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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. Very commendable, MashAllah. I admire this lady, Allah ha gargaaro.
  2. Jazakumallah kheyr br's and sis's, I will be back to add some more if time permits InshaAllah.
  3. Je, wixii balaayo iska dhiga adiga umbuu balaayo kaaga la maqanyahay miyaaney ahayn, ha u bixin. Layzie, I know eh. Jiq ha ku ahaato . Cadaaan (and some other br's), please don't bear any hard feelings for anyone...some girls are just really shy .
  4. Originally posted by Isseh: quote: Haneefah: 7ilwa ya bint, wa nur, wa dhalaal..ana shuftak. Nooc minal hilaac . LoL @ you two. Nephy, and you couldn't spare me a salam? Like someone else said to me...do not inadeer me anymore :mad: Tamina, good to see you back in SOL dear. About FB, hopefully the xiiso of running into old faces will fade away soon. God knows I can't afford to be an addict even if I wanted to. *waves at Khalid*
  5. Faraax, xanaag sheekadu wey dhaaftey, muraaradilaac baan ku idhi. I was getting awfully excited to be your friend, you know . Too late now. Isseh, I am not actually in the group (just took a peek), but I might just join . PS: I am quite new to this facebook thing in general. I've come across some friends and relatives I had not seen in ages which was wonderful, but subxanallah I've also discovered some unfortunate transformations that kept me in sorrow . May Allah guide us.
  6. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Like i have said,I will only accept your freindship if you have a picture,eee ii goy Wadh wadh! Is this your way of fetching for FB friendships? Besides, I 've seen what there is to see eons ago (volunteerily waliba ), marka suuraha yaree.
  7. Nephy...ma anaan garan, alf mabrook ya xurma Che...I don't know how you make your biryani but the best thing to do to avoid dryness is to add yoghurt to your chicken mixture (with veggies, spices, herbs, couple of tbsp's of butter) then let it sit while you prepare the rice. Boil the rice for about 5 min's, drain, then add that on top of your mixture...top it with caramelized onion and raisins with butter (you could do two layers of rice and use some of the onion in the middle and on top if you wish) Low heat is the key. A bit lengthy process it seems, but quite easy really, and makes a very nice dinner.
  8. ^Wadaadka maa la iska daayo, LoL. Nephy iyo Faarax, fulaynimada joojiya oo soo gala golaha...I'll be sure to follow . @ Isseh.
  9. Haneefah


    Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Originally posted by Haneefah: Oo walaaley ciyaar jinnigana maxaa ku barey? If hooyo heard you, dacas baa lugula dhici lahaa baan umalayn The first time I had witnessed this rather strange dance/song was at a cousin's wedding where some women dancing couldn't contain themselves and all of a sudden began acting weird, then literally collapsing on the floor. When I had asked about it, they said the song baa wax ku kicisay, in other words they were being possessed. Wal ciyaadu billah! L0L,Maxaa kubaray ciyar jinni aa? This is not ciyar jinni,this is crazy jinnis ciyar. L0L. I figured,how does a woman,who can barely walk have the ability and agility to move like that in this dance? ar unukaa walax aragnay!! Oh,Btw,How are you? :confused: I'm doing fabulous dear, thanks for asking . Nephy, bas khalas, dacas ladhaca waan la noqdey if hooyo likes it herself.
  10. ^I blame it entirely on SOLers, sidey u xagxaganayeen bey intaa ka soo rebeen miskiinka. Nephy: how far are you sweetie saan si ma'ahee...don't you add lemon and jalapenos too? Che, sorry, can't really think of anything quick that hasn't been covered. If you ever want to make a delicious biryani, I can help
  11. Haneefah


    Oo walaaley ciyaar jinnigana maxaa ku barey? If hooyo heard you, dacas baa lugula dhici lahaa baan umalayn The first time I had witnessed this rather strange dance/song was at a cousin's wedding where some women dancing couldn't contain themselves and all of a sudden began acting weird, then literally collapsing on the floor. When I had asked about it, they said the song baa wax ku kicisay, in other words they were being possessed. Wal ciyaadu billah!
