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Everything posted by Shirwac

  1. Shirwac


    One prayes five times a day, fasts, pays zakat, and if able goes to haj once in a life, but doesn't adhere to the news sects -Salafi, wahabi, jihadi etc. Listens to music, goes to somali parties, reads non-religious books will he/she be considered a good muslim?
  2. There is only one bacaadween people...and it always(since my birth) had more than "one brick house"!!!!
  3. Shirwac


    Panthers won your thing Muhsin.
  4. MAN Awoowgiis has some beautiful, smile on.
  5. Wiilo Aan wax yar ku foorjeeyo. Sida aad wax u qortay, oo laga yaabo in aadan dib ugu laaban waxaa qortay, ma sax sanna. Erayo ahaa in ay kala baxaan ayaad isku xir xirtay sida "kawelwelsan" labo eray oo isku macno ahna waad isla isticmaashay sida " luqadda Afka Soomaaliga". Intan waa iga foorjo.
  6. Waad slaamantihiin...ninba fikradiisa ka hadal tayduna waa tan 1) Gabar/garoob nasab ah 2) Gabar/garoob karti leh 3) Gabar/garoob af yar 4) Gabar/garoob qaraabadeeda jecel/xiriirisa 5) Gabar/garoob reer dhaqan karta
  7. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: Hey guys i recently came across a Somali woman dressed in typical jeans and what have you ,no hijab and I just passed her without giving her a glance.Then a few metres later up came this beautiful woman dressed in "shuka" wearing her hijaab and i thought to myself WOW what a beautiful woman.I looked back at the last one i passed by just for comparison and even though she had a lot going for her she did not come close just on account of her dress.I was wondering whether others see things this way or whether i am too old fashioned! What a laod of BULL, a woman in jeans passed you by and you didn't check her out? Caraweelo maad is aragteen! Hijaab is cool, but some people over do it.
  8. Shirwac


    Panthers are going win the superball this year! :cool:
  9. I think Macalimuu is basing his opinion/suugestion on should change the tittle to "Macalimuu's 2005 wish list".
  10. Raula That is very sweet of you.....nice!