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Everything posted by Shirwac

  2. Muad Walaalkiis do you google "death stories"? How the hell did you fing this story!
  4. The article sounds like it was written in the 1600s, damn those good white folks still want to civilize us.
  5. I like the fake picture! Whoever made it should've done a better job at matching the super imposed images.
  6. Money shouldn't stop you from earning a degree. Getting an education is more than landing a job. It is a tool that will help you and others around you. Can you became a professional( lawyer, without an educaion? You can get by working at McD's but that is no living.
  7. Originally posted by *Diamante*: hi nuune When i sweep the comp for viruses/spyware etc, it says sometimes that none is found while the comps. performance is getting quite slow. Check your memory.
  8. MSA - Member freshman year. Started having problems with some members got out African Student *** -- Member freshamn and soph years, did nothing but throw african parties, and was introduced to FUFU. East African playas -- Was not a recognized organization, but we run the school's social life. Goal Start a "prety boys" only GREEK club ALPHA WARYA
  9. Walaalayaal Waligaa ma aragtay nin ween oo leenkaan isticmaalaya? Ladies, has this line been used on you and did it work?
  10. Nafta Xero qaxooti maa joogtaa...?
  11. I don't understand how people don't see the racism. Moss "Pretended to moon fans",while MTF GayPacker's FAVRE had a whole 3 minute segment on how to adjust to the cold weather -- jog in the NUDE.
  12. Wait a minute, $36 in china is expensive, do they came with a rice cooker I wonder!
  13. She is a merely a token for a racist government seaking to justify their views/actions against foriegners and muslims. She doesn't understand what she (is) did/doing, in a recent tv interview she asked " why do I hide". DAMN %SS Letting her live in hiding is more painful, to me, then death. AIDS alla kugu rid.
  14. Give me a break, at least there are some women in the cabinet. I noticed there are no midgets(sorry meant little people), or handicapped persons on the new cabinet. Wsp with that?
  15. Ever been called this phrase? Where did it originated from?
  16. XOOGSADE 1. There is no way in Hell that someone can proof aakhiro exists. 2. Don't confuse the Professors's comments and mine. WTF does this "Did you mean to say you lack knowledge rather than conviction, and that is why you aren't able to proof Aakhiro exists?" mean? I typed what I meant, if I can be any clearer please let me know
  17. If offends you......sorry if not
  19. Wasn't Somaliland's president part of Siad's secret service? Why don't the rest Somalis sue every Lander that was part of the former government! PS -- The picture is fake, incase you didn't know!!!
  20. Reincarnation...what you takling about? Nur Let us just wait for the guy!!!
  21. Ilaa uu ka imanayo ninkaan aan waxaan ku weydiiyo Is there a connection between your questions and aaqiro? I could be wrong but I always find it hard to proof what exists in the hereafter -- but that is just me!
  22. Shake hands with the devil: Romeo Dellaire Very good/sad book