  12. ^is he a long lost friend? Ok gabdhaha la garaybee maxay some of the wiilashu isla qarinayaan, suckers!
  13. Subxanallah, I'm concerned for some of the brothers! Talk about being possessed by shaytaan. Perhaps some of you should look at THIS and reflect. As for the sister, good for her!
  14. Salaam Raula, I wonder what the incidence rates are for cervical cancer among minorities in the States? Here in Canada, the campaigning for HPV vaccination has been massive and huge amount of health care dollars spent on prevention (there are many more areas where that money could've been effectively utilized), even though incidence rates are not staggering and death rate is ralatively small. However, immigrant groups and other minorities are as usual under-represented in screening. Still, poor policy planning on the govt's side. As for general STD acquisition, if you're sexually active (Allah yahdeek), educate yourself and seek protection.
  15. Wish you all a very successful and productive meeting, InshaAllah.
  16. ^Caadi matihid Faheema , That reminded me of MC Hammer's Can't touch this...ala maxaa wiilal badan in my family practice gareen jireen. Boy were those pants and haircut ever popular those days. Originally posted by Isseh: Do you remember this one, Haneefa: (not the Boyz 2 Men version)... Ma dhici karto, LOL, I can't believe you used to listen to them...the cheesiest group ever! Adoo la qaadaya umbaa ii sawarantay one for you MMA, qarxis cadeem....anigaaban is imagine gareyn karin lakiin alxamdulilah that phase was short-lived for me. Maxaa tiri, hadaa rabtaa inaan sidii KK u qoslo, walee I cracked up. Lashi wash kuye Mashi man ma dhihi jirin miyaa
  17. Allah bisinka, I used to be hooked on that song; reminds me of my days in Denmark..funny thing was, I never understood many of the lyrics. ( oh and Boys II Men ) Who remembers one, still makes me go axem...Ilahow noo dambi dhaaf. MMA iyo Isseh, waayo waayo walee.
  18. Cajaa'ib. Libaaxow, Ilaahay sabar baan kaaga baryey, walal. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: lol@xiin beryahan ash maahan. Haneefa caadi ma tihid wallaahi,caadi aa iigu dhammeysay! Bas. Khalaas. . Xaashaa, yaa kuu dhameyn kara akhi. Bas lakiin, calanka ceynkaa ah umbaa adiga kugu quruxsan .
  19. ^LoL @ you. It's quite lamentable, really, and defintely more of an adult thing than youth. Odayaasha imaanka la' ee waxaas ku kaca soo wax kasta kama foolxumo badna.
  20. ^It's pretty bad in Alberta. It's heading our way too, it's - 26 with a wind chill of -45 . Guriga kama bixin maanta.
  21. ^Continuously these days (# of grey hair is on the rise, I tell ya ), however, when I consider where it's stemming from and put it in the context of the whole of life...it becomes quite insignificant. Reflecting upon things brings about much relief, alxamdulilah. A great remedy! If you could do one thing to change the life of another (for better of course), what would it be? (cafwan if it's been asked before)
  22. ^Ma ila aragtey, Xiin laftigiisu baryahan ash ma aha (tolkii baa ka tan badiyey) . It's kaftan hadaba. Kashafa, your're the most articulate exaggerator on this board but just too hilarious. LoL. Yaa jamaaca, this whole is-daba qaadasho business is a bit too absurd for grown-ups walahi. Move on already!
  23. Ghanima, you're a sweetheart, with a wee bit of extra energy (I have to admit, I envy that), so don't be harsh on yourself hon . Like few have mentioned, though this is the cyber world, I feel that people have to still hold themselves accountable for how they engage and interact with others -- try not to cross the boundaries of decency and akhlaaq (this appears to be neglected by some at times which is a bit unfortunate); you're still dealing with real people, just behind a screen!
  24. ^adaan kuu la jeedaa, walaal. You know you're as fine as these gents come, ee maxaaa ku haya? P.S. Hadalka iska daa ee yaaneey gabadhu ku dhaafin.