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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. Lol @ you two. I am craving for some curubo xalaawa right now because of my flu, just few bites would suffice. I used to have the same problem with one of the dudes at Xamarweyne whenever we went there - he wasn't that old, but boy were those stares incredibly irritating, and he would always speak to me in rusted Arabic even though I'd make it perfectly clear to him inaan SOmali ahay...I'd even put on an extreme reer wuqooyi accent to have him back off The non-xamarawi odayaal also use walal ama inadeer iyagoo og iney ku dhali karaan. If it makes them feel younger, let them be!
  2. ^ . Inaba ma xishoonayo, ee bal eeg. Must he torture himself to express his love? Wiilku waxbaa si ka ah lakiin, Allah ha u dambi dhaafo.
  3. Best of luck with it, Insha Allah. I couldn't help but laugh at how some folks are advertising That's the spirit! JB, you missed to tell her about the natural hot springs and the spa resorts
  4. Haneefah

    I Like This

    Ahaa, finally I understand waxey doontu sidday. Acuudubilaah to the concept; Allah maxay dadkeena jaahilnimo ka buuxday. I never heard of the 2nd one. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: ^The state of the current govt and heesta aad la heshay.Misee the singer is called Nuur ? Cabdiyooy, bless you, waad iga qoslisay Waxay tahayba, it appears our dear brother is under the influence of something far bigger than Nur Cadde (whoever this dude is) I was told that one of my older brothers used to sing along with that song as a toddler, I guess it was a favourite of one of my aunts who used to babysit him. And whenever she sang, miyaan xalayto jiifsaday, he would respond, jijitaba miyaan digay, riyaad ikuula joogtee. Jini buu ahaa, and now he's the best xaafidh al-quran in the family, Lol.
  5. Cadaan, tell me about it! Uff. I was planning a skiing trip during the xmas break - things are are not looking good.
  6. This is what you get when you share your ventures with bunch of curious SOlers to begin with Bas khalas, ka hadha gabdhaha.
  7. I was watching it on the news yesterday; sucks to be those losers, eh. How it went undetected for so long is baffling.
  8. Treat yourself to a night out then. I'm sure London has great seafood restaurants. I would if it wasn't -35 outside
  9. Wey dhargeen ma istidhi, Masha Allah. Now I feel like roasted salmon.
  10. Still nothing? Gabdho, let us know how it went, will ya. Lol@North.
  11. Haneefah

    I Like This

    ^Xaraam. This dude needs to be sued for messing up the all time favourite of many. @ Doon baa mareysoo. Memories!! I could never make sense of waxey doontu sido back in the days, I still can't. LOL.
  12. ^Waad ku waalatay SL. Bisinka, dadna naftoodaa ayeey u naxayaan, adna all you can come up with is wave the SL flag mid air. Gabdho, if no one can change your minds, then Insha Allah, we'll pray for your safety. Seriously, I'll be worrying till you guys confirm your safe return Hope you all have a good time, Insha Allah.
  13. I have an oral exam in two hrs and I've pulled an all nighter; I am afraid I'll screw it up. Worse, the panel includes a _____ British faculty member whom I despise like no one else. :mad:
  14. Haneefah

    Eid Mubaarak

    Hope you had a good one, Nur I was happy I made it to the prayer. The rest of the day was consumed by writing an awfully long exam. Oh well.
  15. Gardaro aan gar lahayn, as usual. :rolleyes: Why on Allah's beautiful earth would he want to come near you, much less welcome you? BOB, if you are reading this: Stay. Away.
  16. Wouldn't that be great! Many wonderful contributors of this corner are being missed immensely. Hopefully they're all doing great in the best of health and spiritual state, bi'idnillah. lol@ Abwaan. Xageed jeclaan lahayd in la isugu yimaado? Ilaahay jannadah ha nagu wada kulansiiyo.
  17. Ameen ya rabb. Barakallah feek walalo, may Allah accept all of our prayers and good deeds.
  18. ^wa calaykumu salaam. Ciid wacan oo wanaagsan idinka iyo familadiinaba. Enjoy little bit of Sami...
  19. You've been to miyi? :cool: Looking forward to the stories. Besides if NGonge can get away with writing in Somali, you too shall
  20. ^A wacked one. For the most part, I can read your Somali but only after I butcher the pronounciation does it occur to me waxaad ula jeedo JB, Congrats for the official aqoonsi. So how does the process work, if you don't mind me asking? What is the eligibility criteria?
  21. Allahuma Aameen. Barakallah feek for the reminder. And pls ku dar ducada, inuu Haneefah Allah muraadkeeda u sahlo Is there any particular type of worship recommended for non-hajjis on the day of Carafa, yaa sheikh?
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: In all seriousness, wax isku fal! Gotta love that; wali adoo qof sidaa ugu sanifay ma arag. Laakin seriously, ninkan & his ilk maxaa la isugu daaliyaa oon looga quusan. Why give a toss about his accusations?
  23. Haneefah

    On Marriage

    ^lol @ formula. Wouldn't it be every girl's dream if such thing existed. Though I may not be the best person to have a say in these matters, if after fairly and objectively (difficult) assessing the individual whilst confiding in wise people whose views you trust, these fears still remain, then perhaps they are legitimate and they are there to direct your decision making process. I don't believe these feelings can easily be eradicated; the more cautious and risk-averse a sister generally is, especially with an analytical aptitude, the harder it is for her to supress these alerts and to question the validity of her observations and/or presumptions. But, the key thing is developing a balance and understanding the substantial role of the tawakul element, which correlates with imaan. However valid/conclusive you assume your observation to be, know that Allah's knowledge always supercedes, therefore, put the effort and emphasis on seeking His guidance and wisdom. He's the only one who can relieve you of your anxiety.
  24. Val, we may have been classmates. I remember a cute girl who'd always wear her hair in a ponytail; strangely enough, I don't remember how I wore my own hear Lol@duceysane. Hal baa ii jooga and another is on the way. KK, I have this hunch that you were one sharp bully. Like the girls who scared the heck outa me on my 1st day in a SOmali school; I remember running to mom and dad on that day and screaming "these kids are scary - they say bad words!I don't want to go back there!" and immediately, I was switched to the Carabi school Seriously though, even the so called macalimada baa ciyaalka aflagaadeyneysay with words that I had never been exposed to previously, what a system :rolleyes: