yeah? you can be sucker for a lot more , you know.
  22. Alpha Blondy;989936 wrote: i'm also on third base, of jacyl, that is, with Saffz. she's obviously playing hard to get but she'll eventually succumb to my charms. :p;) The *only* think you have going for you is a British accent, I'm a sucker for those
  23. Cadale;989933 wrote: Gartey..... bal ii wad sheekada. im hearing labadiinu waxad mareysan the last stage good luck Inaar's He wishes
  24. Also on December 7th... 43 BC: Cicero is assassinated 1896: Outlaw Jesse James commits his first bank robbery 1917: United States declares war on Austria-Hungary during WWI 1975: Indonesia invades East Timor
  25. Cadale;989929 wrote: oo waayow maxaa dhacey? ma kii oromada? Looool I told him about a guy who proposed to me once and now he's all butthurt.